
Stand by for hard-core PT!

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I'm a fat ass. I was stocky before I had my medical problem, but I haven't worked out for nearly 3 months. Before I had surgery I couldn't work out since I was in pain...just didn't feel like lifting weights (I know, I'm a pussy, I should have worked through the pain) and I now that I'm starting to feel better I'm scared to start PT again until I get cleared from my Doc (appointment on the 25th)...


I've put 15lbs on in those months.>:(>:(>:(

And those aren't good pounds, they're bad "I could lead deguello pounds.":P

So I'm pissed off and MUST workout.

Anyone else with me?

Who wants to loose 20lbs in the next 3 months? My fish year in the Corps of Cadets I lost 40lbs in 2 months due to the PT, so I know I can do it, so 20lbs should be a piece of cake. What did I change about my diet when I was a freshman? Nothing, infact I started eating everything I could get my hands on just for the energy, so I'm not too worried about my diet, I'm just going to go back to PTing as hard as I can!

Its time to start running again. My fucked knee doesn't work too well, BUT I know I can run through that pain...eitherway I need to get my running back atleast a little bit so I can do really well at the police academy in a year, so I have to.

I know this post has no bearing on any of your lives, but I had to state it "outloud" its my goal, I'm pissed off and I had to rant. Since I've said it "outloud" and since I'm pissed off, its going to fucking happen! I'm going to get back down to around 10% body fat and I'm going to do it hard core!
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I'm with you, Dave! Since I broke my leg, I wasn't able to get up and move around much so I put on a little bit of weight. Now that I can walk again, it's coming off, but really slowly. I won't be doing any hardcore weight-lifting, but I'll be damned if I let this weight stay on me.
I'm so funny I crack my head open!

P.M.S. #102

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I'm already with you Dave.

Lost 20 pounds in the last 12 months so far.

Up to about 8 hours a week, spread across four days, split, in the Gymn.


Just added an 30 minute cardio bout every morning, weights usually in the evenings.

I like the way I look, but truly, what I'm really grooving on?

All the really cool energy. Good vibes. Feel incredible.

Eating six times a day. Sleeping right.

Big Fun

Loving it.

Good luck man.

It's a gas, gas, gas...

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I'm with you, Dave! Since I broke my leg, I wasn't able to get up and move around much so I put on a little bit of weight.

I know how you feel. After breaking my ankle and not doing almost any physical activity at all for months and months, I must have gained weight because I cannot fit into my clothes...wth? I am sooooo pissed off!!! >:(>:(>:(

Good for you, Dave, and everyone else for taking action now! Good luck to you all.

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have you tried long periods of cardio? Swimming is a good way to do that. I know you can run a mile, but can you swim one in under 25 mins?
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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At one poinst I could swim 500m in about 8 minutes. I know that's not blazing but for me I felt like that was good. Especially since I didn't shave my body, which would have quickened me by atleast 5 minutes.

--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Its time to start running again. My fucked knee doesn't work too well, BUT I know I can run through that pain...

Running throught the pain will do you no good at all, especially if your carrying a 'few' extra pounds.

If it hurts its not good. Either get the knee problem fixed or find another CV exercise (swimming or cycling, something low impact).

Save the running through the pain barrier shit for the special forces or when you REALLY need it. (Speaking from expierence here)

Other than that, good luck, your already half way there, as you are mentally ready.

Lee _______________________________

In a world full of people, only some want to fly, is that not crazy?

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dude swimming SUCKS....its a hella good workoout..all around but GOD it SUCKS

ummmmmmmmm ok. why do you think it sucks Jake?
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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omg ocean swimming is about the roughest thing out there.

try swimming out past the breakers a couple times and then tell me your draggin ass just a little.
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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dude swimming SUCKS....its a hella good workoout..all around but GOD it SUCKS

ummmmmmmmm ok. why do you think it sucks Jake?

dude cause i swim two laps in a pool and i cant breath....i would rather run 8 miles then swim a mile
"Professor of Pimpology"~~~Bolas

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PT! That’s physical training Sweet peas! It’s Exercise! It’s pushing steel till your arms burn until you can't lift them to pick your own nose (as opposed to someone else’s.) It’s running till you’re out of breath and suckin’ wind. It’s the pain and sweat and fatigue. It’s the clash of will versus desire. It’s the place where pain is weakness leaving the body. PT!
In the race for fitness, there is no finish line! There’s only the ever rising mountain ahead. It’s the shining path towards physical perfection. Beneath that veneer of loose flesh is a creature made of fibrous muscular steel wanting to get out. Motivation is the fuel but PT is the igniter that will burn off that overcoat to reveal that which all desire.
Those with the willpower will drive through their exhaustion and fight every moment to avoid falling among those measly run-drops on the side of the road, suckin’ wind and hurlin’ chow on the beaten path to Quittin’ Land. One must fight up from the chasm between panic city and desperation gulch, where willpower falls at the slightest excuse.
Sympathy hell! You can find sympathy between shit and syphilis in the dictionary!! Get back on that treadmill! Get back on that bike! Do another mile around the track! Never give up, never say die! Never ever stop and never ask why! PT Baby! It’s good fer ya!
.. as the God of Running says (Nike) Just Do It!

You're always the starter in your own life!

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I'm with Arthur...swimming is sooo much fun and an amazing work-out! Ocean swimming is especially challenging. B|

I call ocean swimming " trying to not drown "

and don't me post a pic of my bicep ...they're 11...11 1/4 inches EASY......:)

"Don't Mess Around With the Guy in Shades- Oh No!!! "

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