
WHOO HOO! (ankle - and FIRST tat!)

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First...the ankle news...

background: broke my ankle (tib/fib) 4 weeks ago today, had surgery on it 2 days later (3.5 weeks ago) to put in a plate and 6 screws.
Update: Asked the doctor yesterday, "So if it doesn't hurt...can I do it? Can I do 'whatever' on my ankle so long as it doesn't hurt?" They said yes...take it easy, but if it isn't hurting then I can do 'whatever'...
so I threw my crutches across the room, took off my cast....and walked outside and got in the car to drive myself for the first time in 4 weeks! WHOO HOO!! FREEDOM...FREEDOM..!!!B| B| B|

Where did I drive? Down to a tattoo parlor and got a tattoo...my very first. I think I'm having a midlife crisis..:D It's actually bigger than I thought I'd get - and I'm not as thrilled with the hand (which is supposed to be made out of a cloud) so I'm going to go back in and have them finish off the wrist (it's supposed to be the hand of God) and put more "poof" around it so it looks more like cloud and less like a hand...but I'm still happy with it. Attached is a picture..(it's on my butt..and covers a GOOD portion of my butt cheek) The tattoo itself is about the size of my hand...

anyways...I'm now able to walk without those stupid crutches and I'm finally able to drive myself. I see the doctor on Tuesday (a week from today) and I'll get Xrays done then...so I can share my wonderful hardware pictures with ya'll then. :S

But for now..FREEDOM!! I can walk...I can drive...FREEDOM!!! B|

that is all...

My Skydiving Page
Fly Safe - Soft Landings

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OH...Ma...Gawd...Elf what next?? A skydiving tatoo?? Oh geez I have to change my association!! :D:P;)

COOL!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so jealous. I'd LOVE to get a tat, but I need to get in better shape, and the man I like to impress doesn't really like them on girls...;)

Wear it proudly! And you'll have to show everybody at the next boogie...there ya go, tattoos, and nudity. Holy crimany what's next? :D:P;)
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Wear it proudly! And you'll have to show everybody at the next boogie...there ya go, tattoos, and nudity. Holy crimany what's next? :D:P;)

We're doing the Rocky Point boogie in just 3 weeks...WHOO HOO HOOOOOOO!! B| If you'll be at that boogie, let me know and we can hook up and have some fun! :ph34r:

I have no pride whatsoever....I'm going to be in rocky point with a healing ankle unable to jump....so I'm going to strap myself onto one of my JM's and do a tandem. :D:$:D I can't be down there and not get some sky under my feet...just can't! And after not jumping for 6 weeks...I HAVE TO!

So come to the Rocky Point boogie with us and Par-TAY.... B|

My Skydiving Page
Fly Safe - Soft Landings

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yeesh. I feel so unpopular. I think I need to do more boogies and get people to know me in person more so that I can get more responses when I post. Half the time I post i feel like there's nothing but the sound of crickets...

Oh well...at least my DZ will get some :D from me this weekend..since this WAS my first tattoo... ;)

My Skydiving Page
Fly Safe - Soft Landings

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Nice tat !!!!!!!!!!!! I was thinking about a skydiving tattoo but like to draw my own. Did you draw it or did you have someone else ie. the tattoo artist draw it for you?

The tattoo artist drew it for me....from some pictures of me and my husband jumping together. (originally she drew the typical "whuffo skydiving image" of a person flat on their belly spread eagle and I just wanted it more...'real'?? like, I wanted the arch and such..)

I also wanted the helmet off so you could see that it's a girl jumping. B|

I'm definately doing some more work with the hand..adding the wrist, fluffing up the fingers with some misty clouds around...

My Skydiving Page
Fly Safe - Soft Landings

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yeesh. I feel so unpopular. I think I need to do more boogies and get people to know me in person more so that I can get more responses when I post. Half the time I post i feel like there's nothing but the sound of crickets...

Not true, I was just thinking about you yesterday and was going to PM you. But, I sometimes feel like I'm going :S working on this project and working at my regular job.
Glad you posted so I know how you're doing.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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That's an awesome tattoo. I "got" the hand of God thing just by looking it at; with more of a cloud look to it it's gonna be incredible!

Good news on tossin' the crutches too! One step closer to walking out the door you really want to walk out of B|

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Awesome tattoo and awesome life attitude. Just do it, you rock.


I spent 15 years of my life sitting on my butt watching life go by...I'm just so enjoying life now. :)
Oh...and I'm adding to this message another picture of my tattoo that shows the size of it (compared to things like my butt...my shirt...etc.)
so you can see...it's realy not as little as you might think. :)

My Skydiving Page
Fly Safe - Soft Landings

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Not true, I was just thinking about you yesterday and was going to PM you. But, I sometimes feel like I'm going :S working on this project and working at my regular job.
Glad you posted so I know how you're doing.

awww...you're so sweet. :)the door I really want to walk out of....ooohhhh yeah...having a jumping husband means I go to the DZ every single weekend still...watching them do otter jumps, and then skyvan jumps (I've only been able to jump the skyvan TWO TIMES EVER, so I had to sit on the ground and just whine and feel very sorry for myself...[:/] )

You have no idea how much i"m looking forward to staring at that door getting ready to walk out it. :)

My Skydiving Page
Fly Safe - Soft Landings

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I spent 15 years of my life sitting on my butt watching life go by...I'm just so enjoying life now. :)

Awesome tattoo!!!!B| And it is never too late to start living...obviously it is a lesson you learned...hell, I live by it...!!!;)

Fly the friendly skies...^_^...})ii({...^_~...

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Congrats! Looks great. I think you had a great concept and design. Hope you enjoy. If you have problems or ?'s please feel free to PM me.

I do actually have a question..
I was told "no baths"...but not told for how long. When can I soak in a bath again?

edited to add: And how long do I have to wait before I can get the changes to the hand-cloud done?

My Skydiving Page
Fly Safe - Soft Landings

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No baths, swimming, or direct contact from water until it heals which is usually 2 weeks.

Same thing for the touch up of the hand/cloud. You want everything to be healed up nicely when you go to have it drilled again. Trust me, you want to wait till it heals. I saw someone who lied to the artist and was in emense pain. As soon as the artist figured out what was going on, he kicked him out of the store and asked him never to return. It makes it hard on the artist as well as you. The tattoo only looks good when the receiving party can sit as still as possible.
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looks really sweet!
I like it

thanks!! :)everytime I pull down my pants and it sticks to them..I just cringe. I don't want to screw it up, ya know? I'm following the directions they gave me to a T....I just hope it heals well and stays bright..

thanks for the comp!! :)

My Skydiving Page
Fly Safe - Soft Landings

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