
Could you live the rest of your life single??

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Some people claim there is one person out there truely meant for you, and destiny will unite the two of you.

Considering the world's population growth during the lifetime of such a concept, there are probably now closer to ten thousand people out there for you.

So if you've just endured your nine thousand nine hundred ninety-ninth breakup, fear not, for there is still hope for you. But remember, don't fuck this next one up.

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I personally don't believe that there is only ONE person meant for you...I do believe there are a few that would be good for you...but you might have to wait a little longer for the BEST one;)

why is it people are always looking to hook up with someone?? I am very interested in relationships, not just because of my major. I am wondering why more people don't try and figure themselves out and try and become less self-centered before they try and date someone

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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thought I would/could live my life that way and prepared for such..but that certain someone has made me feel complete, he comforts me, he is there for me unconditionally, he tries so hard with every ounce of his being to understand me...and THAT IS A REAL MAN:)


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I sometimes think I could but then I would want to have someone to share the memories with. I like having someone on vacation with me. I supposed when I am old and rich, I'll have a pool boy or something who can fill in and give me some lovins.

I guess I really would like someone to share time with. If that isn't my hand in life, so be it, no gripes, I entertain myself well :)
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I am wondering why more people don't try and figure themselves out and try and become less self-centered before they try and date someone

What exactly is a self-centered person?

serious question

Not only will you look better, feel better, and fuck better; you'll have significantly increased your life expectancy. --Douva

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Most definitely. Marriage is hard work.

I already know that if this time around doesnt work out, there will be no further attempts at marriage.

That's true - it *IS* hard work. I haven't given up on it completely, but I don't see myself in that type of situation for a few years at the least....
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I am wondering why more people don't try and figure themselves out and try and become less self-centered before they try and date someone

What exactly is a self-centered person?

serious question

what i'm told I am right now.... or from dictionary.com

self-cen·tered (slfsntrd)

Engrossed in oneself and one's own affairs; selfish.

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yeah...sorry I didn't answer your question earlier Bryan. I think it's hard for people to date, stay married, etc,mostly because of self-centeredness. Naturally we all are self-centered, we just have different degrees of it. I think being self-centered is what prohibits a lot of communication and understanding in a relationship. Just my HO;)

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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