Mozilla v IE

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I have recently changed to Mozilla to see how is fares against IE - I have to admit I like it in my initial browsing - (no pop ups, tab browsing) - just wondered who else is using mozilla and what you found in likes / dislikes compared to IE............



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I use Mozilla and love it...but I'm a real hate-Microsoft kind of person. I do find that some pages won't load right and I have to go run IE for those, which I hate, but the majority of pages I have no problems with. I love the no pop-ups feature the best.

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.... one thing i have a problem with is that when i open email from a MSN messenger alert it automatically opens it in IE - my default browser is Mozilla but I am unsure how to change this...... also when first booting up and starting MSN messenger it says cant connect as IE is set to off line....... i fire up IE and its fine and then signing in on MSN is not a problem..........


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i've never used IE but I have been using Mozilla at home and at work for several years now.

i've tied a few other browsers (netscape , opera etc) but I prefer Mozilla.

If you think my attitude stinks you should smell my fingers

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I recently switched (friday) to Mozilla and thought it was great. Could get on any site, etc. Last night, I came back to dz.com and thought HH was doing rollbacks cause the same threads kept popping up.

So, I checked it against Yahoo. I could log-in but then would get nasty-grams about not being able to recognize my ID, etc. I changed the Mozilla cookie settings for several configurations to see if that was an issue.

Finally, I changed to "Allow All" from every site, for everything, at any time. Still had problems. Switched back to IE and dz.com had like 40 new posts, etc. Could get into Yahoo fine.

I like the Mozilla environment and am still playing with it in an effort to make it my primary bowser.

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I'm running Mozilla. For a while I was running MyIE, but that uses the IE engine so it still have problems. So switched to Nutscrape about 6 or 7 months ago and I've been really happy with the change. Its nothing new for me, though, I was using Netscape before there even was an IE and used it until about IE 4 came out. That was right about when AOL bought Netscape and ran it into the ground. Its only now, a couple of years later, that I think they have a product as good or better then IE.

Tabbed browsing is the shizzle!
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Mozilla is sexy.
Only problem I had was that it kept killing a useful pop-up window... one that said something about an "invalid email address". So my damn email wouldn't send... the page would reload over and over and I had no idea why.

Tabbed browsing is cool... but I really dig the downloads window.

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I have recently changed to Mozilla to see how is fares against IE - I have to admit I like it in my initial browsing - (no pop ups, tab browsing) - just wondered who else is using mozilla and what you found in likes / dislikes compared to IE............



I use Opera. The best and fastest browser out there. You can download a free beta version of it at http://www.opera.com

Once you get used to it, you won't want to use anything else. Pop up blockers, unlimited skins, mulitpaging using mouse controls, fast forward and rewind facility to track to the start of links. I love it.

Did I say it was fast too ?

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Opera is the Sheite!!

For a second there I thought you said Oprah was the shit...we were going to have to gather up some folks to go to your house and take your guy card!

--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Mozilla is a good opensource code and I found 1.6 to be stable and uses good 128bit encryption. I also use Netscape 7.1 runs nicely also. As for IE some programs wont open with Mozilla or Netscape only IE. So I rarely use IE only to open certain programs etc. Not to mention check how many more Viruses are built to attack through IE. Another good reason to stay away..:S
The glass is half full or half empty doesn't matter. Let go and have the Lord guide your path. He will take care of it all.

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I use opera and firefox. For some unknown reason I cannot remove internet exploder from my computer.

When the browser wars first started some years ago. When Myyoursoft was throwing out its browser Internet exploder left and right taking over the market share from netscape.
Why didnt AOL, who after spending a Billion dollars to buy the rights to netscape do nothing with it? Netscape was a proven browser at the time unlike internet exploder which was known to crash a lot. Why didnt AOL use IE instead of netscape as the default browser? I know most of it deals with Myyoursoft's strong arm practices. But I dont see any reason to buy something for a billion and not even use it once.
I used to like netscape but not anymore because it was sold to Aol. The reason why I don't like it is because when you download it. Netscape attaches a bunch of Aol crap along with it.
I threw my confidence out the airplane door years ago.........

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I'm using Mozilla 1.4.2 with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 WS, and it a solid browser, but it won't render fonts correctly on some sites. I sure wish there was a common standard for clips though, or a player for sale that would play-em-all.

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I've never used IE... I've had various Netscapes, but now I have Mozilla on a redhat and it works fine for me :)
I've been saying for ages that my home DZ's website isn't compatible, but they claim that it is (it even says so on the site)! Please could some fellow Mozilla peeps check it out and let me know if it's them or me!


Thank you very much!


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All the images on that site are written like this:


Write them like this instead:


Put the slash the other way, UNIX style. Windows newbies, heh:P

-- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo
Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.

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