
What's in your closet?

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My closet is full of daggy jeans and Tshirts and skydiving shirts are slowly making their mark. I ride motorbikes so leather jackets and pants with kevlar also take up a bit of room. I then have my winter clothes for going to the snow (yes we have snow in australia), and then climbing equipment, blades, iceskates, camping gear (for staying at the dz).

Pretty much my weekend clothes have always been jeans and a tshirt, sometimes a good shirt but comfy. My work clothes are typical business attire.

I used to wear clothes with no logos and plain colors, but i have found I wear more colorful clothes now. Yay for me. Mind you i dont count myself as a skydiver yet, i am someone who skydives.

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When I was going through the student program I would show up with make up and my hair done every day...WTF? I don't know what was up with that..but it didn't take long of putting on a jumpsuit and sweating my ass off (Houston humidity sucks..trust me) to realize it wasn't worth it cause I would just end up sweating off the make up anyways. Yup...w/in a few weeks it turned to pony tails and all natural (no make up). I use to dress up on weekends too..now I don't go out cause I'm broke..damn skydiving & credit cards don't go well together. :) Yeah, so you could say now my closet consists of basically tshirts & jeans.

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