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I havent really been into it in a LONG TIME because the desert landscape is weak for paintballing.
but a few co workers go often and I just bought a spyder imiagine and all the periphials ( sp?)

whos into crackin color?

what's your take on the equipment thats out there?

I heard spyders were good for the $$ and they seem to be ok Im not looking to go pro just goofing 'round.

I miss the forrest landscape to actually go play war in[:/]
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I live in Mississippi and I break paint from time to time. I am not interested in going pro, I own an Imagine. It is a very descent gun. Sometimes it is not what type of gun you have, it is how well you can shoot. Also being aggressive helps too. I like to charge into battle and not look back. Does a pretty good job for me. But for the games where I really want to snipe folks out, I have a 21" barrel for that. I also use Nitrogen on my gun instead of CO2.

Blue Skies,

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I was pretty into it when I was in high school, but haven;t played since i broke my arm. At the time, I had a Tippman(I think) 68 carbine with a custom rifled and ported extended barrel, collapsible stock, and flip down front handguard. My air tank was a remote system with a expandable coil hose. I wore the tank and extra pant in a vest on my back. Taking the weight off the weapon itself made it easier to carry and improved accuracy.

Even at the time I was into it, Spyder's were generally thought of as a superior weapon, but I thought otherwise. I think the top end at the time was the Autococker, but I'm sure they have a newer model out by now.

Hope that helps.


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Yep, aggiedave and I both have Original Spyders....yep the OLD school ones. We can tell you a story about taking on 3 autocockers with 3 spyder ($200-ish at the time) and the 3 of us walked of the field.
Recently had a field ref tell me "You are the fastest person I have ever seen on a single finger trigger! How?" My answer was "When I started there was nothing else"
All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.

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You know I've been thinking about dusting off my old Spyder and cleaning it up, haven't been paintball'n in a long damn time.

I wonder if the kids would still like my 16" all american rifled barrel and my bob long cyclon II bolt?:D
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I live in Florida and love it! I have a Tippman A5, RT with a flatline barrel. Loads of fun. Also have have a crank so it is like having a gatlin gun! REALLY spreads the paint that way. CAn basically clear a path! Also, good for far reaches. Not the lightest though.


Spyders are ok...Autococker are the best!
Let's have fun! :)

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For the last two years, I've been pushing the other people at my DZ to go out and get guns with me so we have something to do on bad weather weekends. Given the terrain here, we could have some great games.
I don't have an M.D. or a law degree. I have bachelor's in kicking ass and taking names.

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Ive been plating ball for about 2 years now great fun! we mostly play 3-on-3 been to a couple tourney's.

Now here is a paintball marker for ya


at about 22 balls per second this thing will make ya run for a bunker!

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I've done some PB with my son since he's really into it. One thing that I've found bothersome is that some of the new technology allows shooters to just lay down a virtually continuous stream of fire at very high velocities. Then the technology becomes more important than the strategy and skill.

I'd like a game where each player is limited to, say, 10-20 balls per game. That way, you'd have to really think carefully about picking your shots, so winning would take superior strategy and shooting ability rather than just the latest, greatest marker.

Does anybody play that way?

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I recently went out and played after a long break. When I was in HS I worked on a paintball field and played with a tourney team called the fallen angels. The other guys on the team were older and had no problems making it to the big, out of town tournaments (florida) but it got to a point I had to chose school or the team and I chose school. The only one I still keep in touch with is the one that owned the field, and he now plays for shocktech.

As for my opinion on guns... I was a hardcore cocker fan then, but then the angel stepped up and improved their gun a lot, it quickly became my favorite (had a black LCD angel). I have yet to shoot a DM5 but have heard from several people that they love them.

I thought about getting a gun again but it seems all my spare money goes into skydiving.;)

Greenie in training.

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I've done some PB with my son since he's really into it. One thing that I've found bothersome is that some of the new technology allows shooters to just lay down a virtually continuous stream of fire at very high velocities. Then the technology becomes more important than the strategy and skill.

I'd like a game where each player is limited to, say, 10-20 balls per game. That way, you'd have to really think carefully about picking your shots, so winning would take superior strategy and shooting ability rather than just the latest, greatest marker.

Does anybody play that way?

exactly. as of right now the kid who is trying to organize it at work only has a few people (6 tops) who go on a regular basis. and they are all single fire.


its nice to have the option in case there are those lameasses on the feild I can fire back and lay cover fo rmy team.

I have a broken rib and a slight hernia so I was looking to do something a little less "wear and tear"

I can never seem to do that,though:S

the fileds out here are limited to what you can find and build. there are no trees so its all about sand hills and bunkers made form old cars etc... I'll see how it goes on sunday
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I have a Turbo Shocker (Fade to Blue) Fiber wrap tank.
The marker does well at 13+ rounds per second with great accuracy (16" barrel)
*Near by is Skimmish. With record holding for largest games played. 48 hr games with night vision, small tank and Heli. 4,000 players on the theater at once.
Re-enactments are done w/ paintball there as well.
Full communication gear is welcome.http://www.gordonsguide.com/paintball/skirmishusa/index.cfm
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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Dude, you live near that?! I am so envious.

This thread has me psyched to play again. Good stress relief from tech support too.

Ultimate Paintball in Ft. Worth is indoor, 7 story warehouse, they use to hold scenario games there. Any other good ones in Texas?
All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.

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Yeah generally they are big events though. They made little flying saucers on ziplines and everything at that particular event it was tons of fun. Also went to one that was like an invasion complete with a lake and boats with paint cannons.

Greenie in training.

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