
Does anybody watch LOST?( SPOILERS if u live outside of the U.S.

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What do you mean does anybody watch Lost? Doesn't EVERYBODY watch Lost :P?

My husband and I already decided to buy the DVDs when they come out, we're sooo addicted.


you know that was my theory, but I turned out to be wrong. some people dont know this show exist, which I dont understand b/c it is probably the best show I have seen come out in a loong time
-God, you are the perfect amount of dumb...

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I'm a pretty religious Lost follower, but missed an episode or two due to being out of town and the VCR not working right. Keep telling myself TIVO!

I thought my friend (who was trying to bring me up to date on the missed episodes) said that Ethan was killed by the guy than played in LOTR????

I think Boone dies in the next two episodes...I've been predicting that one since his relationship to his step-sister was exposed. The same week in USA today there was an article in which they said one of the main 14 characters will die by the end of the season and he's been my choice since.

Fav episode-Hurley's flashbacks. How weird is that? Too much of a connection to the island. Locke's whole story is kind of weird too...the island is talking to him? Just keeps me coming back for more.

I guess it turns out that the plane they found had absolutely nothing to do with the hatch and finding a way to open it. It simply set into motion the chain of events that led to the light coming on.

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Hurley is awesome, but I love Sawyer... for the eye candy! I want Kate to end up with Sawyer, but now that she knows he's got a V.D. ... yuck. :S

I just read somwhere that the person they kill is a male, and it's someone everyone really likes, and that we'll be shocked. If I had to eliminate someone, it would be Boone. Wouldn't it be crazy if it was Jack who died?!?! :o

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Well it obviously looks that boone will die soon, and he is in a situation where he could. Killing off one of the main characters I dont think will work very well for the story line. I was really hoping sewyer would go, but I guess people love a dick:D I really wanna see more about kate and her past, she just seems to get more interesting everytime shes on screen. The only problem I have with this show is I dont know where they can keep going. they cant keep a show on the air for years, and just keep everyone confusded as to whats going on. But it did appear when boone called out on the radio that the person heard the flight number, if u listen closely the guy does repeat the flight number back to him...
-God, you are the perfect amount of dumb...

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No jack cant go, but if my theory on this island being purgetory, my guess would be locke. the light coming up, and his constant push to find the answers that the island is telling him. I really think the "hatch" is the other side or heaven or what have u. Locke finally came to terms with him self this last episode, and Now it appears he might get something from the hatch. If u think about it, it really seems to set up that way
-God, you are the perfect amount of dumb...

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but if my theory on this island being purgetory, my guess would be locke. the light coming up, and his constant push to find the answers that the island is telling him. I really think the "hatch" is the other side or heaven or what have u. Locke finally came to terms with him self this last episode, and Now it appears he might get something from the hatch. If u think about it, it really seems to set up that way

That's my take on the whole mystery. I think they're all already dead. And they're at the pearly gates, waiting to be admitted into heaven. But first they have to face up to the sins and demons of their past. Once they've done that, then they can move on into heaven. So they're in limbo right now, between earth and heaven...

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Oh crap, you're right... they might get rid of Locke. B| After last night's show it would be too obvious and convenient to get rid of Boone. They'll probably have Locke go back to the hatch and then disappear into it.. whatever it's a metaphor of. Then... they'll send out a search party, and find Locke's knife or something by the hatch. That sucks. Now you've bummed me out. I hope you're wrong, but what you said makes sense.

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I think John Locke's story is captivating!!! In fact I think if it weren't for him, I wouldn't watch the show, the rest is so soapopera-ish!!! and honestly for some reason I find Sahid (spelling) extremely interesting too, his references to time spent in the Iraqi army are just too real!!!

And can someone tell me, how LONG have they been LOST now and how come the fat guy isn't getting skinnier???!!!!???!!!!

Pink Suits, Blue Skies & Fast Tunnels,
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U know I was wondering the saem. Kinda like why Jack always has the havent shaved for one day look going on, but none of their hair is longer... yeah but I guess with the hurleys weight well, it's a tv show:D I;m not quite sure how long they have been there this last show was episode 20, and I think its around the couple months mark.
-God, you are the perfect amount of dumb...

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