
What happens when you get a speeding ticket in your state?

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Mar, thats kinda scary. I don't have a Sams card anymore anyway. I do have a FOID card, that should count as a photo ID. Bet all states don't require those either. IL is weird.

BTW, FOID stands for Firearm Owner Identification. You cannot buy a gun or ammo in IL without one.


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BTW, FOID stands for Firearm Owner Identification. You cannot buy a gun or ammo in IL without one.

I can purchase a firearm with my CCW permit, walk out the door with it in about 10 minutes, and not even have to go through the Brady.:P

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Very strange takeing your drivers liscense until you show up in court, I'd be afraid it would get lost in the system hopefully it stay atached to the ticket, they never lose those.

They used to staple it to the paperwork. Dunno if they still do. You could spot a shitty driver by the number of staple holes in their DL.

In high school, we'd always steal someone's brand new DL, and put about a dozen pair of staple holes in it, so their parents would think they were hiding tickets... heh...[/ex-chicagoan]

You could slightly iron th old license and the holes would go away. A trick all HS students learned. They still staple the new ones.
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In PA you get an almost $200 ticket and 3-4 points. At 6 points you have to take a test to have 2 knocked off your record. If it happens that you hit 6 more than once, then it's time for lots of remedial safe driving school and possible license suspension.

But I don't know anything about getting speeding tickets or having 6 points.......

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Go to the DMV and get a State ID if you want photo proof. It is a legal ID and works for the I9 forms, getting into bars or past TSA checkpoints.

Thank you Captain Obvious. If i wanted a state ID i would've gotten one. I believe my thread was simply asking people in other states what the procedures are when they get a speeding ticket.

Edited cause i meant "captain obvious" not "mr. obvious." Hehe.


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Thank you Mr. Obvious. If i wanted a state ID i would've gotten one. I believe my thread was simply asking people in other states what the procedures are when they get a speeding ticket.

Because we all know how you always post on topic:P

I've always wondered if they take your license here in IL if you are from another state. I personally know that in GA and IA they don't B|
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I've travelled extensively in North America, and this is the first time I've heard of this practice. Then again, I haven't gotten tickets in most of the places I've visited. :)

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Most states only take your license if you are from out of state, to insure that you pay the ticket.

A friend of mine got a DUI in Ark. and they suspended his license for 120 days, a fine, 30 days in the county jail, and he had to go to a alcohol abuse class before he got them back.

Then 2 weeks later Mo. suspended them because he lived in Mo.

He had to take another alcohol class which are expensive because you have to go through a screening first to determine which level of class you need, and you have to pay for the screening, and the class.
Plus he was suspended for another 120 days.

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I live in IL. When you get a ticket in IL, the cop takes your driver's license as bond. You get your license back when you pay the ticket. You are still legally able to drive as long as you have the ticket with you in the car. Seems like when i talk to people in other states, they think it's strange to have your license taken. So is it just an IL thing? What happens in the state you live in?

that depends. if I get a speeding tickwet I show them my I.D. and they usually let me go...OH WAIT I NEED A CAR IN ORDER TO SPEED. DAMN[:/][:/]
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A few months ago I got popped doing 75 in a 45 construction zone in Indiana. I got a ticket for the full bit, a form explaining how to calculate my own fine and what to do if I wanted to take it to court, and sent on my way. Whole thing only cost me about $140.

Here's the scam: If I wanted to challenge the ticket, I would have had to drive the several hundred miles to Clarke County twice, once to plead not guilty at the arraignment, and again for the trial. By setting my arraignment at 8:30 am, they make it into a 2-day trip. If the trial was scheduled at a similarly early time, the whole process would take 4 days off of work, 2 nights in hotels, meals, and close to 1000 miles of driving. Combine that with the really low price of traffic violations in that county, and no out-of-stater in their right mind would bother coming back to challenge the ticket, even if they had an airtight case.

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When I lived in Fair Oaks, CA. (Sacramento county).... what happened to me, was they would try to give me a speeding ticket, but I just looked at him and smiled and did exactly as he told me and he couldn't seem to give me a ticket. hmmm I really don't know what happens to you when you get a speeding ticket in that county

California issues speeding tickets?:o that's a unicorn sighting!! You go less than 80 in san diego you cause a ten car pileup.

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I live in IL. When you get a ticket in IL, the cop takes your driver's license as bond. You get your license back when you pay the ticket. You are still legally able to drive as long as you have the ticket with you in the car. Seems like when i talk to people in other states, they think it's strange to have your license taken. So is it just an IL thing? What happens in the state you live in?

If you drive in Texas, you can speed all you want 5-10mph above the speed limit in built up areas, but never off the interstate. If you get caught in Comal County, your ass goes straight to county jail even weren't speeding but if you say the words "I wasn't speeding!" (you will be seen as combative and get lots more charges filed on you, better to just say nothing other than "uh huh" and "okay")

In New Braunfels (also Comal Co) the city police is much more tolerant, but if you see a car or SUV with green stripes on it and a light bar, you better be driving like a grandma!!!

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in North carolina the ticket itself is only like 15 bucks. however the court costs, which you have to pay even if you mail in the payment, are around $120. thats a rip off.

johnson county in Kansas kicks ass though. if you pay double your ticket, which mine was 60 bucks for going 52 in a 35, it gets changed to a nonmoving violation. this means your insurance never sees it.

MB 3528, RB 1182

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All I have to do is smile big and maybe lean over a little and I've managed to keep my license every time. Not even a fine:)

Ooo you need to show us one of those open-teeth smiles and naughty sweater photos :ph34r:

I'm RICK JAMES! Fo shizzle.

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Most states only take your license if you are from out of state, to insure that you pay the ticket.

The thread was started to find out which states. So please list the states you are referring to.


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They still staple the new ones.

A friend of mine got pulled over with his new Illinois license. The cop went to write up the ticket, stapled the license to the ticket and it cracked the license into three chunks.

The cop walked back to my friends car, handed him the three pieces of his license and said, "I'll let you deal with that."

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I think it depends on the judge. My daughter got a speeding ticket (100 but he wrote it for 80 so that he didn't have to arrest her). Since she was 16 at the time I had to go to court with her. We went before the judge and the judge said "I'll have to take your license away for a month". My daughter was like ahhh.The judge said did you have plans this weekend? My daughter said "yes, I was going to drive up to visit my friends in Santa Barbara". The judge said "okay, you can keep your liscense until next week and then turn it in". Of course my daughter was happy, but I don't think it really taught her a lesson.

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They still staple the new ones.

Hey Bo, I got a speeding ticket two months ago on my way home from SDC. Got the ticket Sunday night, got my license back Friday and NO staple holes:)
Also if I would have had the $75. cash exact change I could of posted that instead of my license when I got the ticket. I didn't have it (duh, I've been at the DZ) so I just gave him the license. Got the license back as soon as it made its way to the courthouse which was Friday of that week.


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Well the speeding ticket i got a few weeks ago is $75

I wish. I got nailed here in PA a few months ago and the ticket cost me almost $200. Had to pay some $80 medical services fee or something like that in addition to the ticket.

Btw, to anybody driving on 202 near Philly, if you decide you wanna do 100 (55 mph limit), make sure there aren't any black cars halfway down an on ramp with their hoods open. It's a cop and that's how I got nailed. He took mercy on me though. Was my first infraction in 13 years, so I only got written up for 89 mph so I wouldn't lose my license, but dammit those 5 pts hurt. Btw in Delaware, if you get 5 pts in one ticket, they do take your license.

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I live in IL. When you get a ticket in IL, the cop takes your driver's license as bond. You get your license back when you pay the ticket. You are still legally able to drive as long as you have the ticket with you in the car. Seems like when i talk to people in other states, they think it's strange to have your license taken. So is it just an IL thing? What happens in the state you live in?

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They used to do that in Georgia, but the policy was modified a few years ago...

...In a mostly unrelated story, I was going 45mph in a 40 zone back in 1997 when I was stopped by a motorcycle cop with a radar gun. I was surprised he'd stop me for that until he said he had me going 63! (I read years ago that guilty people will try to come up with an explanation; I didn't have one and didn't try. Later it occurred to me that the radar had probably caught the large "Blazer"-type vehicle which came up behind my Camaro as we both turned the corner.)

When it became apparent that he was writing a ticket I stopped protesting my innocence and asked procedural questions, such as what he thought my chances would be in court, etc. He said it would depend on the judge, and what they thought of me calling him a liar, etc. "No!" I said - If he said his radar showed 63 I took him at his word, it's just that I didn't make it do that. I was firm & polite, and I suspect that these guys develop a sixth sense about these things and can tell when someone's shoveling a pile of bull on them.

In court the prosecutor babe offered a tempting deal, but I wanted to prove my innocence. After one more chance at a deal, I was able to face the judge. While waiting, I saw the cop in a hallway off to the side of the courtroom. They probably agreed behind the scenes that I had been mistakenly accused, because before I could present my evidence the judge told me that the witness against was not in court and I was free to go. I almost said "No, he's here - I just saw him" but I didn't.

The funny thing is when the prosecutor offered me a sweet deal, saying she'd "never lost a radar case." I asked what this had to do with her.

Moral: If you don't BS the cop, you'll stand out from the crowd & he'll remember you later. This might not necessarily be a bad thing. Also, try not to accumulate a bunch of violations. My case was most likely made easier becaue I have a clean record.

Moral #2: Get rid of the Camaro.

Jon S.

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From what I hear, that works out here too. If you get pulled over by a local cop and want to protest, go to court cause 9 times out of 10 he won't bother to show up and it gets thrown out, BUT if you get pulled over by a state copy, they are REQUIRED to show up so it won't be that easy.

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