
Will this rig look awful (Vector 3 custom design).

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First one is butt ugly. But I'm old.;)

Second one, don't put white on the reserve pin cover or binding tape. It very quickly won't be white. The ONLY place I'd put white is on the reserve side flaps but still wouldn't.

ditto for the first one. All that white will be gray, green or brown soon enough.

I'm old for my age.
Terry Urban

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the first one is similar to a customers one i just had ordered. Hope she does not mind but here is a photo of it. I think it looks great

Just dont copy it or i will be in trouble. i have already ordered 26 of the same design and colours since this one was made last month. Hope she does not mind ;)

Deleted picture. Not up to me to post her rig. I am sure she would if she wanted to. My bad.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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Ok, to not say that rig looks tight as shit would be a crime. I Love it! Don't worry, I won't be getting a rig for a long while. I'm sure I'll come up with something nice and dandy for myself by then, but that design is definitely awesome. Doesn't the white look like a lightning bolt? Cool effect :)

"For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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the first one is similar to a customers one i just had ordered. Hope she does not mind but here is a photo of it. I think it looks great

Just dont copy it or i will be in trouble. i have already ordered 26 of the same design and colours since this one was made last month. Hope she does not mind ;)

Hi Gary,

The order will be coming to you! I'm the Tom that's been e-mailing you about buying a rig with a Vector.


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Designing a rig....

How do you guys think this will work out?


You have fine taste in colors, and didn't put much white in an area which people tend to fall on. While I have no plans to move away from black white and royal blue, if I ever have another custom rig made I'm not going to use white on a leg strap.


Thinking of just keeping it simple and going with http://img522.imageshack.us/my.php?image=vector3bwxj1.jpg

Just black and white is a bit boring.

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First one is butt ugly. But I'm old.;)

Second one, don't put white on the reserve pin cover or binding tape. It very quickly won't be white. The ONLY place I'd put white is on the reserve side flaps but still wouldn't.

ditto for the first one. All that white will be gray, green or brown soon enough.

It might depend on where you jump.

As long as you don't make a white leg strap (that was a mistake), use Scotch Guard, and wash it every 200-300 jumps it'll be fine if you jump someplace somewhat grassy (almost alpine desert, with a grass landing area and flood irrigation in surrounding farm fields. Wetter places like the Pacifc Northwest dust is not an issue) Especially if you're just looking at stills and video.

White lines and canopies quickly turn brown in Eloy and I wouldn't be too surprised to see the same happen with cordura; although you might just have to wash it more often.

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Think Gary is talking about my rig... I also happen to think it looks pretty good ;)

I just got my vector with the split lightning pattern with red and black either side and white as the stripe. I would recomend Gary as a dealer, I had no probs at all with him and he was very helpful.

Don't listen to the doom sayers about the white - just don't fall over. The white will get grubby, but should still look cool.

I think your 1st and 3rd designs are the nicest. Your 2nd one looks like an icon :P

Leeds University Skydiving Club

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Both look good. The split color schemes from UPT are fun. As long as you have one color and the rest neutrals, most design will turn out okay. In rare cases you can use 2 colors without it looking crappy with one used for panels and the other used for trim and embroidery.

Stay away from using neon for anything other than embroidery and piping (fades in a couple years).

Hope this helps.

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I think the white looks good though.... not sure what else I could put in there?

Don't worry about changing the white. It will change fairly quickly all by itself. Not sure how to describe the color it will be.... sort of off white patchy grey:P
"Where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops, that's where you'll find me" Dorothy

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I have white harnesses on both my rigs, and several white panels and embroidery on the containers, and it has worked out quite well. Although I did dial the white back a bit on my second one after learning some lessons.

You can get away with white on the reserve container, and even some on the side walls if your landings are good, but don't have white on your main pin cover, or on the yoke. Those two places get dirty pretty fast no matter what you do.

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mo matter how well you look after it, white will always look grubby after a year. Just the dirt in the air will make it filthy or the exaust from the turbine while loading the plane and it turns around in front of you. The dampness of the weather and then the dust that gets stuck on it from the packing shed or the car boot or the gear bag.

You only get white if you are happy knowing that one way or another your white rig will get grubby from the elemnts of this planet.

no matter how well you look after it, if you can accept that it will get grubby then go for it.

If it does just get grubby and not filthy it will always look ok.
Make sure you scotch-guard it though. Remember to request that when you send me in the order.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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Does anyone know if Ouregan suits Nancy are still doing the crazy ass patterns on UPT rigs? Might be something different for you Tom.

I think they were a fuck load more though. Something like $2K extra if i am correct? It was years ago i saw it so maybe that is a wrong estimate.

Anyone know?

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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Yeah, Forgot all about it until i read this thread. it is a personal preference thing. Not something i offer, not sure if UPT do either.
If you still have to have your cypres put in you can do it when the rigger empties out the container.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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Both look beaultiful.

In my opiniom, you should think

-What jump suit color do you have, or will...
-Are you a guy that maintain you equipament in clear places?Do you pack your parachute on clear places?
-Passing the years, will your harness get discolour? How will it look like?
-Have you ever seen a harness/container with this colors?


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