
Death of marriage in Scandinavia!

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>Hmmm....I thought "breeder" was the derogatory term that some
> homosexuals apply to heteros at large, not just those who
> procreate. Is it reserved exclusively for them?

I have no idea; not up on my gay/straight chic. There are different divorce stats for fertile vs unfertile couples - I thought that's what you were referring to.

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guess those rules only apply to people who do things that YOU like and pray to YOUR god. is that how it works?

BINGO... you got it...dayum yall are perceptive over there. So treating EVERYONE [well at leat the humans anyway ...to stave off the inevitable comments from the morons who will claim the next thing is marrying animals;) Edited to add OMG they did it) with equanimity is seen as the decline of society in the eyes of the the closed minded. For a group of supposed christians in America they certainly forget very very rapidly what Christ ACTUALLY taught and what has been written in their Holy book. Judgement is MINE sayeth the LORD... I think a whole bunch of people forget about that and had best attend to their own lives.

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True, we have no business judging others...

But we can voice an opinion about it.


"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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this is serious ? B|
or just kidding ? :D

i feel completely confused about such statements, f.e.


general trends can be seen

of course, they can be seen! in any area of life, in simply every single, thing on earth! i stop breathing by only reading "gasoline" in such context. makes me feel dismayed a lot.

You know that everything is turning, altering every second in life? this also refers to personal preferences.

you are born in which century?

Holy Moses, help me to understand.. >:(

dudeist skydiver # 3105

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>Eventually, society itself will collapse.

Yep. First men stopped wearing wigs and pantyhose, then they let women vote, then they let black men marry white women. Then there was rock and roll, cats and dogs, living together in sin . . .

The collapse of society due to the latest social evil has been predicted in pretty much every decade since the country was founded. After, say, the first dozen times, it became clear that society changes and adapts to the times. Rock and roll did not destroy our society, nor did interracial marraiges, school integration, or rap. Neither will this.

They can certainly influence for the worse. Rap is an example.

Can anyone disagree that our society has become meaner and more foul and less civil as a result of the infusion of ghetto culture into society at large?



But lynchings and cross-burnings are down.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Eventually, society itself will collapse. This is the inevitable outcome of society's path.

hmmm... isn't that what Marx said?


I wondered whether anybody would make that observation....;)

I think he was right, but for the wrong reasons. That is why I believe that communism as a sociopolitical system is inherently unsound.


"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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Here is someone else's observation of the "macro" view; one I haven't seen expressed before. Interesting reading, and as always, DYOC.



'Queer eye' for straight courtship
Suzanne Fields (archive)

March 11, 2004

The quest for homosexual marriage is a quest for convention and conformity over viva la difference. Homosexuals, as a group, have always been distinguished by their attitudes of superiority over bourgeois culture. Gays applaud outrageous behavior and scorn the straight culture as populated by narrow-minded bigots limited by lack of style and imprisoned by moral platitudes.

In post-modern society, homosexuals laugh at themselves, secure in the cohesion of secret libidinous codes of conduct. Their stars are the creative leaders in theater, art, poetry, high fashion and haute cuisine. Freed of the constraints of marriage, they're free to explore guiltless pleasures of sexual abandonment. Not for them the hypocrisy of adultery, trapped in the pressures of a permanent status quo.

They don't have to make excuses to anybody. Like the cowboy in black, the homosexual is exempt from the law that applies to the straights. If the word "gay" sounds ironic to heterosexuals, gays use it to describe living flamboyantly through the senses. Being "queer" gives them an aesthetic eye.

I generalize, of course. There are many exceptions to prove the rule. But many homosexuals who like the role of the "outsider" are not happy with the noise and implications of the debate over gay marriage.

"It's very hard to speak freely right now," Judith Butler, a professor of "gender theory" at the University of California at Berkeley, tells the New York Times. "But many gay people are uncomfortable with (gay marriage) because they feel their sense of an alternative movement is dying. Sexual alternatives were supposed to be about finding alternatives to marry." She jokes that her lesbian partner of 13 years would divorce her in a minute if she ever tried to marry her.

In the sexual revolution begun in the 1960s, gays were the winners because they didn't feel compelled to apologize to anybody for their promiscuity. It came with the territory. Now these gays worry that they will become the supersized fries of the larger culture, forced to downsize their lives if they don't marry. "It used to be that the whole point of coming out," says Michael Musto, columnist for the Village Voice, "was to stop people asking when are you going to get married and have children."

When gays split up their partnerships, they suffer the emotional pain of all broken relationships, but they don't have to fight it out in the courts and give their life's savings to lawyers and mediators. Some gays worry that the marriage license will deprive them of their avant-garde status. Instead they'll become retrograde, tarnished imitations of the bourgeois coupling they hold in contempt.

The momentum behind the gay marriage movement is financial and puritanical. Gays say they want it want to tap into the fiscal advantages of taxes, insurance and inheritance legacies of married folk. While some of these benefits may be gained by civil unions, marriage is a much more radical route to obtaining them.

Judges and outspoken, politically correct groupthink leaders drive the public debate over gay marriage. Gays skeptical of the "high status" of marriage being thrust upon them are intimidated into silence.

They nevertheless have questions. Will the mother of a homosexual man become the Jewish mother that Jewish comics have railed against: "What do you mean he only wants a civil union? You're not good enough to marry? I suppose he doesn't want kids, either."

Not all heterosexuals have fully considered the impact of the civil rights argument for gay marriage, either. Will heterosexuals choose civil unions, too? It's difficult enough for the confirmed bachelor to commit to a woman already. Might he seek a lesser commitment as something desirable, avoiding the expensive divorce courts where half the marriages end? It's not as if women don't have enough trouble with reluctant swains now.

Gay marriage could surprise us all, of course. In an era when romance and courtship are reduced to matchmaking Web sites, Internet dating, and e-mail impersonality, maybe the "queer eye" can restore style to straight courtship. Somewhere in Hollywood, there's a producer or two already at work on the reality show.


"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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WOW!!! This tread needs a hip wader warning at the beginning for all the bs.. lol

nah I dislike arguments...

but the Gay marrage debate is BS. Now just in case that is read wrong... the debate is bs not the marriage.
I would be willing to place bets that in ten years there will be more sucsessfull gay marriages then strait... just a prediction. I am sick and tired of this being in the headlines all the time... my opinion is it should be legal, and it does not affect anyone else so everyone else should find something more constructive to do...
I could keep typing but nothing new would be said.
So I am just going to stop

The Angel of Duh has spoke

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I would remind people when you watch the anarchy that will take place before your open eyes one day IN YOUR LIFETIME, that you remember that your eyes were once shut.

Preachers have been repeating that mantra for thousands of years. Maybe this time they really are right...

About the issue:
Same sex marriage - Bad
12 hour heterosexual marriage - Good

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Isn't it legal to marry a moose or reindeer in Norway as well?

I think you have to go to Sweeden for that...bwaahaaha:ph34r:

I'm suprised this issue raises such a debate. I've been under the impression that this was more a religious debate supported by loud extreme rightwings.

What happend to equal rights? :S
Can you marry outside the church in the US?
Are Americans so narrow minded that they don't think love and moral can exist outside a christian marriage?

I posted the link to the article because I found it to be a funny angle for anti-gay people to put Norway in. It's a bit shocking that it looks like this point of view has wide support.
I guess Scandinavie is next when you're done with the middle east (that probably won't happen for a while...)...we are after all the root of the decay in the western society.:S

There are only 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

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Don't worry Fudd. We have WMD's.

American GI's will not survive a night with our blonde girls and boys.

Hell, that's the reason there's so few of *us* in the world.

Poor saps won't know what hit 'em B|.

Liberated women. Yay.

Santa Von GrossenArsch
I only come in one flavour

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