
Have you had to read your posts the next day to see what you wrote?

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I was just talking to someone at the DZ about this. Posting when drinking and then the next morning you read the posts to see what you wrote and if you offended anyone. This has happened to me a couple of times. Has anyone else done this.

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Yup! I've done that. Fortunately, I didn't make an ass out of myself. Well, I don't think I did. :S

Sky-div'ing (ski'div'ing) n. A modern sport that involves parties, bragging, sexual excesses, the imbibing of large quantities of beer, and, on rare occasions, parachuting from aircraft.

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been there....done that!
Sometimes do not want to read what I wrote...just cross my fingers hoping nobody is offended and it just gets lost....


I choose rather admit that I know what little I know, and confess that I do not know that which I do not know....for that is the beginning of knowledge.

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yes. even sober. Sometimes i don't have to wait the next day to forget what i wrote.B| I realize i shouldn't hit "Post reply"or "send" , but someone has to say it. Besides, it provides hours of wasted time and entertainment for the reader.

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There I was, thought I was gonna ...

oops, wrong thread.

Yea, one morning I saw a bunch of dz.com emails for replies to my posts, and was like "WTF? I didn't post..."
Um, yea, I hit on Muenkel that night. :S:P
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yep....I need to find a Breathalyzer lock for my computer!:D

I read an article on the BBC website(I think) about cell phones & drunk dialing. Cell phones have made it convenient for drunk people in bars to make phone calls they don't remember the next morning. According to the article, a number of people will, the morning after going out drinking, hurriedly grab for their cell phones to see who they dialed the night before!:D:D
Speed Racer

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What's worse is when you think you've sent a PM but actually you posted it in the last thread you were looking at. DOH!

I've done that sober....thank God for edit functions. ROFL! At least it was a nice and supportive pm.;)

I was once accused by Lummy of proof-reading while drunk posting from the Bombshelter at Perris. I discovered that I had a typo, and corrected it...but left the original post.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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