
Skydiving calendar NSFW

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Morning... or I guess it's evening over there.
I thought I would send some constructive remarks on the calendar...
As I said in the post, it's not that the guys aren't hotties... it's more that I looked at the pics and thought it was more "male porn" or "gay porn" looking. (note: I'm not homophobic, it's just that pictures designed for males are different than pic designed to entice females.) I think the look you were trying to get was HOT SKYDIVERS

First- the poses need to be "stronger." By that I mean, men do NOT pack their parachute with one leg up behind them. The best "manly" pic was August. Good candid shot, nice lines, well set. Excellent pose there. Also Sept was nicely set as well. (I look at those and think "Yummmm")
Here are some examples of some other poses
but the guys do NOT have to be that muscular... some girls do go for that, but not all....

Another point - facial expressions.... fun vs. sexy. Depends on what you want in the image. Do you want the girls to think "Damn! Lets go RIGHT NOW!" or "Yeah... he's cute" The giggle looking facial expressions look fun. It's not to say that you have to look serious in all the pictures... a cute little smile (kind of a sexy "come here, you nymph" look)
I'm quite biased, but I think Tom does a great job with that and here are some examples

Thirdly - the guys do not have to be naked. Softcore is just as sexy as Hardcore... sometimes more. I get hot EVERYTIME I watch the volleyball scene in Top Gun (again Tom...)- they never get naked, the most undressed is taking off their shirts. But when I watch some of the porn videos, the full nuditiy adds little. A good example here is that November looked good - mabye concentrating on something a little too much, but that's why you take 5-7 pic of the same pose to get the best look. I don't tend to look at a penis and think "I want that in me." I look at the guy... the eyes, the lips, the shoulders and think "I want HIM".... Focus on those.

Please remember- my opinions are NOT reflective of ALL women, or even all American women, or all American women skydivers... we each have our likes and dislikes... I'm just telling you what would really "impress" me. If any other girls want to add...B|

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I think that Frenchy (Nick) would be a great model

Thanks Rosa. Not sure I can compete with Fish though...

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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I agree, poses could have been a little better (another reason I offered to be photographer). Damn, now that I know they are primarily French guys, I'm definitely all over volunteering for that job!

My favorite guy pictures are of cowboys, nothing like a man in chaps to get me turned on big time. Most of my favs are either like the calendar ones, naked but nothing really showing... the cowboy wearing only a hat and straddling a bigass western saddle with the horn covering the important parts comes to mind *insert serious drooling here* But a guy wearing low riding jeans and a rig only would have been great.

The guys definitely weren't bad looking at all. I don't think, if I wasn't married, I'd have turned any of them down for a date. Or two.....


Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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He looks AWESOME in his picture, but I've met you and know that you look GREAT, too!

:)(I don't think I've used the "blush" emoticon as much as in this thread...)

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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I just wish I spoke even a little French. My family is 100% French but we retain not one iota of the French culture or language. [:/]

and with such a family name, it's a pity your first name is not Dez... :P
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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Can I get April next year?

WAWAW what a success.. we definitely have to meet and do an April 2-way pic...
2 april born french speaking hot Nick skydivers...

APRIL 2006 will burn all threads...B|
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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No worries. I have already reserved the uncensored, autographed version. Just for you. I knew you were dying to have it...

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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Can I get April next year?

WAWAW what a success.. we definitely have to meet and do an April 2-way pic...
2 april born french speaking hot Nick skydivers...

APRIL 2006 will burn all threads...B|

Why wait :)Start posting your pose's in the womens foum for more constuctive comments before you go with a final copy.


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Just read this thread.

It's really funny because it seems some of you took this calendar for a serious thing whereas the goal was only to make some funny skydiving-related nude pictures, in the same way we're sometimes jumping naked from planes just for fun and not for art ;) The thing is not about to print it and display it somewhere, but only to have a laugh :)
I agree it may look funny only to those who know us. I'm sure you're more interested by february because you know the model :)

Please also note about the "poses" that most of the pictures where taken with the delayed-trigger of the cameras, so we did as we can. Anyway I had a lot of fun taking the closing picture :P

If you want a real skydiving-nude calendar, with pictures took by a pro photograph, take a look at the Nederland one (http://www.airboss.nl/).

PS: Wuza is not really a "french forum" but a "french speaking forum", ie we have Swiss, Belgian and Canadian people posting in there, and the calendar features Piisfish as the Swiss he is B|.

Charles (who loves http://www.skydiving-galleries.com)

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It's really funny because it seems some of you took this calendar for a serious thing whereas the goal was only to make some funny skydiving-related nude pictures, in the same way we're sometimes jumping naked from planes just for fun and not for art ;)
I agree it may look funny only to those who know us. I'm sure you're more interested by april because you know the model :)

Please also note about the "poses" that most of the pictures where taken with the delayed-trigger of the cameras, so we did as we can. Anyway I had a lot of fun taking the closing picture :P

Thank you for responding!!
I thought it was funny at first... so posted and then I thought I had hurt piisfish's feelings cuz it was real... so I was feeling bad and decided to try to backpedal and offer some thoughts to make it more "sexy"...
But I feel quite a bit better knowing that you were all just having fun and being silly. Trust me, there's nothing wrong with being silly....:P

But seriously... some of you are quite hotties... maybe you should do a serious one :)

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Just what you would wear in the photo?

Probably nothing but my goggles...>:(

Just where would you be wearing them? :$

Maybe it's due to my job as a physical trainer and all but I can find any man attractive but not all of them look very physically fit and healthy. I look for a healthy looking body. They are the only ones that have enough stamina to keep up with me anyways. :D
Please feel free to reply to my posts and pm's, but only if you're smart enough to understand what they really mean.

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Wow, if thats really you in Feb....i'm impressed!!! :)

sorry for the brand new beginning beer gut... didn't really think about how my belly looked like when I took the pics... Was in a bit of a hurry cause I had to ask an ex girlfriend to take them and her boyfriend was coming home like 10 minutes later... Had time to take a couple of pics like that and then put my jumpsuit on to take some non-naked pics... :)
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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I just wish I spoke even a little French. My family is 100% French but we retain not one iota of the French culture or language. [:/]

and with such a family name, it's a pity your first name is not Dez... :P

See... no clue what you mean there pissfish [:/] What does Dez mean?

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