
So, what are YOU looking forward to most about Rantoul this year??

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Planed.... AKA... im going to freak out a jumper with only 10 jumps at the time... and stack on top of him and scare him to death....


it was fun once i reolized what you were doing!!

BTW good to see you back
Fear is not a confession of weakness, it is an oportunity for courage.

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* Looking forward to seeing those that I met at Eloy's Holiday Boogie once again! ;)
* REALLY looking forward to hanging out with my jump buddies from Mile Hi who I miss dearly!:(
* Excited to meet the dz.commers that I haven't met yet.:)* Off the charts EXCITED about specialty jumps!! ie: Balloon and heli!B|


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Rantoul is a religious experience....

It spiritually fulfills me!!! I'm the founding member of the Rantoulian Family Church - We have meetings every day of the convention of the way to altitude... (Please God, Don't let me screw this dive up and embarrass myself now........:S)
=========Shaun ==========

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Rantoul is a religious experience...

I would have to agee. I know that the first night last year I could hear Sunshine in the middle of tent city going....oh god oh god ohhhhhhhmyyyyyygodddddd:P Sounded like a biblical experience to me.;)

you forgot to add to that a sound of a zipper followed by "Hi, how are you doing?"...and a few other minutes of idle chit chat prior to going back to her bible studies... ;)

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1. Gettin' the Wuffo's excited about skydiving! (Please land once in the spectator area)

I have such a blast over there, that I now do it every chance I get!


2. Puttin' faces to the DZ.com regulars

Yep, even the ones I met last year, and the year before, in a haze....


3. Hearin' great bands all 10 days (Don't miss Mr. Whoppi on the last Saturday night-they kick ass!)

Remember, rave style DJ in the big tent for a night next year, please. :)

4. Gettin' some coaching jumps in

Down to a 175 yet Dave? :)

5. Seein' my drinkin' bud Flyangel2 - been too long Mar!

I second that one.


6. Meetin' up with the gang from Chester

Introduce me.


7. Seein' Peanut and Lucky get hitched

For me, from the important end. This is gonna be sooo cool. Hopefully he heals quick.


8. Findin' our who left the black thong in our RV last year (Snowwhite still thinks I got careless.... I wish!)

It was there before I got there, dammnit! ;)
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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