
Do we need a men only forum?

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I guess its my age and stubborness that made me write a nice PM to you saying I hope I didnt offend you with what I said.

It was my opinion, thats all, there's no need to go off on a tangent and get all defensive.

EDIT: Now that I think about it, I think you and skybytch took what I sad the completely wrong way. I wasnt putting DOWN the forum at all, hell, I go in there and post sometimes. I just meant that it wouldnt break my heart if there wasnt a womens only forum. I didnt mean to offend you guys at all but clearly I did. I apologize. I probably could have worded what I said better.

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It was my opinion, thats all, there's no need to go off on a tangent and get all defensive.

Ditto. Sweetie, I PMed you. Please don't worry about us taking things the wrong way. It's not such a a big deal. We just have a difference of opinion. It's ok...we are all friends here. No worries. :)

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I got nothing to hide.

I can just see the postings -


Other titles -
"Women and toilet seats"

"There are 8 times as many men skydiving as women. It is much less work for a few to lift the seat now and then. How can I teach them to put the seat down, then up when finished?" :)

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I got nothing to hide.

I can just see the postings -


"Women and toilet seats"

"Belching and lighting farts simultaneously - embarrassing problem"

"Hold the steering wheel, I have to scratch myself in two places at the same time" (blatant Simpson's ripoff)

"My prostate lump is funny shaped - anyone else have this problem?"

and so on and so forth

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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like we need a bunch of bald sweaty guys and no techno records in sight.- Sick of it all

Accelerate hard to get them looking, then slam on the fronts and rollright beside the car, hanging the back wheel at eye level for a few seconds. Guaranteed reaction- Dave Sonsky

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