
World Record Holders, 500th and Pie...

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Well this trip to Perris will not soon be forgotten for many reasons. First off, I arrived Thursday when the first FF WR was set at 39....then the following day they updated it to 42. Words can't describe the vibe around the DZ ~ It was INTENSE and me, strictly as a supporter, I had goose bumps more times than I can count. Like for example when the entire RW team competition group walked over to the loading area simply to applaud the efforts of the FF gang B| - What an AWESOME gesture!

Saturday you could almost see the look of relief when they announced the last attempt was being made. Hopes were high and spirits remained the same despite the record holding at 42. I can only IMAGINE the mental exhaustion all were feeling including my guy but it was inspiring to watch unravel for sure!

Sunday was sorta MY day as I closed in on jump 500 ;). Greg was mentally and physically whooped but he and I made 499 together and then came the big jump....what would I do?! I decided to keep it simple but it was still a total RUSH for me when I had THREE, yes I said THREE World Record Holders play in the sky with me to celebrate. Took out a simple 4 way round with Greg Compton (Base), John Skinner (outside stinger) and the infamous Dave Brown. The jump itself went well but we all ended up on our feet [:/];) but still had a BLAST. Got down, watched some cool video and was setting up to take a picture of the gang when it happened.............IN CAME THE PIE :P And I was pied by the best ~ Gillian Parker, Missy Nelson, Alli Richard and Roberta (from Italy). Good thing my day was over, with the temps reaching 105 cause my whip cream covered jumpsuit quickly began to take on a smell all of it's own ;)

Oh wait, did I mention I also spent my first two times in the tunnel with Joao? Yup - and it was pretty neat to try and figure out. A bit different body positioning than the air but great to understand how you can manipulate the air to do what you want it to B|. I'm gonna have to visit Orlando...

So this trip to Perris is one that will not soon be forgotten. It was great to see so many great people in one place at one time. It was a GREAT long weekend in general and I want to thank everyone who made it special for me...especially Greg, the love of my life.

Hugs to all....see you soon ~

Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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Thats totally awesome sunny! Congrats :)



my first two times in the tunnel

i hope you did the honours ;)
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