
Hey Again, Y'all! (Quasi Here)

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I made my first tandem and enjoyed it immensely! My second is shceduled for July 8th, and I plan to go all the way to certification!

Thank Y'all so much for your support! Y'all are awesome Dude!

I do have a few questions however.

Was I supposed to have been given a certificate after my first tandem, or a log book or something?

Also, is 3 minutes about the regular time for a video?

My SO paid for my first jump, but I think she expected more from the video than I told her......

I would like to post my pictures, but I doubt that any of you experienced divers would bother to look at them.

Still, I think y'all rock, and I thank you so much for your advice!

Best Regards


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When I do Tandem videos they are about 12-15 minutes long. I would not be happy at all with a 3 minute video. Hell you are in freefall for 60 seconds of it, I'd be extremely pissed if they did'nt have stuff like a ground interview of why are you doing this, a landing interview of what did you think and playing the skydive with effects like slomo and at least once at real speed. Right there should be at least 5-6 minutes.
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Glad you enjoyed your tandem!!! Post your pictures!! Your video should have been longer than 3 minutes:S!!!! One of the best videos I had from one of my tandems was when the cameraman (Andy Farrington) kept the camera on to capture his canopy ride down to landing then got my landing afterwards! Very cool, especially when it's your first tandem!


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Hi quasi

Where's Adventure Skydiving located at.?:)

3 minute video, :Sno Tandem certificate (in color) to hang on your wall.:(

Any other DZ's in your area???.:|

Tandems, Video & AFF bring in the big bucks so the DZ will usually try and give those customers First class service.

IMO no pt in complaining. First time shame on them second time shame on you.


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