
RW organizing sucked on the Summerfest

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How come you aren't attacking him for saying that there were no organizers except for the ones doing the big-ways? That's a lie. There were people organizing smaller ways. Heck...even on my last load of the day on Sunday I saw an extremely experienced skydiver jumping with a 5-way.

1. I am not attacking anyone. I simply pointed out a few things and said that complaints can be useful.

I also gave sugestions for improvement...as I would hope poeple would do for any event I held. I always tell my employees that they should feel free to bitch to me about things, but don't ever come to me with a gripe without also comming with a proposed solution.

Simply saying "that sucked" is not good enough.

2. I was not there and I don't know it the 5 way you talk about was an organizer. It could have been some guy like me jumping with my buddies...That group may or may not be open for others to join.

From what I have read:

By the SDC advertisement they were suppose to have great RW load organizing for all skill levels...

After I asked Missy Nelson to help me, she said "Come freefly with us!". This is not why I came here... I would like to get those "great" load organizers for all skill levels, like your commercial and brochure said... Rook's apologized and explained that some load organizers cancelled and now he has a shortage

Maybe they could have set it up better or used a sign up board like they do in the freefly area, but that's never really been necessary before

(Seems to me the focus was on FF. Understandable considering Rook and Missy)

He even thought of a soultion

but I think that they could do something about that... 'cause that load with 30some people had enough highly experienced RW flyers and I'm sure some of them would be happy to organize smaller loads if they would give them a "right offer"...

I even did get on him and defend SDC when he said this:

...and one more thing: if you go there to jump from the CASA don't go... the tailgate airplane was flying only 5-6 loads on Sunday, because nobody wanted to jump from it?!?! The reason for this is that SDC let their own people use the Twin Otters for 14 dollars/jump... and for the Casa they charged 18... The result was "sorry, but we can't fill up the tailgate load..."! ...no surprised!

by saying:

The CASA not flying...Well I can totally understand that. It did fly, just not as much as he may like...Oh well.

But you took it as an attack on SDC...Its not.
You took me saying that you are not an organizer as an attack on you...Its not.
You took me saying that SDC missed an opportunity to provide what they said they would have as an attack its not.

I brought up some ideas, told him he was unrealistic in some of his ideas, asked two questions (Which were never answered).

I DO understand.

He was told that there would be an organizer at his level, and he didn't find one. If there was one no one told him who it was (and he did ask), or he could not find them (and he did look).

If he had not asked I would have told him to stop crying and ask..but he did and he did not get an answer. Instead he was offered a different type of organizer (Which was way cool, and most would LOVE the oportunity, but it was not what he wanted or what he came for).

I am sure Rook and Missy will make it so that it never happens again. But that does not mean they didn't screw up this time.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Hitler is a dead horse :P

There -- did I kill it? :ph34r:

Wendy W.

I just spit my lunch all over my monitor... that was hilarious!

Necrohippoflagellation: The love of beating a dead horse.

(In searching for that, I oddly enough found this thread! :D Ok, so from now on, anytime Summerfest is brought up, we all must argue about it to no end)

phht... I found this too... I crack myself up sometimes...

[donning steel-toed boots]
"wheew.. this is hard work, hand me a beer"
"hey look! glue!!"
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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[donning steel-toed boots]
"wheew.. this is hard work, hand me a beer"
"hey look! glue!!"

Ah! You and Wendy nearly just got me in trouble! I can't just bust out laughing like that at work. Classic posts!

BTW - is there a term for someone that argues just for the sake of being argumentative?
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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BTW - is there a term for someone that argues just for the sake of being argumentative?

Probably... but I still like the picture better... but I'm not sure I should post it again :)

Oh what the hell... I haven't offended anyone lately...
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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BTW - is there a term for someone that argues just for the sake of being argumentative?


Hey, all, and especially Robertsa . . . it doesn't answer the issue with this SummerFest. I couldn't make it due to "real world" work stuff (yuck).

However . . . Most weekends at SDC, if you go to the red packing mat area and ask, you'll find someone to jump with. SDC is the home of TeamFunnel. Team Funnel exists to jump with others -- specifically low timers, but anyone will do!

So, Robertsa. I know it won't make up for the disappointment you felt, but next time you come out to SDC, ask for Team Funnel. Better yet, ask for Tequila Bill, and we'll make sure you have someone to jump with. I've been real busy with team practice the last couple of weekends I've been there, and have a commitment to them, so can't promise I'll be the one to jump with you, but I CAN and do promise you won't have to jump alone.

Come see us.
Come jump with us.
TequilaBill TF#1
Life is what you make it, unless you make it what it's not . . .

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Exactly. Thanks Bill. Team Funnel is always a LO at SDC on the red mats, and it is always free. Please see www.TeamFunnel.com Who is TF? Come to the red mats and just ask for a member - that is all it takes.

I didn't want to further the arguments on this thread - but there were people pulling themself off of big ways and in between team jumps that were helping out people that we asking for it. I'm sorry Robert or anyone else had a bad time, if I knew he was there I would have found a way to afford a jump or two with him.

I wasn't able to help anyone out this weekend because I am lacking jump funds this season, but that is yet another excuse. As I mentioned before, the right people know what is being said here and if you don't think that they have heard your voice, please send me a PM and I will give you a way to contact them.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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#1 Robert admitted that there was someone organizing smaller ways. He was unable to organize them on Sunday due to unforseen events. That's called "life."

The DZ said they would have organizers for all skill levels..they didn't. While they may have lost the organizer to "life" they still did not have one.

People gave suggestions on how they could have made that happen..:

a. they could have had a FF organizer do some belly jumps.
b. They could have given a free slot to someone like yourself, or Kallend, or Bo, or any number of other jumpers and made them the LO for the day.

The fact is they didn't have one...And it seems from the posts that no one cared about that.


Negative, Ron. Billy Weber and Sky (D354) were organizing low timers on Saturday and Billy was doing it Sunday a.m. until he got hurt around noon. Max Meijer and TJ Hine were organizing for experienced skydivers.

The fact is there WERE organizers for all levels for most of the weekend, but they weren't identified by clothing. Billy is so bright and loud that no-one thought he needed special identification. Both Billy and Sky were based in the Team Funnel area, clearly marked with a BIG SIGN. I'm sure that next year the LOs will have special tee shirts.

The RW organizing did not suck, it was, in fact, very high quality. The problem was that, apparently, one person couldn't locate an organizer or the TF area.

I spoke to dozens of visitors, and no-one I spoke to had any issues AT ALL with the event.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Negative, Ron


A guy could not find them...Even after ASKING the DZO's.


Billy Weber and Sky (D354) were organizing low timers on Saturday and Billy was doing it Sunday a.m. until he got hurt around noon. Max Meijer and TJ Hine were organizing for experienced skydivers.

Ok so on Sunday around noon there was NO ONE right? Well they didn't say "Organizers till noon Sunday" did they?


Max Meijer and TJ Hine were organizing for experienced skydivers.

Well they said organizers for ALL skill levels..


Billy is so bright and loud that no-one thought he needed special identification.

Never heard Billy called "Bright" before. ;)

But not everyone knows him, and in fact a few on this thread said they didn't know who he was, or that he was working for SDC.


The RW organizing did not suck, it was, in fact, very high quality. The problem was that, apparently, one person couldn't locate an organizer or the TF area.

It seems more than one person.

Stop drinking cool aid.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Stop drinking cool aid.

Maybe that FL heat is getting to you? :D

SDC is not my home dz. I do not drink any sort of Kool Aid. I try to have a fair look at the situation. Ron, you were not actually there. Has everything run smoothly at every single one of your dz's boogies? The very first boogie I went to, the whole reason for it (the special plane) didn't even show up! Luckily, my parents told me when I was three that things don't always go according to plan.

Lighten up. So, something didn't go perfectly. Big deal. I'm sure that it will be taken care of for next year. Why are you still complaining and throwing out silly terms like "drinking cool aid"?
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Ya know Ron..."Let it go" it has been established there were not enough organizers this past weekend as two of the ones that should have been there were not for what ever reason. The recommendation of the T-shirts was an excellent one, and i hope to see that implemented.

It has been said once, and I will say it again, stop beating a dead horse. You were not there, not even close to the place. You are just looking for any reason to bash SDC a bit more as well as pick a fight with kallend.

I do not think there is anymore that needs to be added to this. If you and Kallend want to duke it out, why dont you go over to SC >:(
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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Why do you always leave me out, Renee? You really do insist on being the only blonde!

Cause im special :D course I bet we could raise all kinds of money if we "duked it out" :o:ph34r: bwahahahahaha

I bet we would have no problem getting the jello or mud for that one B|
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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Ok so on Sunday around noon there was NO ONE right? Well they didn't say "Organizers till noon Sunday" did they?

Well, if they knew in advance that one of the low timers he was organizing would take him out, maybe they would have advertized it.

"SUMMERFEST SPECIAL - Come See Billy Taken Out - Only $14!!!".


The RW organizing did not suck, it was, in fact, very high quality. The problem was that, apparently, one person couldn't locate an organizer or the TF area.


It seems more than one person.

Oh. Who besides the original poster?


Stop drinking cool aid.

That is a personal attack.

For someone 1000+ miles away you sure know a lot about who was or wasn't organizing in Ottawa last weekend.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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SDC is not my home dz. I do not drink any sort of Kool Aid. I try to have a fair look at the situation. Ron, you were not actually there. Has everything run smoothly at every single one of your dz's boogies?

Nope, but when the Manager was asked...He always does something about it...And we don't defend him if he did nothing.


Why are you still complaining and throwing out silly terms like "drinking cool aid"?

Why are you still defending them?
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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It has been said once, and I will say it again, stop beating a dead horse

Last time I checked.....I don't care what you want.


You were not there, not even close to the place. You are just looking for any reason to bash SDC a bit more as well as pick a fight with kallend.

No, I'd like to see the Cool Aid crowd admit they fucked up...And all is not rosey in SDC.


I do not think there is anymore that needs to be added to this. If you and Kallend want to duke it out, why dont you go over to SC

If you don't like what I write...Don't read it.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Well, if they knew in advance that one of the low timers he was organizing would take him out, maybe they would have advertized it.

Maybe the people who are in charge should have adapted to the situation?


For someone 1000+ miles away you sure know a lot about who was or wasn't organizing in Ottawa last weekend.

It's cause I can read John...

But at least you have not turned this into a Bush Bash...yet.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Last time I checked.....I don't care what you want.

Well seeing you have decided to take an hankering of bashing my home dz when you have had nothing to do with the whole situation. Yea i think i have a right to voice an opinion. And having said that who do you think you are? I have every right to voice my opinion here as you do. Since when did you become allmighty god?

It seems that you know everything there is to know about running a boogie and a DZ. and everything else there is for that matter, why are you not doing it? Get out from behind the Keyboard, stop bitching and do something.

A mistake was made, things will be learned. what the hell else do you want? You say you want the KoolAid (learn how to spell it btw) crowd to admit a mistake happend, we have, shit happens. but you insist on beating a dead horse. Cant let this go. Dont you have something better to do?
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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