
Have you been surprised? (serious question)

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Have you been surprised by someone's experience or lack of experience since the licenses and numbers have been put on the side of each post? Sure, not everyone uses it, but a lot of folks fill in the information.

I know more then a few times a couple people have surprised me with the experience they have or the severe lack there of and they're still trying to give advice!
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I have, i thought you had WAY more jumps than that.:D:P

Sorry, you said serious question.

I have not yet. I try not to give advice on these forums as a general rule and i don't really pay a lot of attention to other areas of the site.:S

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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I was surprised to see that I have more jumps than lawrocket. He never really posted any advice or anything in the past that would make me question things now...but I just always assumed he had a lot of jumps for some reason...I think it's the whole older/wiser/cooler thing though. ;)


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Ok, so here's my question: I know newbies and "lowbies" aren't supposed to give advice, but are we allowed to raise concerns? I have a number of concerns, one of which is the way that other newbies transition from belly to FF so quickly, especially without coaching. I did about 5 sitfly attempts, not because I was trying to keep up with the "big boys", but because I was trying to keep up with people with 30-40 jumps who could hold a stable sit. I found it aggravating, but I'm trying to get over that, as I am forcing myself to improve my RW skills before going back to any kind of freeflying, even for one jump. I know I can't give advice, but it's so frustrating . . . [:/]

So maybe I would be in that group of people whose jump numbers you (or someone else) found surprising . . .


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I wasn't thinking about things like that, what was brought to mind was some recent posts about tandem ISP vs. traditional AFF where folks with only a few jumps were trying to tell someone else that they should do X "because its a better program" and shit like that.

That's what really got me thinking.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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was some recent posts about tandem ISP vs. traditional AFF where folks with only a few jumps were trying to tell someone else that they should do X "because its a better program" and shit like that.

I KNEW i shouldn't have posted to that thread.>:(:)

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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I KNEW i shouldn't have posted to that thread


Sure, you have no place posting to a thread like that, being that you've got ratings and experience.:P Atleast that's been the trend lately.[:/]
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I wasn't thinking about things like that, what was brought to mind was some recent posts about tandem ISP vs. traditional AFF where folks with only a few jumps were trying to tell someone else that they should do X "because its a better program" and shit like that.

You remember that You and me used to do that all the time, right? ;)


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I know more then a few times a couple people have surprised me with the experience they have

:$ You knew how many jumps I had. I'm an old fart.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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You remember that You and me used to do that all the time, right?

Yeah, and I'm so embarressed about that that I wish I could somehow go back and time and slap my 100-jump-wonder self around!

--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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You knew how many jumps I had. I'm an old fart.

But we're not supposed to listen to you since you've been on multipul state records, right?:P

If I look half as good as you do when I reach "old fart" status, I'll be happy. For a number of reasons, actually: 1. I'll be drop dead sexy and 2. I'll have breasts to play with, who could beat that?:P
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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but are we allowed to raise concerns?

Why not? If you are concerned about something, there's no harm in bringing those concerns to the table. The newbie may actually have something good to say. ;)


I have a number of concerns, one of which is the way that other newbies transition from belly to FF so quickly.

We're all different and some people find freeflying easier than others (it hasn't been easy for me, but I have worked hard to get to where I am today and know that I still have a long road ahead of me). If someone can't match fall rates on their bellies and have issues flying relative to others, then they need to build more skills before they venture into a more demanding environment that what they may already be in. But it is possible for some newbies to do really well in freeflying and what's the harm in holding them back. IMHO, this not a black and white scenario.


I was trying to keep up with people with 30-40 jumps who could hold a stable sit. I found it aggravating

Try not to compare yourself with others. There's always going to be someone better than you and believe it or not, there is someone worse. Set your own goals and try to stick to them. But remember that jump numbers don't necessarily equate to talent.

Hopefully we will get to meet at a boogie one day. B|

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Try not to compare yourself with others. There's always going to be someone better than you and believe it or not, there is someone worse. Set your own goals and try to stick to them. But remember that jump numbers don't necessarily equate to talent.

I know. I have a new mantra everytime I want to try something out of my range . . . "I have nothing but time." As long as I play it safe, that is. If I decided to rush myself, I guess my mantra would be "Might as well get that last head down jump in before I bounce."


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I'm not really surprised...a little annoyed, maybe. I posted in the Safety & Training Forum recently hoping for replies from mostly coaches and instructors, and most of the replies that I received were from low-timers who were relating their experiences.

While I don't mind people relating their experiences (it helps add perspective), it's odd that they're giving advice when they're not exactly qualified to give an informed answer. Although, I was also happy to see that some of those low-timers added their own "I'm a newbie, too" disclaimer.

Anyway, I figure it's just human nature--wanting to be the first to point something out or say something that nobody else has...and they post no matter what their experience (or lack thereof) is.

"Scared of love, love and aeroplanes...falling out, I said takes no brains." -- Andy Partridge (XTC)

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Well, normally i would say "no" but unfortunately i recieved a not so nice surprise. I had to make my first and hopefully last cut a way and use my reserve chute this past sunday, and only on my 5th jump. good lord. well at least i landed better. hehe
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-- Lite beers are for pansies and imports are for liberals...
.....Drink Shiner Bock...

AND... they're still trying to give advice! ;)

Well I'm a liberal and I drink Shiner Bock so what does that do to your genearlizations? :)

"Truth is tough. It will not break, like a bubble, at a touch; nay, you may kick it about all day like a football, and it will be round and full at evening."
-- Oliver Wendell Holmes

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