
Airplane Question (Porter)

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I'm trying to find out the estimated hourly operation cost for a Porter with a PT-6

Also consider maintance, Porter parts are sort of expensive when compaired to N. American made planes.
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I think there's a reason that pretty much everyone who ownes a Porter is trying to sell it.

I supose that's also the reason that they're relatively inexpensive to buy....

There are better jump planes.


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There are a lot of Twin Otters on the market right now too so just having planes for sale does'nt mean anything. Aviation is hurting bad right now so a lot of planes are for sale that would'nt have been 5 years ago.

A King Air is cheaper then a Porter... Planes all come down to their engine. A 0 hour engine/plane is worth a lot more then one that only got 100 hours left till forced retirement.
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I'm trying to find out the estimated hourly operation cost for a Porter with a PT-6
(I'm trying to convince my DZO to buy one;)

You might want to convince him into looking at a Cessna Caravan or Grand Caravan instead. In fact, if your DZO isn't sure if he can support a plane like that full time, he can lease one. Joe Weber (DZO of Skydive Oregon) has a great fleet of planes www.jumpair.com.
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I'm trying to find out the estimated hourly operation cost for a Porter with a PT-6
(I'm trying to convince my DZO to buy one;)

There's not a single Porter flying in the U.S.A. that hasn't been bent at some point. Make sure whatever pilot you hire has LOTS of tailwheel time.
Chris Schindler
FB #4125

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In fact, if your DZO isn't sure if he can support a plane like that full time, he can lease one. Joe Weber (DZO of Skydive Oregon) has a great fleet of planes www.jumpair.com.

How much does it cost to lease something like the grand caravan? (ballpark figure?)

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Per hour? Per day? Per month? Per season? Per slot?

Lots of different lease methods... but over $250 per hour for a large turbine and pilot is common.

How much would it cost to lease a Grand Caravan for several months for a dropzone...just the plane, not the pilot...

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You're going to make this as tough as possible aren't you. You probably CAN'T JUST lease a plane. Most jump planes come WITH a pilot....but not always. At the very least whatever pilot you have will have to go get a check ride with the owners. Then there are ferry fees, other fees......most DZ's I know lease the plane on a per slot basis with a minimum load required to fly. It's all negotiable so only the aircraft owner can really answer your questions.

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You're going to make this as tough as possible aren't you.

I'm not trying to! :) This is the result of not even knowing enough to be able to form an educated QUESTION.


Thanks for trying to answer me, though.

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Thanks for trying to answer me, though.

No problem.....there's just so many "If's" in a lease deal that only the lessor and the lessee can work them all out. I'm sure if you contacted one of the aforementioned places you could get a ball park figure on the way that each one does business.

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A dry lease for a newer PC-6 is roughly $10,500.00 per month plus $165.00 per hour. And don't forget fuel, pilot, taxes...well, you get the idea.

The DZO(s) have these airplanes so that the teams who will compete in Europe can train with the same aircraft being used for competition.

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