
Hey Stephen King fans! Its here!

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Thats right, the wait is over. Dark Tower 6:Song of Susannah hit shelves today and I promptly took my little butt down to Barnes and Noble to pick up my reserved copy.B| Its now sitting on my bedside table just waiting for me to rejoin Roland and his ka-tet.

Also, the final book, DT7:The Dark Tower will be out September 21, 2004.

Just thought I'd give a heads up to the Dark Tower fans out there since I know there are a few on the forums.:)

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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I'll buy them all once the are all available.
It takes me 1 -2 days max to read even 1000+ page book and its frustrating when you run out of story and have to wait months for the next part.

I'll buy them all and have a reading binge B|

My mighty steed

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I had it preordered, came today in the mail. Just finished it, seven hours after opening it.

Good, not great. IMHO the faster King churns them out, the lower the quality of the story. And his ego is showing, bigtime.

That being said, the series is still one of my favorite yarns.
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Yep, I walked into Borders yesterday, planning to buy a different book, and the first book I saw when I walked through the door was Song of Susannah. Did a double take as I walked past it, before I realized what it was. :)
So I bought 2 books instead of one. B|

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I'll buy them all once the are all available.
It takes me 1 -2 days max to read even 1000+ page book and its frustrating when you run out of story and have to wait months for the next part.

I'll buy them all and have a reading binge B|

If you haven't already, I'd recommend reading all the other Stephen King books (i.e. non-Dark Tower books). The Dark Tower series tells its own story, but following the complicated web he weaves to tie all the other books in is pretty fun for the Constant Reader as well, kind of like getting an inside joke, but better.

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If you haven't already, I'd recommend reading all the other Stephen King books (i.e. non-Dark Tower books). The Dark Tower series tells its own story, but following the complicated web he weaves to tie all the other books in is pretty fun for the Constant Reader as well, kind of like getting an inside joke, but better.

I agree it'd be a good idea to have read some of the other books to get a better experience out of the Dark Tower series. But if someone doesn't want to go through all 40+ books and screenplays etc. I did notice that on the list of other King books printed inside Song of Susannah they had marked all Dark Tower related books in bold. There are about 15 books not in the DT series that pertain to or show up in the Dark Tower.

Ofcourse it is a great story by itself and still worth reading without the background from the other books. Its just depends on how much you're wanting to get out of the experience.:)

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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some, most perhaps, but i'd recommend skipping Eyes of the Dragon completely

its a lovely tragedy...that he completely ruins, one of the only books i've been sooooo totally disappointed in i threw it across the room and didnt pick it up for a month, and then only to throw it away...[:/]
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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I didn't think Eyes of the Dragon was THAT bad!

My least favorite of all his books was Gerald's Game. I had a hard time getting through it, and I didn't throw it away, but I would never pick it up and re-read it!

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So I didn't get there yesterday....I went to the tunnel instead...but got there today, and got my copy. Along with 3 other books, too. LOL...

"Eyes of the Dragon" was a cute, highschool read. "Gerald's Game" was a "oncer" (meaning I could read it once, but not over and over...). And "The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon" was a "nothing else" (meaning there's nothing else I've got at the house I'd rather read...a fairly rare occurance, me with something on the order of 8 bookshelves and 9 more boxed of books in the garage...).

I think, on occasion, SK writes for someone else - like his children or friends' children, or friends themselves - and those stories just don't have the SK flavor and spice.

I will say I'm about as awestruck w/ SK that I've ever been with anyone. I'm not one to write celebs, just not my style, but when he was in his accident, I sent him a get well card. Sounds stupid, but he's the only one I'd ever do that with, and so that tells you something about how I feel about this incredible talent.


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And his ego is showing, bigtime.

Just curious, without giving anything away for those who haven't finished it yet, what makes you say this? Was it that storyline in general, or some of the comments made specifically? I could see how some of them could be taken that way, but in context, they make sense. And to me, that whole part of the story is a pretty great way to tie everything together. At least for me, it was a "Wow" moment, a very philosophical tack that brings in all sorts of interesting implications.

In short, I thoroughly enjoyed this one, and am happy to know the last one is so near at hand, yet sad at the same time at the thought of having to say goodbye to the ka-tet. [:/]

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reading it right now. Well, not RIGHT NOW, but you get it.

My opinion so far after 100+ pages: s'ok. So far not the best of the series, not the worst.

In a couple of forwards and afterwords, King has talked about how much his life has changed and how much time has passed since he started writing the Dark Tower series. It's funny that I have a sort of a parallel in my life: when reading the afterword that talked about how he figured it out to be a total of seven books taking him this long to write I thought "damn, I'll be almost THIRTY by then." I couldn't even grasp the concept of my life that far down the road... but here I am...

And digging life even more than I did when I started reading the series, I must say!

Elvisio "aging like a fine cheese, and smelling like it too" Rodriguez

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AGHHHH!! I LOVE Stephen King and read the beginning books of the series but got so frustrated because you'd be left hanging waiting for the next book which may not come for years, so finally gave up and decided I'd wait until he finished the series. It's been so long I think I will have to reread the beginning for the umpteenth time (I've had to reread every time a new book came out since so long in between), But still, Stephen K

ing rocks - love his books!

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"Eyes of the Dragon" was a cute, highschool read.

exactly...he started writing a lovely tragedy, and some how managed to turn it into happily ever after instead, almost as if he was afraid of the ending he was writing...and chickened out. [:/]
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Good, not great. IMHO the faster King churns them out, the lower the quality of the story. And his ego is showing, bigtime.


Finished it this weekend. I agree with the evaluation and the "ego thing". I enjoyed it but not as much as the first installment, but the first story is a tough one to beat.

(trying not to give away too much to folks who haven't read it yet) I wasn't too bothered by the "ego thing" though. He didn't take it as far as he first suggested he would. I'm sure authors have always thought about this, to varying degrees. It was interesting, if also a little self-ego-serving. it made me grin. :P

Mark your calendars: DT VII is set to release on Sept. 21! That'll probably get bumped back a little, but worst case it should make a good Christmas stocking stuffer!

Elvisio "ready for Dark Tower VII" Rodriguez

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