
What's with Heineken?

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Actually I've never figured out why anybody likes this crap. It always tastes skunky to me

ever trya ice german beer???? most people thing they are way to bitter compared to american beer... i like em.......... as for dutch bers.. well the only other beer that i can recal that is dutch was amstel that i had up in the town on the other side of the oprt of texel island.... no belgium beer that 's not bad either... what was the spelling...grolsch i think... nice beer.......

"i have no reader's digest version"

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The only beer that is allowed at my DZ is LaBatts Blue or Heineken...everything else gets tossed in the dumpster.

Right after everyone drinks it.
I have never seen a "Prissy" Dropzone.
You bring beer - it gets consumed.

That's what you would think, but I have seen cases of Bud Light get thrown in the dumpster...I guess we are just wierd...
New people learn quick as to what is acceptable

She wouldn't lie to you. Bring Labatt Blue. I've heard of Dale throwing a case of Miller lite or something in the bon fire. Look up See Blue.

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damn i guess the keystone and coors that gets brought to my dz by some people would be shunned in a second..oh well...... if it's free i'll drink almost anything....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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I don't know.
Heineken's pretty far down the list around here, but we're blessed with an extraordinary selection of quality beers in Seattle. We can't drink coffee all day, you know.

The mini mart up the street from my house carries several hundred beers from all over the world.
I'd be surprised if anyone out there has the choices at their fingertips that I do.

I'd gladly trade my wide variety of beers for a few more days of sun, though!
If you have time to panic, you have time to do something more productive. -Me*
*Ron has accused me of plagiarizing this quote. He attributes it to Douglas Adams.

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