
I feel good. You should too!

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Strangely enough. There are obviously a lot of things going on in my life and the lifes of my friends that would negate that, but through my fairly short life thus far, I've had to deal with a lot of things and have learned a few things.

1. You can not control everything, things sometimes happen. You can do your best to work to achieve what you want, but that may not happen either. So a solid Plan B is usually a good thing to have.

2. When things happen that you can not change nor control, it is best to learn what you can from it and move on. There has been some relatively severe tragedy in my life, but I can't change that, all I can do is go on. That's important.

3. No matter what happens, there are people that love and care for you and your well being. Never forget that, no matter how bad things seem, there is always someone else that thinks you're really great.

I've made it a point now to look at every day and try to see the obsticles I'm facing, the ones I can fix on a short term, the ones I can fix on the long term and how to go about them. I also try to identify the things I can not change, although I refuse to admit defeat, I strive to work for change, but I also understand that if I can not force the change, then I must continue. That helps me focus on the things I can improve upon in my life. I also look at the major things in my life that are going well and things that have gone well in my life. That helps me focus on my goals.

Every evening I try to reflect on the day and see the things I accomplished, the goals I met, the good that happened, the things that didn't go well and the things I can improve on.

For instance, I will use today as an example for what I'm talking about. Today was overall a relative uneventful Monday, but it was still significant. I had an important lunch meeting, which was very sucessful, I laid the foundation after lunch for some short term items and goals that will be accomplished this week, I started the process for my fiance and I to register at a store we like for our wedding, I had a very successful workout this evening in which I finally reached a goal of mine (bench 315lbs for 6 reps) and I got to spend a very nice evening with my beautiful Fiance (which is obviously very important to me).

So my point is this: are you feeling blue? Are you feeling unmotivated, lack direction?

Organize your goals and thoughts, focus on the good and your accomplishments, realize the bad is there, try to see how to improve on it and move on with life.

Sorry for the randomness of this post, but I just felt like I needed to share this with someone. Don't know who, don't know why, but I just felt like someone needed to read this.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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So my point is this: are you feeling blue? Are you feeling unmotivated, lack direction?

Thanks Aggie, that was a good read. I don't lack direction, but i get down and lose my motivation to keep plugging along. I needed that....:|
=========Shaun ==========

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my current mood prevents me from reading your post and going "hey, your right!" and smiling.
but yea your right...
... Ill feel beter tommorow, and this will make much more sense. :S:D
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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