
Being hurt sucks!!!

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Last night while playing in a beech volleyball match, I came down off of a blocked spike, my right foot was planted one way in the sand and my body was moving another way. What was the result? I suffered some sort of ACL knee injury. I immediately iced it so there is no noticable swelling. But I am hurt. Not seriously, but hurt nonetheless. I can walk on the injury, and put weight on the knee without major pain, but it's still not okay. Time will tell, but jumping this weekend might not be in my future (as long as I can practice packing my BASE rig for my FJC next weekend, then not jumping this weekend isn't the end of the world as I really do need to practice my packing techniques). :S

Being hurt sucks I tell you ... >:(

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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I feel for ya. Being hurt does suck. At least your plans of jumping are in the near future. Me... Only time will tell, hopefully in a few months, but major <<<<<>>>>> for ya. Take care, and heal soon.

blue skies,
"Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone
"The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote)
"The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM

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When I lived in IN, our S&TA had two hobbies: Skydiving on the weekends, and softball on the weekday evenings. He finally had to give up the softball because he kept getting hurt, preventing him from skydiving.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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If you are planning to get into BASE, you'd better get used to it!!!
My 2nd jump has put me out for 7 months and counting - and with the Texas weather being this good, it SUX!! B|
Hope it gets better for you, and hope you last longer in the BASE world than I did before hurting yourself.....

Blue skies, not black and blue limbs!

PS - That'll teach you not to play these extreme sports like beach volley ball!! Get off the beach and into the bar!!!


Hobbes: "How come we play 'War' and not 'Peace'?"
Calvin: "Too few role models."

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When I lived in IN, our S&TA had two hobbies: Skydiving on the weekends, and softball on the weekday evenings. He finally had to give up the softball because he kept getting hurt, preventing him from skydiving.

Reminds me of my amateur hockey career where I can't seem to get through a game without some sort of injury. :S This is my first real volleyball injury since I started playing again two years ago. What sucks though was that I was playing one of my best ever games just before the injury. Dang ... it always seems to work that way huh? [:/]

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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[:/] I feel your pain, Steve![:/] My ankle doesn't hurt anymore, but still swells when I'm on it all day without my stabilizer.
((Hugs)) and Speedy Healing Vibes to you!

PS: You were right..it was 95 degrees here :Ptoday and humidity from hell!


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Find a way to make it to Idaho, but don't get hurt over it. Get better!

At the moment, my Idaho plans are still a go. Of course this could all change if the injury doesn't heal to a certain degree by next week. I am injured, but it doesn't appear to be a serious injury.

What sucks is that I still have plenty of packing practice I need to do and packing requires getting down there with bent knees and all. Plus I was hoping to jump the Flik canopy at the DZ this weekend. So time will tell. :o

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Jumping it is preferable but you'll get by.

Figure out a way to not kneel or bend your knee too much. Sit on your ass and be adaptable. I know you can pack that way, cuz I can. It's a bit challenging but you'll figure it out.

Good luck!
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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