
So tell me what you want....

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I want my house/land/truck/travel trailer paid for and enough in the bank for retirement that I can live off the interest....

My stuff will be paid for but it would take A LOT longer than 5 years to have enough to live off the interest. Especially in todays fiscal environement. I'm going to gamble with commercial real estate. Trying to set it up so all I have to do is collect a check each month. ;)

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Ever know someone that was sexy, but was even more sexy when they were naked?

Yes!!! But, when I see someone sexy while naked, I'm usually just noticing their personality and mind. :P
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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I want my house/land/truck/travel trailer paid for and enough in the bank for retirement that I can live off the interest....

My stuff will be paid for but it would take A LOT longer than 5 years to have enough to live off the interest. Especially in todays fiscal environement. I'm going to gamble with commercial real estate. Trying to set it up so all I have to do is collect a check each month. ;)

Yeah... guess I should revise that to say "live off the interest once I retire", huh?

I figure if I've got that stuff paid for, I can pretty much work anywhere and make ends meet....I think it's doable, anyway...hopefully.

Of course, if my company gets this contract they're trying for, or if I take another opportunity that may be coming up, I could end up down there with you making the BIG bucks... ;)
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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told him he'd better be planning a VERY large salary to send me someplace where there's gunfire...

Just make sure they plan to issue you a Glock too. ;)

Unfortunately, they don't do that with us comms type... I'll admit I'm not very comfortable with NOT being able to return fire if it came down to it...
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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I want to get up enough $$ for:

World Cup Speed SKydiving (July 22nd-24th)

(and atleast 1 oiled up session with my lady love, this Summer:)......slim to none)
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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Unfortunately, they don't do that with us comms type...

Hmmm.............maybe that's just our office people. Actually I think there are quite a few people that DON'T have weapons here. No big deal really........I would just limit my travels a bit more if I didn't have one.

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So tell me what you want....

You and Jess to marry, then re-populate the state of Ohio with grammatically-correct jaywalkers.

I've check with my probability machine... it came out as:

Speakers Corner become civilized
Michigan stops sucking
Hell freezes over
Jess and I get married

Looks like you'll be waiting awhile.
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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... what you really really want.

Just wanted to stick that in your head. Carry on.

I want to fuck you like an animal.

Ok, not really, but that's the song that you put in my head... which can be downloaded here:
http://www.mp3miracle.com/NinSpiceGirls/CloserToSpice (NSFW & the site may have some annoying popups that say you need to install something, which of course you don't.)


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...To fly on my head in the tunnel (off the net), without the tunnel rats having to jump in and save me :D:D:)
I just really want to be able to fly on my head in there on my own. I just gotta sell this rig.
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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