
What Is SEXY?

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What do you find sexy? And what do you think is sexy about you? :)

Sexy is a man who asks you a question and actually wants to hear the answer. He actually gives a shit not to just tell you what you want to hear to get something in return down the line but to tell the truth anyways. Sexy is a man who still truly takes the time to romance me. One who will go out of his way to make me feel special as a person and not just a potential whore.

What is sexy about me? I know the difference between all the above and the posers and even though I joke and post whore I will never settle for less than the real thing. ;)
Please feel free to reply to my posts and pm's, but only if you're smart enough to understand what they really mean.

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What do you find sexy? And what do you think is sexy about you? :)


Sexy is a man who asks you a question and actually wants to hear the answer. He actually gives a shit not to just tell you what you want to hear to get something in return down the line but to tell the truth anyways. Sexy is a man who still truly takes the time to romance me. One who will go out of his way to make me feel special as a person and not just a potential whore.

Good answers.... I agree with ya. ;)B|
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I like a man who is completely himself at all times. I see a lot of bull shit and it bores me. :S

Well you would be a rarity indeed, most people DONT want others to be themselve ALL the time & for good reason, some peole are wankers:D some are just hard to take in large doses (me for instance, I'm a nice guy but I'm also a bit "out there") having me be "myself" all the time is not in my best interest socially at least:D:D:D:D
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I do feel that BABY OIL can make anyone sexy but,
THe SEXY attitude of a person can make it come to life.
I'd rather have a "4-6" with sexy attitude:)
I've had both and know I have learned life's lesson on "sexy".;)
**What would make me sexy? I actually care about others, sensuality is important, I have the ability to bring out "the sexy" in others that are just realizing this in themselves. Like a very positve mirror for others.:)
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Someone who is all natural on the inside and out (no plastic literally or figuratively)... Natural beauty without any dehabilitatiing ego issues (hang ups, vanity, prejudice). It also helps for them to be moral in the real sense (not in the shallow-fingerpointing sense), treasuring life, diversity, being capable of empathy.

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-but beauty is more now than dying’s when

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What do you find sexy? And what do you think is sexy about you?

I find Independence and motivation as Sexy. I am very attracted to those who have motivation to accomplish something, and have a desire to better themselves. This is tricky for me, however, Because I'm always looking at the girls that arn't looking for a guy. Meh, I'm young.. I'll figure it out someday. :)What do I find Sexy about myself!?!? Not the faintest Idea. I know I'm a good guy, but as far as "sexy" I'm out of it. How about this, when I find a girl, I'll ask her what's sexy about me and let ya'll know.....
=========Shaun ==========

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Don't be dense...

You are a nice, hardworking, and spunky guy, and that is what makes you sexy...geeze...I just won't tell you how many chicks found you hot at WFFC...:)...Ooops...looks like I spilled the beans...;)...

~R+R:)...And ThongBoy...You got that GD horrible song in my head, "I'm too sexy...":D:D:D...shit...:S...
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"The best game is no game"...

DING DING DING! We have a winner! :)
Cheesy lines and bullshit will get you nowhere but outside in the cold. And if you can't see that what you're doing is LAME, then there's no hope for you.

As for me, I don't know what's sexy about me, but there's bound to be something, right? ;)


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What do you find sexy? And what do you think is sexy about you?

I find it sexy when a woman walks into a room and just shines with confidence, not eragance but confidence. When she knows she doesnt have to haev her boobs hanging out to get a guys attention, but can dress in a business suit or something and look amazing. I think it is increadbly sexy when a woman keeps things to the imigination.

I have tow girls that i work with, one comeas in when she is not working and flaunts herself, and then the other coes in and just hangs out. i dont think women have to try to be sexy all the time, most of the time they are sexy juy cause of their attitude.
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I'll take a shot at answering that.
Lany Sexy is what overflows out of someones soul when they are honestly showing their true feelings for someone else. It radiates from them in the passionate kiss, their embrace as it warms your very essence, the joy that comes from within them as they share time with you. in a way I guess love is what makes people sexy. -caress
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What is sexy?
Sexiness is being able to be a strong man, both on the inside and the outside. Sexiness is knowing how to give and receive, be himself w/o trying to act all macho. Sexiness is stepping up, and him being the man he was created to be, and enjoying his manly characteristics while still appreciating the difference in his female partner.
Also, if he can make me laugh AND cry, he's somethin pretty special.
What's sexy about me? I do looooove my long hair and long legs, and when I can go out, have fun, not worry about getting dirty or wrinkling my clothes one bit...and not getting upset over small issues. ;)

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For some reason this question has been rattling around in my brain, looking for answers. So I've thought and thought, went away, did some work, thought some more. I don't have an answer, but I do have some thoughts to share :)
-Sure sexy can be defined in many ways - nice body, cute eyes, etc. but those are things that catch our attention - sexy is what holds our attention once we've engaged each other. So what keeps me coming back?

Sincerity is a big one. There's nothing more that I could ask for than a woman who is really interested in me and what I think and have to say. It's one of those gifts that I love and long to return.

Honesty - Don't feed me bullshit. Tell me what you mean and how you feel. Anything else is just wasting our time and building animosity. When a woman can be completely open and honest with me, that is sexy.

Passion - living life to it's fullest, not waiting for it to come to her but grabbing it by the throat and having a blast. That is sexy.

- I think when two people find each other sexy, something that is greater than the sum of the parts arises.

- A few times I've found myself in the presence of a woman who embodies sexy and really there are no words to describe it.

- When you find yourself convinced that heaven is missing an angel - you are in the presence of a sexy person.

That's just a few of the thoughts - had to get those out to free up some brain space for work. :)
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