
South Africa

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So for those South Africans, or those who have recently been there, give me a little feedback on current situation.

How is work availability/job security (Black vs. White as well)
How is crime rates?
How is education?

How is the current situation compared to ten years ago? 20 years ago?

Is the future looking good or bad?

How many south africans are trying to get out of south africa, and how many are suceeding?


As jy dom is moet jy bloei!

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I've never struggled to find a job. I'm white, don't have a degree, 42 and spent the first 15 years of my adult life doing "nothing." I hear that's bad for your career.

There is crime. White South African's feel a dramatic increase over the apartheid days, as back then the police force was more a white armed response movement. When you fail to educate people for a generation (Liberation before education - since 1976) you will have crime. Deal with it. It doesn't bother me. Other places are boring.

I think our democracy is stable. All those stories we were told of being murdered in our beds have not come true yet.;) I think our major issues will be the work of our children to resolve. The best we can do now is to be good parents, and not prejudice our offspring's outlook of their fellow South Africans.

Lots of South Africans are leaving, but the strengthening Rand has many returning. The dream of working a year or 2 in London and retiring is gone. Any big city will suck all the cash you earn. it's what makes them great.

SA is WAY better than it was 10 years ago. There's no comparison to 20 years ago. Thank God.

Stay or go? I'm leaving! But I'll be back after the DZ.com boogie!

It's the year of the Pig.

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Hey Tonto
U have my utmost respect - u call it like you see it and I like the way you see it.

I am in london at the moment working etc.. wanna travel europe and thats the only reason i left HOME.
There is no place like South Africa - Miss it dearly and will deff be back soon.
Miss the awsome weather the awsome dropzones and my awsome friends - SA has many problems but none that cant be resolved given time patience and willingness to try.

Anyone here asks me about SA - and I am optomistic, I love SA and am patriotic - i think we need more patriotic ppl - to stand up for our beautiful HOME.

Anyways - EVERYONE - come to SOuth Africa for yourselves - bring lots of £$ and see the most amazing country and ppl in the world


**** My 2 Cents ****
Peace Be Da Journey

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Yo Bert

In short? Our country rocks dude!

We have some of the most beautiful landscapes and coastlines in the world, white sand beaches, crystal clear blue water and so many friendly people i can't begin to tell you. Not to mention vibey and cosmopolitan cities like Cape Town and Johannesburg.

I dig travelling, i've done the Far East and some parts of the USA so far and have the desire to see many other parts of the world but this is my home and always will be. I'll openly admit that i plan on dying here.

Sure we have crime but you'd use the same street smarts in Johannesburg or Cape Town as you would on a night out in Rio, New York or any other big city around the world.

As far as i'm concerned the black/white thing is no longer an issue, especially for the younger generations and like T said, it's all about educating your little ones for they shall inherit it all.

I've also never had a problem finding a job, whether it be on a non-permanent basis such as waitering or in the Advertising indsutry which is what i'm trained to do.

I know a lot of families who left a while back for so called "greener pastures" and i've seen a lot of them and their kids come flooding back lately. Most of the people i know that are close to my age are looking to travel in terms of seeing the world rather than looking to move away for good.

And i always do my best to act like an ambassador for this country while i'm overseas, in fact it looks like i might just have a few American friends comin' over to visit in the new year.

Kom terug en kuier met ons bru! B|


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Yup, I will return too ... one day. At the moment I'm thoroughly enjoying the randomness that is Thailand. :)
Travelling is great, and I have far more opportunity to do it out here (read cheaper). SE Asia is fantastic - Cambodia rocks, and will let you know about Myanmar (Burma) in Jan. Have plans to stay for a few more years, but in my heart, I know I'll always go back to SA. Looking forward to a brief holiday home in April.

And there's a DZ opening here soon - will be current at last!!

coincidence - this has just arrived in my inbox!!!! Thanks Pawl!

Within my soul, within my mind,

There lies a place I cannot find.

Home of my heart. Land of my birth.

Smoke-coloured stone

and flame-coloured earth.

Electric skies. Shivering heat.

Blood-red clay beneath my feet.

At night when finally alone,

I close my eyes -- and I am home.

I kneel and touch the blood-warm sand

And feel the pulse beneath my hand

Of an ancient life too old to name,

In an ancient land too wild to tame.

How can I show you what I feel?

How can I make this essence real?

I search for words in dumb frustration

To try and form some explanation,

But how can heart and soul be caught

In one-dimensional written thought?

If love and longing are a "fire"

And man "consumed" by his desire,

Then this love is no simple flame

That mortal thought can hold or tame.

As deep within the earth's own core

The love of home burns evermore.
..... AUthor unknown


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Any big city will suck all the cash you earn. it's what makes them great.

Very true, Tontoism nr. 57 has been noted. B|

My friends in SA all have jobs and have bought houses. Then again, I am a (cheap) one hour flight away from five different countries here in London. Hard-working entrepeneurial types do well in SA, slackers like me who just cruise along in big companies do better in London. ;)

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Peej and tonto

I heard that same opinion from two friends who recently spent time in Stellebosch. But thats the Cape, not Gautengeleng.

My parents just travelled there, and within a week they told us (email) that we are very fortunate to have moved and it was def. the right thing. (they stayed at my aunts in wierdapark, pretoria).

So I basically want to see if they told me that honestly (which i trust), or if they told me to keep me happy here in the US and away from SA.
All the young peoples opinions seem positive, while my uncle and aunt is telling me the same as my parents. Stay where I am.

Just wondering on the situation of my homeland. I will definitely be back, as soon as I can save up more money than lunch money!:)

As jy dom is moet jy bloei!

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And that's it in a nutshell.

If you're white, and old, and a former member of the master race - the new South Africa must suck.

Imagine just being a regular human, like all the other regular humans, with human rights. That's got a nice ring to it. I think I'll stick with it for a while.

Ten years ago I was wearing kevlar and carrying at least 2 guns - every day - all day. And I was a "consultant" for JPD.

Today, I carry no weapon other than who I am. Sure, I keep my eyes open and I stay sharp, but that's wise wherever you are. Why, if things were worse, would I choose to disarm myself and take my chances?

It's the year of the Pig.

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Well said oh wise one ;)

Bert, to quote Dylan, the times they are a changing dude. Sometimes i can't stand to be around my grandparents because of all the negative kak they talk about our country, but like T said, with the changing of the old guard things are getting better and life here is getting brighter and brighter every day. It's good to be from the Southern tip of Africa!

Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky

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Hey there,

so true guys, South Africa is the land of opportunity! Where else in the world can you find large open spaces, homes that actually have a garden and when driving to work, all I see is trees, trees, trees.

We are so lucky to live in this country and like T and Peej said, you need to keep alert in any big city!! Come visit us, experience true South African Hospitality!

Blue skies always


"Most of us can read the writing on the wall; we just assume it's
addressed to someone else!" Ivern Ball

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Yeah... and the Saturday Star produced figures showing South Africa to be in the longest sustained ecconomic growth phase since WW2 with inflation down to 3.2% and ecconomic growth at 4% and climbing to 6%. My house has nearly doubled in value in 3 years, and the bank is prepaired to give me that money. Someone is bullshitting - and someone else is putting cash down to bet on that future. Who would you beleive?

It's the year of the Pig.

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