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Ok, here is the deal. I am in finals right now at the most prestigious university in Huntsville, TX, Sam Houston State. I am currently sitting in the computer lab dicking around and not studying, but as soon as I was going to start studying, something really really disgusting occurred.

Now, this is really really screwed up. So, I begin to smell this nasty smell around me and I am in complete disgust. I looked behind me and noticed a pretty hefty girl that looked like she just got back from the biggest workout of her life. So, I walked by her on the way to get some water (AS WELL AS FRESH AIR), and discovered that it wasn't her expelling this putrid stench.

Upon getting back from quite possibly the best breath of fresh air ever, I noticed the two girls sitting across from me at another table (who just arrived before I noticed the smell). So, I looked under the table (acting like I was getting something out from my bag) and see one of the girls with her shoes off, rubbing her feet together.

Now WHAT THE F**K is up with that??? Can she not smell her skanky ass feet??? I am like 5 feet away and I can smell them like they are shoved up my nose.

Anyway, now I have to pack up my shit and find another place to get my work done. There should be a law against people with smelly ass feet. That just isn't right.

Sorry for ranting, but that is so disgusting and I am sure someone will get a laugh out of it.

Clint D-24352

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speaking for the organization of people with smelly feet, i say SUCK IT UP!!! ;)

maybe she had some nasty sort of foot rot and the doctor recommended that she take off her shoes to let those toes breathe! i dunno. i'm sure if you would have stuck around that the smell would go away pretty quick. maybe they need better ventilation in those computer dorms. :S


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OMG, I am in tears here!!!! Stop it.. That is too funny, but which would have been worse, the feet or the smelly sweaty fat chic!!!! Hmmm, sounds like another poll question to me...
Unknowing attempting to take out all 4 wheeled vehicles remotely close to the landing area!

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WHOA!!!!!! this is very strange, but I am at the local library and someone just freakin' shit themselves and walked past me wofting it around me like a fuckin' spider weaving its prey!!! GOD, that was a good one!!! They better claim that one!!!
Unknowing attempting to take out all 4 wheeled vehicles remotely close to the landing area!

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I looked behind me and noticed a pretty hefty girl that looked like she just got back from the biggest workout of her life.

I have to ask...............hope I don't start anything......but..........why did you 'presume' it was her emitting the odor......because she looked sweaty or because she was hefty or both?


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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Well, actually, she had sat down at the same time as the other two. I don't even think she was even working out before, she just looked like it, so I presumed it was her.

And, just to clarify, I don't have a problem with "HEFTY" girls. I know they need loving too. I also know that skinny people can stink as well.

Just to repeat:
I am not prejudice against "HEFTY" girls.

Clint D-24352

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Well, actually, she had sat down at the same time as the other two. I don't even think she was even working out before, she just looked like it, so I presumed it was her.

And, just to clarify, I don't have a problem with "HEFTY" girls. I know they need loving too. I also know that skinny people can stink as well.

Just to repeat:
I am not prejudice against "HEFTY" girls.


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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It isn't a medical thing, it is a, "I"M LAZY AND I DON'T CLEAN MYSELF" thing

Not true. My father (works in construction) takes a shower at least twice a day, changes his socks a few times a day and adds foot powders and sprays to his shoes often, yet has very bad foot odor no matter how much he 'cleans himself'.

Its not always lazy, it could just be that peoples feet sweat more than others - don't spread the prejudice.

Arianna Frances

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Look, since you are on the internet - print out an advertisement for odor eaters and drop off in fron of her as you leave.

Quit whining about it and do something.:D:D:D:P
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
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Great minds think alike. I was actually going to write out the address to this thread and hand it to her on the way out, but I am to kind to do that. If I had done that, I am sure she would have hunted me down and gone psycho on me.

AH well, maybe she will change her ways (or her socks) someday.


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speaking for the organization of people with smelly feet, i say SUCK IT UP!!! ;)

maybe she had some nasty sort of foot rot and the doctor recommended that she take off her shoes to let those toes breathe! i dunno.

If that were the case, she ought to be wearing flip-flops or going barefoot. If she's got some sort of foot problem like a fungus or something, it wouldn't make sense to keep her feet all cooped-up in dark, dank, damp shoes, which are just perfect for cultivating fungus and stink.

I go barefoot most of the time, and when I'm not barefoot I'm in flip-flops. My feet are well-aerated, they never smell, and I never get athlete's foot.

You want to talk about why people's feet smell -- it's the shoes that are to blame for that.

Society for Barefoot Living

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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It isn't a medical thing, it is a, "I"M LAZY AND I DON'T CLEAN MYSELF" thing

Not true. My father (works in construction) takes a shower at least twice a day, changes his socks a few times a day and adds foot powders and sprays to his shoes often, yet has very bad foot odor no matter how much he 'cleans himself'.

Its not always lazy, it could just be that peoples feet sweat more than others - don't spread the prejudice.


The smell that comes from "smelly feet" is due to the waste products of bacteria that indulge themselves when the feet are stuck in dark, damp shoes for long periods. You know how mushrooms thrive in dark, damp caves? So do these microbes.

What is it that they're eating? The dead skin that is constantly shed by the feet.

I know you say your dad has tried everything. What he ought to do is take a shower, put on flip-flops, go get a pedicure, and have them do a lot of buffing of callouses and rough spots on his feet. That will remove some of the material that the microbes thrive on and turn into their vinegar-y smelly waste.

He should wear absorbent cotton socks, too, and discard the old shoes no matter how much he thinks he's cleaned them. They are most likely the biggest culprit, constantly reintroducing the same old microbe culture to his feet every time he sticks them back in.

Society for Barefoot Living has good information on the benefits of letting your feet breathe!

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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jeff, i am with you on barefoot or flipflops. i was just instigating trouble with earlier posts.;) people give me silly looks for jumping in tevas well into the cold of winter.

i haven't looked at the society for barefoot living website in years. what a great site!!! :)

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jeff, i am with you on barefoot or flipflops. i was just instigating trouble with earlier posts.;) people give me silly looks for jumping in tevas well into the cold of winter.

i haven't looked at the society for barefoot living website in years. what a great site!!! :)

Tevas? I jumped through the winter here in Florida totally barefoot! In fact, apart from the first five jumps I ever did, back in '91 and '96, ever since I really started skydiving in August 2003, I have never jumped with any shoes -- always barefoot. I love it. I know that some people here tsk tsk jumping barefoot because of horror stories about out-landings and cacti and pavement and stuff. At this point, I'm still landing in student areas (80 jumps) which are big and wide and grassy. I've viewed the possibilities, and my decision is that the benefits outweigh the risk potential, so barefoot & free is how I continue to go! :)
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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I went to school with a guy who considered his complete and total lack of personal hygiene to be some sort of personal artistic statement! Words cannot describe how foul he was. I was a theatre major in a small school and had many classes with him. NOT pleasant!

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