
You know you grew up in the 80's if...

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My Popple was the coolest ever!:)
Has anyone noticed the recent marketing of 80's era toys? I think all the toy companies are banking on the idea that people who grew up in the 80s will buy them for their kids. I've seen Care Bears, Pound Puppies, Popples, and others for sale....

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Born in '82, so yes, I started to grow up in the 80's LOL So much from the list made me laugh hysterically because it brings back so many memories. I cannot believe they didn't mention banana clips (for hair) those things rocked HAHAHA!!

Going by that logic, I grew up in the 70's. But realistically I would never say that. My girlfreind was born in 1980 and if you ask me, she grew up in the 90's. After all you really start to make you're own individuality in your teens. Hell, being born in 82, you weren't even there to watch solid gold 100 top hits of 1980 or 81. You didn't even know how to talk until the mid 80's and were in first grade in the late 80's. Well its a cute list anyway, but it should read you knew you're and 80's girl if... After all the majority of these references are feminine.
If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass.
Can't think of anything I need
No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound.
Nothing to eat, no books to read.

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I graduated high school in '84, my wife was born in '75-our versions of the '80's are totally different. She remembers Punky Brewster and I remember how to self medicate;)
Like you said, I consider her a child of the 90's.
I am not the man. But the man knows my name...and he's worried

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The title would have been more appropiate if called "You were a kid in the '80s if" but who cares, it is still a fun list, even if a good majority of the references were for the girls.

I was born in '80 and can relate to most of the list, since it is referencing the stuff from when I was a kid in the 80s.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I was born in 62 and went through high school in the 70's, the Navy in the early 80's and started my mid-life crisis in the early 90's. When I turned forty and saw 50 was around the corner I slammed it in reverse and said "fuck getting old and eating geritol and green jello". That is when I decided to combine my second childhood with my on-going mid-life crisis and things have been great ever since. You only get one shot at life, you had better not fuck it up!
"I'm not a gynecologist but I will take a look at it"
RB #1295, Smokey Sister #1, HellFish #658, Dirty Sanchez #194, Muff Brothers #3834, POPS #9614, Orfun Foster-Parent?"

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I'm 23.


An fine as frog's hair! :)


Wow, I've got a pair of socks and two tattoos older than you. I don't think that they made 'em like you back when I was young enough to appreciate it.


Thanks, sweets. :)
Hey now! I may be young, but I'm fiesty as ever! :P


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HAHAH!!! I Love it!!! brings me back...

remember when:
- Nintendo became it's own religion

- You had to smack fools off your reebok pumps
before they blew them up

- L.A. Gear lights was the jam

- Michael Keaton was the 1 and only Batman

- "You can't do that on television"

- You know what show Mark Summers from Nickelodeon hosted

- Nickolodeon was cool

- Mom made you watch "DALLAS" with her

- "Weird science"

"'Someday is not a day in my week'"

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27-) You wanted to be a Goonie

baby... babbby ruuuth?

Cho-cholate? Chaw-colate!!!!

Sadly, or not, this is the movie my now husband and I first bonded on just before we started dating. Completely annoyed our friends by quoting the movie about 10 seconds prior to each line. :)
Oh, and I had a metal Heathcliff lunchbox in grade school.

How come noone has noted the Swatch twin phone that was sooooo cool. I still have mine. It was great for tricking boys in middle school to ask if they liked on of your friends!! :ph34r:

PMS #394

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Hi Amanduh

Hmmm we never had kids so we're still playing Pong on T.V.:D

I wonder if your folks remember the same things you do? or[:/] or :( or B| or >:( or :S.


If I knew I was going to live this long I would have taken better care of my body

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Oh my god I am getting old.I remember all of those things.I even have a pick of me with L.A Gear shoes and some what big hair.
TPM Sister#130ONTIG#1
I love vodka.I love vodka cause it rhymes with Tuaca~LisaH
You having a clean thought is like billyvance having a clean post.iluvtofly

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Does anyone remember the BOZO show? He had his assistant Cookie. Well, I remember watching it every morning and PRAYING that I would be chosen (I sent in my post card) for the "duplicate prizes" that were won by the kid who got to throw the balls in the buckets. HAHAHAA!!! Oh gosh, great memories :D:D:D

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