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Imagine bouillion paste. Spread it on bread. That's a vegemite sandwich.

Actually, it's a salty fermented yeast paste. But that's the closest I can come to describing what I remember of it. It's something you have to grow up with.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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yo i just picked up my new ultralight pro-grade mountain bike. its got titanium cobalt sprockets, magnesium alloy rims, an aramid and carbon fiber frame with graphite filament cored marmite tube reinforcements, oil shocks and a gel seat. cool huh?

Yeah, but there's a reason why I tend to stick to aluminum frames. Guys like me break cool shit like yours so quick and easy, we can see the $$$ rolling down the trail away from us.:S
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Didn't you guys kick off that party by chucking all the available tea into the harbour at Boston?
Which is what any self respecting coffee drinking person really ought to do!

yeah and over 200 years and a multibillion dollar cleanup effort later we still havent got all the shit out of boston harbor.

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yeah but its the marmite tube reinforcement that makes it so strong....
personally i still ride cold steel, and its gotta have a decent suspension. i was pretty good on a bike when i stopped riding for years....then when i bought a newfangled one with actual springs i was ecstatic. i couldnt believe what springs did for reflexes tuned from childhood for a rigid frame. i used it like a cross between a bike and a pogo stick, popping and hopping all over the place like a wombat on crack. it made even riding the clay banks on the american river in rancho cordova easy...i didnt used to dare take a 75 degree angle dropoff, before.

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Yup, suspension is very nice. Especially since you're like me, learned how to ride really well on a rigid frame and fork.

Damn, I wish my Specialized hadn't gotten stolen...>:(

--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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i still think marmite is a newfangled exotic carbon alloy.

best rigid bike i ever owned: diamondback sorrento. ALL the cool options. neon green. living overseas (philippines) i used to take it on the south superhighway, grab ahold of a truck tailgate or the rails on a jeepney a'la "back to the future" and get an insane fast ride to makati or the mall. i have NO idea how fast i was going but i went through tires and brakes like you wouldn't believe. if i tried that here in the states id be arrested before i made it up the on ramp. a pity. never mind that it was possibly the stupidest way to get around ive ever used for a prolonged period of time, it was a blast. just for gods sake don't lose lock on your tow vehicle at 55+....
note: knobby offroad tires wear FAST on the highway and even faster when you exceed their max speed rating by 3x and the tire expands so much from centrifugal force the center of the tread hits the inside top of the fork. think autogovernor. more than once i rolled off the interstate shaking covered in bits of half melted rubber trailing smoke off the front tire....

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"yeah and over 200 years and a multibillion dollar cleanup effort later we still havent got all the shit out of boston harbor. "

Yeahwell, you put it there, you clean it up!B|

Oh Marmite, more foul tsating goop from these shores, it is actually made form old tea B|.......


He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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so long and thanks for all the fish, said the dolphins.
im still no closer to understanding the concept of marmite. what IS this substance what is it composed of, how do you use it what is it for where can i get some and why would i want to? help me out here folks, EDUCATE ME!!!! or are you all actually going to force me to look it up myself? "search engine, tell me about marmite...."

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"waste products of yeast fermentation"
its fungus shit in a jar, in other words

Unlike alcohol, which is waste products from yeast fermentation in a bottle!B|


He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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besides....in a bottle in a distilled form thats like saying your propane grill is running on fart gas. distilled spirits are clinically proven to be free of actual fungal fecal substances. but concentrated shroom shit on toast? thats got to be the most culturally bizarre thing ive ever heard of. you brits manage to get into a lot of weirdness after 10,000 years on the same island. must be the weather or something.

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maybe i have just had too much to keep up but not enought to stay out, but this thread is about tea, bikes and fermented yeast. yes? hmmm.. tea is good, bikes are fun, but i have heard that aussies let thier american guests go first when its time to prepare vegemite toast in the morning. (think jelly toast). dont know where i heard that from :$

namaste, motherfucker.

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"you brits manage to get into a lot of weirdness after 10,000 years on the same island."
:)Misterhand, let me take you to one side and tell you all about haggis....:ph34r::D;)


He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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first off... who the fuck puts cream in tea? me thinks you've got the idea of 'cream tea' wrong... hmmmmmmm a cream tea... alllrgghhhhh

Marmite is pretty grim.

Haggis absoultely rocks :)
and a mug of tea !

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now...you know whats the most phenomenally awesome spreadable quasi-food substance in the known universe?

(in vast deep echoing godlike voice of thunder)


thats right kids, its alternately edible, entertaining, adhesive, abrasive, more aggressive on furniture surfaces than battery acid but somehow doesnt upset your stomach. carrying no nutritional value of its own you can nonetheless live on it for months if need be. nobody has yet identified it as a solid or a liquid and its not too sure itself. it makes a great projectile, property marker and pet food and its cheaper than gasoline! its useful for practical jokes and sight gags, has made several guest appearances in a variety of industry leading pornographic movies! some believe this miracle mystery substance still holds the locked keys to the secrets of nuclear fusion and genetic drift control. only further studies can tell us what the future holds with FLUFF.

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