
Morning Priorities

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Alright, now you've done it...

You've botched the alarm clock or turned it off instead of hitting snooze, but now you're awake and you're late for whatever.

What is the rest of the world going to have to wait for you to do?

(As a brief aside, these choices were carefully selected and I assure you the fact that there are five of them has nothing to do with five being the default number of poll options combined with any laziness on my part. So if you routinely do any other fru-fru nonsense garbage in the morning, keep it to yourself. :P)

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Alright, now you've done it...

You've botched the alarm clock or turned it off instead of hitting snooze, but now you're awake and you're late for whatever.

What is the rest of the world going to have to wait for you to do?

(As a brief aside, these choices were carefully selected and I assure you the fact that there are five of them has nothing to do with five being the default number of poll options combined with any laziness on my part. So if you routinely do any other fru-fru nonsense garbage in the morning, keep it to yourself. :P)

Define fru-fru. :|

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it would depend on how late I was...

Just a little late:
get up, call boss and let him know, brush teeth, get dressed, grab keys and purse, leave. Elapsed time: 10 minutes, if that.

A lot late (two hours or more): Call in sick. Usually if I oversleep that badly, I'm getting sick and feeling pretty rotten, so if I spend the day relaxing and sleeping and eating right, most of the time I'll only get a little sick instead of really sick, so one day off sick saves the company three or four days off sick, and that way I'm not in the office getting everyone else sick. (major pet peeve: people who come to work sick because they don't want to use a sick day, get everyone else sick so everyone else uses THEIR sick days instead, and it tanks productivity when half the office is out sick).

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the A.M. piss ( my "Alarm cock" always wakes me up 1st):ph34r:
-some times I feel like I'll have to do that standing on my head:D
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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