
Recommended Foreign Films

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Some good suggestions already here.
Let's see...
Anything by Bonuel (Especially L'Age d'oOr, Milky Way or Un Chien Andalou)

Pasolini's Uccellacce i Uccellini- I though it was hillarious

Music For Weddings And Funerals- very uplifting for a film that deals with loss of a loved one

If you know Kusturica- try Underground or Black Cat, White Cat

Hero- a recent Chinese movie with Jet Li, interesting story telling, the photography and choreography are a study in perfectionism

Funny Games by Michael Haneke- is basically a movie about watching movies, with a potential to be grossly misunderstood because of its violence. Don't watch if you tend to empathize with the characters.

La Ville est Tranquille- Robert Guediguian- a mixture of lives in Marseilles, present day. Quite enjoyable.

Doberman- french action flick. A bit like Tarantino on crack.

You probably won't be sorry if you catch anything by Wim Wenders. Or, for a fun time, try watching Wings Of Desire (Der Himmel Über Berlin) and comparing it to the remake, City Of Angels with Nicolas Cage and Meg Ryan. (On second thought, don't. The latter is just not worth it)

Andrei Tarkovsky also made great movies- Stalker is my absolute favorite, although others follow close behind.

Just one more suggestion for the end:
Songs From the Second Floor (Sånger Från Andra Våningen) by Roy Andersson. A dark satire based in some Scandinavian city, where, for some reason, society begins to crumble.

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Kolya -- cutest little boy ever.

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not -- starring Audrey Tatou from Amelie. My boyfriend thought this was a traditional chick flick at first. About halfway through, he sat up, started shouting and proclaimed it to be "F$#@ing brilliant!"

8 Women -- lovely set, costumes, story.

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