
Do you wear a wrist watch ?

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Ever notice skydivers are one of the largest groups of people NOT wearing watches ? We have the Sun and 10 minute calls... who needs a watch ?
Clocks in our car, on our phones,on the wall, on the computer, microwave vcr. etc. Besides i'm sick of people asking me "What time is it ?"
So i quit wearing watches five or six years ago. Only miss it a few times a year and it seems less stressful to not be so obsessed with time. I realize some people need one for work etc., but i'm thinking most need to pitch the watch and relax. Be ON time, don't get me wrong, just don't fret over a few minutes.
I heard the watch was invented by a balloonist who was sick of the "pocket watch".He just put a strap on a pocket watch.
Are you wearing a watch right now ?

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Yes when I am at work - people kind of expect the military to be on time and get annoyed when we aren't...:P

But in my own time I make a point of taking it off now - and I am notoriously late for almost everything! But if you care you'll wait for me...:D:D:D

Not one shred of evidence supports the theory that life is serious - look at the platypus.

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I used to. I remember when I was fourteen it would be uncomfortable not wearing a watch. Now, I don't care. I only need to know the time during the weekdays, and just for when to go to work and when to leave. Besides that, I eat when I'm hungry, sleep when I'm tired, and wake up when there's daylight out. It works out nicely. ;)
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I voted not since I started skydiving, but actually it's been 11 years since I quit wearing watches... Long story... Lets make it short...
I had a numbered pre-serie of a Swatch Chronograph which I was wearing, destroyed it while I was at the army. Was so sad never wore a watch since then... Except a Swiss Army watch I got at the officers School (reward for some military competition), but it was a quartz watch and we didn't have good vibes together, it would just stop when I wore it... so it quickly stayed in its box...
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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I never wear a watch.

They used to annoy me too much when I was younger. I guess i'd wear one now if I went and got a nice one but i've got the time on my phone anyway and I have better things to spend money on.

And you shed not a single tear for the things that you didn't need
'Cause you knew you were finally free - Death Cab For Cutie

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Actually, I quit wearing a watch after my freshman year of college...(3 years ago)...I used to be obsessed with being on time...now I am more laid back but I am always punctual and on time for work and classes...just don't see the need anymore to wear a watch...B|...

~R+R:)...Ahhhhhhh...those watch-wearing days...nows those were stressful...B|...
Fly the friendly skies...^_^...})ii({...^_~...

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Since being late is a big pet peeve of mine and since I'm on a "set" schedule being in school, yes I wear a watch every day. Most times (b/c I'm forgetful) I don't take my watch off unless I'm washing my hands or taking a shower...yup even wear it to bed alot just b/c I know I'll either lose it or forget it if I take it off.Yes I'm obsessive...:S:P

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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And i thought he Swiss were the keepers of the time. Ha.. Hey got any coo-coo clocks to remind me not to get married ?

we have in-built watches... that's how we keep the time.
Wrist watches are just for show off and making money with tourists :P
and don't you dare ask me to show you my cuckoo clock... I only show it to girls who ask nicely :$:P:)
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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Is there a reason why you just posted the same thing 5 times? :S

yes there is a reason, same thing happenned to me, apparently the replies were not going through... But I took care of deleting my excendentary posts...

BTW anybody noticed we received our PW grades again...:P Are they still based on post numbers ??
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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Watch? Don't need no stinkin watch! Pilot says out at 12500', down the hall, turn right, out the door, log it as 60SD. I have two eyes and can see the ground, when it's time to pull,(why do we refer to altimeters as "clocks?") I don't care what time it is, PULL!! Check the sun angle to the horizon, how many jumps left till sunset? Is that 10 real minutes or 10 manifest minutes??? 'Don't have no watch, there's one on the stove (and it don't work since grandma died!)
SCR-2034, SCS-680


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I quit wearing a watch a long time ago - Being a mechanic, it only gets in the way and I was really good at destroying them in short order. I own two, (cheapies) but they've set in my top dresser drawer for so long the batteries went dead. I wouldn't mind having one to wear for nice, though.

Easy Does It

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I never wear a watch.

They used to annoy me too much when I was younger.

not meaning to sound rude or anything, but you still look very young :$

I guess I am still, i'm only 20. I did say when i was younger though; not simply just when I was young. :P

And you shed not a single tear for the things that you didn't need
'Cause you knew you were finally free - Death Cab For Cutie

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