
Post some of your 'little kid' memories.

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- I was a huge fan of the Batman t.v. series. Mom would safety-pin a blue bath towel around my neck as a cape. (Batman is probably why my favorite color is blue.) My brother, who was 15 when I was 6, would take me out to the back yard and we'd have "Batman Fights." These consisted of me trying my best to beat the shit out of my brother, and him flopping around when I'd hit him, pretending I'd really walloped him. He'd put me in all kinds of grips and holds and we'd rassle around on the grass. Great fun!

- I figured I was old enough, at 6 or 7, to change a light bulb in the lamp in my room. I had unplugged it for safety, but when I went to plug it back in, apparently I bridged the two prongs of the plug with my thumb, because I felt a wicked stinging vibration in my hand. I ran screaming downstairs to where my family was in the den watching t.v., insisting, "I'm electrocuted! I'm electrocuted!"

These give me 2 new memories. First, didn't every little boy have a towel pinned to their clothes so they can be a super-hero?B| Second, I once was inserting a plug into an outlet and accidently touched the prongs. Man, I was zapped. My older brother witnessed this and I asked him if he saw my skeleton.:P Too many Road Runner cartoons!;)


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These give me 2 new memories. First, didn't every little boy have a towel pinned to their clothes so they can be a super-hero? Second, I once was inserting a plug into an outlet and accidently touched the prongs. Man, I was zapped. My older brother witnessed this and I asked him if he saw my skeleton

O.K. follow the dots or dot to dot, something like that.
The little deer that you press on the bottom and it sits down.
The sand box!! My first two girlfiends were Lisa Gaye and Lorrie Jolly! Was i a cool mack daddy three year old or what?
My brother blowing up models with M-80s.
The Wasp nest!!
Kenny the milk man.
Coloring inside the lines.
Show and tell, the media player. ok the other too!
Hey mommy! Look I pooped!!


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-I clearly remember driving to the hospital in our AMC Rambler stationwagon to pick up my baby sister. I was two and a half years old and I vividly remember that she was so small that she fit in a shoe box.

-I remember blowing up a mailbox with M-80's at a house down the street from my grandmother. I might have been seven or eight. That house and the rest of the road it was on was razed and now HWY 280 runs straight through it. The highway right of way also caused my old elementary school to be bulldozed; sad.

-I remember nearly driving my go kart off into our fishing pond when I was around six because the throttle jammed and I could not reach the brake pedal. I chose running it into a briar patch instead and got cut up badly. That house, under 1000 square feet, and on seven acres recently went back on the market for around 105k. My dad paid 20k for it back in 1963.

-I remember catching baby frogs on the dirt road leading to our cabin on Lake Martin (known simply as "the backwaters") when I was a child. Everyone on the lake back then had flat-bottomed jet boats with big-block chevy 454's. Ours was called "Huzunga."

-I remember when my mother and her best friend owned a daycare in the Pepperell mill village when I was a tyke. I was so small that I would ride in the dump bed of my old Tonka truck down the hill in front of the place. The site it existed on is now a grassy field.

-I clearly remember the first time I held my breath and went under water. It was at Bama Park on the backwaters and my grandmother taught me. I was maybe four.

-I remember the first time I opened my eyes under water. I was seven and we lived in Fort Worth, TX.

-edited to add: I remember, very clearly, my dad jumping into Midway Plaza in Opelika, AL dressed as Santa every year. I don't think I figured out it was my dad until I was around four. It's incredibly funny in retrospect that they used to fly over the big parking lot in the C-182 at like 200 feet and dump candy out the door! Nice.

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feel free to hunt for treasure at 205 vista robles san antonio texas because they never found it! arrrggghhh mataaaay!!!

Yeah, but the old people in that part of Hollywood Park don't like strangers in their yard very much.:D

I remember riding my tonka truck like a skateboard, and breaking it. My mom was convinced that i was the only kid to ever break a tonka truck TWICE!:D The commercials for them featured an elephant standing on them for pete's sake.:D

I also remember dragging a milk carton upstairs to watch saturday morning cartoons and eat my cereal in my parents bedroom:D

Thanks Chris, good thread.:)

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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some of my earliest memories:

when I was about 4 my parents took us on a plane from Baltimore to San Francisco. I remember some highlights from the trip:

I spilled my little bag of ridged potato chips while eating on the flight over.

I remember going to the reptile house at the zoo (I LOVED reptiles!) and seeing a baby cobra in a glass cage trying to strike at me.

I remember holding my mitten to my nose at the stinky fishmarket in Chinatown.

I remember eating Screaming Yellow Zonkers while watching Yellow Submarine in the movie theatre. I LOVED that movie!!
my Mom bought the Yellow Submarine album & we used to listen to it all the time. when I was 4 or 5 I really liked the more trippy, psychedelic songs, such as Northern Song by George Harrison. Also the song Hey Bulldog.
Speed Racer

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Let's see when I was about 2-3 years old I remember playing on a skateboard at the top of some stairs and thinking how much fun it would be to ride it down the steps. Next thing I know I'm headed for them and I hear my dad yelling and running after me. He grabbed me right before I got to the first step.

I remember my first ambulance ride at age 4 after playing king of the mountain with an upside down shopping cart. (Broken collarbone/ concussion).

On my first trip to Disney land I saw the Big Bad wolf and wanted to shake his hand, but he kept ignoring me. I got mad and snuck up behind him and yanked his tail. He fell down and then started to chase after me. Sure enough my mom got it on film.

I think I was about 7 when I had my first broken nose. I kept stepping on my older sisters and cousins thongs and making them trip thinking it was funny until they both at the same time stepped on mine. Sure enough I fell forward and smacked the ground.
TPM Sister#130ONTIG#1
I love vodka.I love vodka cause it rhymes with Tuaca~LisaH
You having a clean thought is like billyvance having a clean post.iluvtofly

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-Sometime around kindergarten age me and my buddy decided to cut down a small tree using the back ends of hammers. He neglected to wait for me to move my hand. Mom's face when I showed up at the door covered in blood was priceless. Took some obscene number stitches to sew the tip of the finger back on.

-1st/2nd grade in New Hampshire. Walked to school, all uphill on the way there, obviously downhill on the way home. During winter we'd hook our sleds to the back of the older kid's ATV for a ride and then sled the whole way home.

-Moved to GA in 2nd grade. Couldn't believe it when we got off school because they thought it might snow! And the look on the people's faces after the first snow when we showed up with all sorts of sleds and snowsuits. You might have thought we were aliens. None of them had ever seen a kid in a snowsuit before - adults included!

-We used to have a HUGE pillow chair. Like a beanbag except foam and about 5ft in diameter. We used to love it when dad would stand a few feet away and launch us onto the pillow chair. Little too hard once and my head went through the wall and cracked a stud. Still have a bump from that one.

-Around age 10 or 12 somehow the little brother convinced me to lie down and let him jump his bike over me. Ended up with a 3/4 inch bolt (meant to have a "peg" on it) stuck in my head. Still have a lump from that one too.
Killing threads since 2004.

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I remeber being about 4, my family went to Disney World. We were walking around all day, and right around dinner time we were in Epcott and I stopped in the middle of the walkway and sat down and just stared at my knees. When asked what was wrong I said, "My legs don't work anymore."

We had a raspberry bush near our house growing up (which was taller than I was) and I remember getting a big bowl, and putting on about 6 layers of clothes and attacking the bush and coming back with several pounds of raspberries. I'd, of course, still have scratches all over the place.

when I was seven and we moved to a new house, our basement was all wide open in the middle with boxes stacked up in one corner. my sisters and I would rollerskate down there really fast, and use the steel posts to swing ourselves around. I missed the post going really fast once and went careening into a huge pile of boxes.

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Ahh, to be a kid again.. I remember my Mom would make my brother Chris and I take a bath together (4 & 5 yrs old.) Chris had a submarine that you put a tablet in and it would dive then rise. Somehow it disappeared until Chris jumped up out of the tub with a cut on his butt. I howled til my tummy hurt.
One night me Mum cut my oldest brother David's hair. After she pulled the towel from around his neck he took a shower. When he asked us for a towel someone handed him the towel that was around his neck... As kids we'd sneak into the bathroom when one of us was taking a shower and douse them with freezin' cold wattah. Ha, ha, ha!
Bein' the precocious type, I'm sitting on the bed and I put a rubber band around my head and stretched it around my toes. I'm gigglin' away wigglin my toes forward and back til brother Chris slaps the thing and it snaps me in the face. Ahh, to be a kid again.

You're always the starter in your own life!

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Yeah! that's where we lived! that house had a huge poison oak in the back... which reminds me of this time we had a toga party in college... we couldn't remember if it was 5 or 7 pointed leaves (turns out its 3). My date was sooooooo not impressed :o oopsie!!! that was ivy though. Breakable people, I had my share as well (see attached)... but the only time it was my fault was the monkey bar incident B| ... I blame my sister for the rest:)Heidi

If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off!

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I was too little to ride a "real bicycle" but, the Mini Bambino/Indian motorcycle was just my size. It was a shame that at age 3, I didn't understand which way was accelerate and zoom/pow and was stuck with a hot muffler on my leg and a bike that well out weighed me.
Year 2 of skiing I was 4 and thought I could "ski without DAD". I discovered that a spiral break would end my season right on the opening day.
I didn''t cry until they said"that's the end of this year for you" and cut off my new pants.
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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Hmmm, Most of my childhood memories involve growing up as the youngest is a pretty large family. I have two older sisters, who roughed me up more than ANY older brother ever could.
Remember the trick of tying a lose tooth to a doorknob and slamming the door? My sisters did that to me, but they first tied me to a chair so I couldn't get away.
Hey, with a Mom & dad working full time, who else to raise lil' shaun? Thats probably why I am like I am now... :P
=========Shaun ==========

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