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It's time for my daughter's first immunizations (she's 2 months old) and I'm wondering if anyone had any bad experiences with any particular shots in the past?

It's kinda scary for me to let my daughter get certain shots that carry the risk of death, brain swelling, seizures, etc. For example, HepB is mainly transmitted via IV drug users and through unprotected sex, but it's required. As far as I've read, HepB is also treatable. The HepB shot has caused a lot of problems, and I trust my daughter won't be shooting up anytime soon.

Also, thimerosol is another mercury-based preservative in some shots that's recently been removed from new supplies. However, even with potentially deadly side effects, the current stock isn't being replaced ($$$).

We're going to give our daughter the necessary shots, but we may skip the HepB and anything with thymerasol. At least I've come to this conclusion from my limited research. I don't trust my pediatrician to give me accurate stats, because he's usually getting kickbacks from the drug reps.

Serious replies only, please.
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If your daughter's in daycare (or expected to be in the next couple of years) that would impact how many shots she gets -- a lot more strangers. It's pretty important to make sure that the highly-communicable diseases are immunized against. There's something called "herd immunity" that protects people who really can't be immunized; if enough people are immune, the disease won't take hold in the first place. But if everyone trusts to it, then it's no good.

My son was a baby before a lot of the vaccines that are out today, so I'm not about to comment on that. I would definitely look for non-thimoserol vaccines.

Good luck. And man, that look of utter betrayal when you hand her to the doctor and he shoots her in the ass is unforgettable :(

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Be very careful with vaccines. Google 'Autism and immunizations'. :(

My twins have Autism. Began right after the MMR vaccine @ 12 months. [:/]

Be cautious about combination vaccines...introducing a single virus at a time is dangerous enough to an undeveloped immune system...the infamous 'MMR' vaccine, measels, mumps, and rubella, has led to more than just Autism. I know of children that had grand mal seizures after this vaccine as well.

My sons receive NO vaccines any more without my explicit ok on each vile...it must be a single vaccine, no thermersol (good on ya for catching that research) and it must be a disease THAT COULD POTENTIALLY DEVELOP. None of this BS for diseases where the ONLY KNOWN CASES in the US have been from the vaccine. Rubella may be one of those, I can't remember right now. -Also, you were right on in making sure that you read the actual vile they are about to inject in your kid...they have NOT and will NOT remove old surplus stock of mercury-laden vaccines (absolute BASTARDS for not doing this!!) and do NOT trust your doc to take a look at the label and tell you it's fine...read it yourself.

Schools will require you to sign a waiver if you choose not to immunize your child for measels or mumps or what-not -I sign one every year; no big deal. It states that if there is an outbreak of said-disease, I will remove my children from school. Well no sh*t. :S

The best school of thought I have seen on childhood immunizations again was to wait until the child is older (research this; some say 18 months, some say 24, some say 36) before giving immunizations. -Never give a 'combo' vaccination to anyone of any age...and NEVER accept a vaccine with thermersol (sp?). You will also need to research on the web the different forms of mercury; 'thermersol' may be just one brand name of the mercury derivative, check into it so you can read the vile and know what the heck is in it (DOCTORS DON'T KNOW so don't trust your doc's quick glance, and then he tells you 'no mercury' when really he/she didn't know what the heck was in it...:S)

Hope this helps. :)
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Schools will require you to sign a waiver if you choose not to immunize your child

Not in West Virginia or Mississippi. Apparently, I live in one of two states that don't allow exemptions for religious or philosophical reasons.

Nonetheless, thanks for the valuable info.
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Not in West Virginia or Mississippi. Apparently, I live in one of two states that don't allow exemptions for religious or philosophical reasons.

when i was in school in ohio you had to get the mmr shot booster when you were going to enter 6th grade, they didn't allow exceptions then, might now though, don't know, this was back in 91'....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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As one of those vile doctors above, I do encourage the vaccines. ESPECIALLY the rubella. Congenital rubella is a preventable disease and if your child contracts the disease, the risk isn't just to hiim/her, but also to any pregnant person that your child is exposed to and then THAT unborn child.

Do vaccines cause autism? Lots of debates. Not really a lot of good scientific data. A lot of opinion, but obviously no randomized studies (duh!)

Just research it and decide for yourself. But use real sources, not just random internet sites. Pub med will do searches, or look on web md.


Yes there are risks to vaccines, to meds, to formula, to which diapers to use, to blah blah blah....

As a parent, it's your job to educate yourself on those and decide what's best for your child.
if you decide not to vaccinate - then accept the consequences if your 22 year old child needs a liver transplant cuz of HepB contracted by sexual transmission....
Vaccines are like insurance... you may never need them, but how many people had to die from smallpox, tetnus, polio, ect... before we learned the value.

anyway, just my 0.02.

Make you decision based on knowledge (real knowledge) not fear.


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West Virginia doesn't allow for religious/philosophical objections, but it does allow for medical objections. According to section 16-3-4 of the West Virginia Code on compulsory vaccines, you can show a "certificate from a reputable physician showing that an immunization for diphtheria, polio, rubeola, rubella, tetanus and whooping cough has been done or is impossible or improper or other sufficient reason why such immunizations have not been done."

While most times, there's no problem with vaccines, there are documented negative side effects. If you're very concerned, talk to your doctor and possibly to a lawyer if you have serious objections.

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Let me just say that over the last 4yrs alone I have given thousands of immunizations shots to many children and adults. The risk factors are there in everything including what we eat, drink, and inhale. To withhold certain immunizations for your daughter you can put her in a greater risk factor for childhood diseases that could have been prevented by a shot.. The CDC has a 800 number that you can call and talk to a live person about your concerns and the risk factors.

As far as not trusting your own pediatrician then something is wrong there. You should feel that the advise he/she gives you is in the best interest for you child. He/She would never tell you something that could in danger your child. Doctors don't get kick backs from drug Rep's. All the Rep's do is bring samples and cookies to the office. Trust me there are no kick backs with drug Rep's.
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if you decide not to vaccinate - then accept the consequences if your 22 year old child needs a liver transplant cuz of HepB contracted by sexual transmission....

-so the mom in my neighborhood who's son had a seizure after this MMR vaccine was wonderfully informed by her doctor such as yourself, that she would be placing her baby in jeopardy if she DIDN'T. Will YOU then accept the consequences? Of course not. Her doctor would say the same thing you just did, "There are risks associated either way, blah blah blah," What a horrid thing to try to place on any parent; you'll influence them out of your own understanding but when the child nearly dies you'll step back? Yes, in your own words, that's vile. (I'm trying to find a way to tone this down really, but I'm just not finding it...:S. I'm sure you mean well in your post, as do I, but Lord in heaven how could you put that damned if you do, damned if you don't onto a parent??)


Make you decision based on knowledge (real knowledge) not fear.

Funny you say this K right after using the same tactic yourself....:P

Edited to try to calm this response down a bit...:S
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As far as not trusting your own pediatrician then something is wrong there. You should feel that the advise he/she gives you is in the best interest for you child. He/She would never tell you something that could in danger your child.

Whoa nelly, Ok I didn't mean for my reply to kbordson to be downing doctors because our kids have a whole TEAM of outstanding ones, but to put your blind trust in ANY ONE INDIVIDUAL is foolish. Doctors are NOT GODS. Two doctors came very close to letting my son die as an infant. It was only after insistance and threatening (yes, I threatened that if they did not see my 4 month old I would take him to the ER and make sure the administration knew that they refused to listen to my request to have the boy checked) that they did a very simple blood test, and found that his platelet level was elevated to a dangerous point, and from there had ultrasound to find 5 coronary aneurisms had developed and were constricting his blood...ok docs, you tell me: 'thick' blood, 'narrow' arteries??? My baby was on the verge of a heart attack, but because these original pediatricians refused to check, they tried to send me home with "he'll be better in a week". :S He would have been dead.

No way. Never rest all of your trust in one person. Of course they wouldn't MEAN to harm the child, however, if they don't know, or are too damn full of themselves to admit that they don't know, your child's life may be at risk.

How did I know that his blood was thickening? How did I know to request that check? Because I researched it on the INTERNET, yes that horrific 'monster' that is so evil...I researched medical websights, I called local nurses, I talked to my dad who is a pharmacist, and I got ANSWERS that my son's pediatrician refused to explore. I took the baby to another doc and HE refused to test the boy, until I had to threaten him...[:/] I am a basically non-confrontational, fairly pacifistic person, until you mess with my children. >:(

I do agree with what k said above about doing your own research for your family, absolutely. Do not take any doc's word for gospel; you do the research and ask "What about this? What do you think about this treatment?" That is how we manage our twins' health care, we are a team with our pediatrician, neurologist, cardiologist, and any other therapists in their lives. A doctor has never 'handed down' a final decision on our kids' health care to us; we are very active in any and all decisions and are an integral part of that team, just as we are part of their IEP team at school.

Just like most parents, I would think? :)
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-so the mom in my neighborhood who's son had a seizure after this MMR

Can you prove it was the vacine that brought on the siezure? Just because the administration of the shot, and the siezure were in close timing to each other, does not mean that one was a cause of the other.
I have a 20 month old son- he has had every vacine that he should have had by this point. Every one. There are risks, as in everything we do. But my wife and I made an educated decision to vacinate our child.
You look at the same material I looked at- you come to a different conclusion. Doesn't mean either one of us is right. I just believe the reports that say there is very little (if any risk) to a child becoming autistic from recieving vacines.
I am very sorry about your kids. I in no way mean to downplay what you have gone through.

The sole intention, is learning to fly.Condition grounded, but determined to try.Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies.Tongue tied and twisted, just an Earth bound misfit.

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Few things:

1st know my perspective. I am a physician. That being said let me address a few things. Doctors cannot receive kick-backs from drug companies. Lots of pens and stationary, but spouses don't even get to come to dinner lectures anymore. Very strict guidelines now (I'm always a day late and a dollar short). Most vaccines are now sponsored by government sponsored programs, are generic, and there is no longer any real profit in the program for the companies (that is why there are often shortages now.)

No more lectures. Realize you are the parents and YOU must decide what is best. I can only give you the facts. There is a risk from most vaccines. The reports are true. The risk is generally about 1 out of every 1 million children vaccinated. Doesn't help if it is you child who gets it, but very remote. The diseases covered by these vaccines are equally devastating. Most of us have never seen these horrible results because the vaccines work. Go to any 3rd world country and the effects will break you heart. The disease transmission rates here are now very low (because of vaccines) but still about 10 to 100 times greater than the risk of harm from vaccines. From a statistic standpoint, it is a no-brainer. Also realize that by not immunizing your children, you increase the risk to the entire population because your child is a potential way to spread the disease if not immunized. While the population in general is not your primary concern, it is part of being part of a community. By far (by a factor of about 10,000) the most risky thing you will do to risk your child's well being when you take them for immunizations is exposing them to the risk from traffic accidents.
While I cannot assure you that there is NO risk, just as in decisions in skydiving, it is all about relative risk. The risks from not immunizing greatly outweighs the risks of immunization. I hope this helps and if you decide not to immunize, choose a pediatrician you trust and make sure you let them know the child has not been immunized, as we often don't think about the rare diseases when children come in sick because nearly all children are immune to them from vaccinations. If you have questions feel free to PM me for further discussion. I'll help any way I can.

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For the record, I just did a Yahoo search on Autism and Vaccinations:
First 4 websites that came up were ones set up to say that there is no connection from autism to vaccinations. With articles, and studies galore that say vaccines do not cause autism.
Again, I am not saying that they are right. We may not find out the real answer for years to come. But there are just as many (if not more) people saying that vaccines do not cause autism.

The sole intention, is learning to fly.Condition grounded, but determined to try.Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies.Tongue tied and twisted, just an Earth bound misfit.

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...then accept the consequences if your 22 year old child needs a liver transplant cuz of HepB contracted by sexual transmission....

I would bet that 99% of the people reading this thread don't have the HepB vaccine because it became standard in the early 90's.

I came into this with an open mind. However, as with most everything in life, money talks. Drug companies promote vaccines in order to make billions of dollars. The US Federal Gov't gives millions of dollars to state agencies in order to promote and then require new vaccinations. State agencies force families to get potentially deadly vaccinations in order to go to school, get health insurance, attend college, etc.

Sure, vaccines do work......most of the time. I remember reading that the average kid will get 34 shots for 10 different diseases over his lifetime. Geez!

Obviously, this is a touchy subject between doctors and vaccine victims.

I am thankful that some of you have responded, especially the physicians and docs. Your opinions do help quite a bit. We will vaccinate our daughter later this week, but I'm definately going to make sure thimerosol isn't in the vaccine. I'm also a bit unsure about the HepB at this time.
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Recently, there was a very good article on Salon.com about childhood vaccines potentially causing autism and other health issues. As many others have mentioned (and you've done the research yourself), it would seem that the culprit could be thimerosal, the preservative used in some vaccines.


Deadly immunity

When a study revealed that mercury in childhood vaccines may have caused autism in thousands of kids, the government rushed to conceal the data -- and to prevent parents from suing drug companies for their role in the epidemic.

(Click on the link above for the whole story. It's a long one!)

"Scared of love, love and aeroplanes...falling out, I said takes no brains." -- Andy Partridge (XTC)

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-so the mom in my neighborhood who's son had a seizure after this MMR

Can you prove it was the vacine that brought on the siezure? Just because the administration of the shot, and the siezure were in close timing to each other, does not mean that one was a cause of the other.

Sweet pea it wasn't 'close timing'. The boy developed a fever within hours, and was seizing violently and had to be taken to the ER. He has permanent damage. :(


I have a 20 month old son- he has had every vacine that he should have had by this point. Every one. There are risks, as in everything we do. But my wife and I made an educated decision to vacinate our child.
You look at the same material I looked at- you come to a different conclusion. Doesn't mean either one of us is right. I just believe the reports that say there is very little (if any risk) to a child becoming autistic from recieving vacines.
I am very sorry about your kids. I in no way mean to downplay what you have gone through.

I sincerely hope, and I swear to God I mean this, that your boy is not the better than 1 in 166 right now that are developing Autism, immunizations being a factor or not. (PS if he is already 20 months and developing typically, you have a much better chance of never seeing Autism. :)no definitive evidence linking Autism to the MMR shot, however I think the UK is more open in their scientific research of Autism, and their evidence suggests that some Autistic children have developed measels within their gut. -The testing they have used is not a 'typical' or simple test, and so have only examined children with intestinal complaints, however, of those Autistics that have had this type of analisys, a majority DID develop measels internally. They had all been immunized with the MMR. The UK is heading in that direction with research (or it was at the time we were aggressively researching this, which granted, was about 4 years ago and may be quite different now) -Our sons have NOT had this testing done.

As far as your family reading the same materials ours did and making the choice to immunize, we did too. And as I said before, I hope with all my heart it goes better for you, and that Autism is cause by a combination of other factors rather than immunizations being in the mix...[:/] It would set me free in a way to know that my insisting on immunizations had nothing at all to do with it, but as a mom of kids that may have been disabled from a combination of factors to include a vaccine, and friend of a mom who's child definitely was injured from a vaccine, I just hope that people take a heads-up look at things, which it sounds like you did. :)
-And who's to say if I didn't give them the MMR vaccine that some wild case of Measels wouldn't have swept through when they were 2 years old and taken their lives...we'll never know. :S
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I want you to know, my heart goes out to you. It trully does. And I hope you didn't take anything I said as an insult, or attack on you (which it's seems as though you didn't :)My son is developing as a 20 month old should. He says alot of words, and actually has strung together a few phrases (his favorite being "Where'd it go???" while he shrugs his shoulders and puts his hands in the air). I don't know what I would do, put in your situation.
Like I said, there are just as many studies out there saying there is no link between vaccines and autism. We looked at alot of stuff, and decided we wanted him vaccinated. As did you. I trully hope that they never link Autism to Vaccines. It would set your mind at ease to know a decision you made wasn't the cause of their autism.
I wish you, and your family the best.

The sole intention, is learning to fly.Condition grounded, but determined to try.Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies.Tongue tied and twisted, just an Earth bound misfit.

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That's a pretty powerful article that every parent should read. As I stated numerous times already, money rules. Nobody wants to admit the autism/vaccine link (can you say "lawsuit"?) and many higher ups in the CDC are getting kickbacks from the drug companies. This is how the whole world works.

We've decided to cancel our daughter's immunizations tomorrow until we can investigate this further.

PS. I didn't want to mention it until this thread was a few days old, and it didn't affect my decision one way or the other, but I have two very young brothers (12 and 14) who have never been immunized. I am 34 and they were born when I was in college. They are both very healthy and apparently mercury free.
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I was just at the pediatrician with my son (he's git a fever) and I was talking to her abopu this thread. She was filling me in on some interesting facts:
The one study that linked Autism to vaccines (thats right- one) was formally withdrawn. The person that wrote the study admitted to falsifying records to get the results that linked Autism to Vaccines. All of the studies that have been done since then, have found no link between Vaccines and Autism.
She was actually filling me in on new studies, that are linking Autism to Genetics.
Just some food for thought. I'll Yahoo search it later and let you know what I found.

The sole intention, is learning to fly.Condition grounded, but determined to try.Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies.Tongue tied and twisted, just an Earth bound misfit.

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All of the studies that have been done since then, have found no link between Vaccines and Autism.

Not true.

The following is from the CDC Website, although the CDC tries to discredit nearly every one of these studies. Also, the Robert F. Kennedy article on salon.com (listed above) has other autism/vaccine studies that showed a link between the two.

4) Are there studies that suggest there might be a connection between autism and MMR vaccine?

The existing studies that suggest a causal relationship between MMR vaccine and autism have generated media attention. However, these studies have significant weaknesses and are far outweighed by the epidemiologic studies described above that have consistently failed to show a causal relationship between MMR vaccine and autism.

*The MMR-autism theory is based on the idea that intestinal problems, like Crohn's disease, are the result of viral infection and can contribute to the development of autism. The theory has its origins in research by Wakefield and colleagues (1989; 1990) which suggested that inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is linked to persistent viral infection.

*In 1993, Wakefield and colleagues reported isolating measles virus in the intestinal tissue of persons with IBD. However, the validity of this finding was later called into question when it could not be reproduced by other researchers (Afzal, 1998; Iizuka et al., 2000).

*Thompson and colleagues (1995) suggested in a retrospective cohort study that MMR vaccine might be a risk factor for Crohn's disease. However, the selection and recall biases and the differences in data collection in this study were so substantial as to cast doubt on the validity of the findings.

*Two studies out of Sweden linked measles infection in utero to the development of IBD (Ekbom et al., 1994; Ekbom et al., 1996). However, these studies involved a very small number of cases and when researchers identified the persons to be included in the 1996 study, they had prior knowledge that cases of Crohn's disease had occurred in the offspring of two women who were infected with measles during pregnancy. This is called "selection bias" and limits the strength of the study.

*The MMR-autism theory came to the forefront when, in 1998, Wakefield and colleagues reviewed reports of children with bowel disease and regressive developmental disorders, mostly autism. The researchers suggested that MMR vaccination led to intestinal abnormalities, resulting in impaired intestinal function and developmental regression within 24 hours to a few weeks of vaccination. This hypothesis was based on 12 children. In 9 of the cases, the child's parents or pediatrician speculated that the MMR vaccine had contributed to the behavioral problems of the children in the study. There are a number of limitations in the Wakefield et al. (1998) study:
-The study used too few cases to make any generalizations about the causes of autism; only 12 children were included in the study. Further, the cases were referred to the researchers and may not be a representative sample of cases of autism.
-There were no healthy control children for comparison. As a result, it is difficult to determine whether the bowel changes seen in the 12 children included in the study were similar to changes in normal children, or to determine if the rate of vaccination in autistic children was higher than in the general population.
-The study did not identify the time period during which the cases were identified.
-In at least 4 of the 12 cases, behavioral problems appeared before the onset of symptoms of bowel disease; that is, the effect preceded the proposed cause. It is unlikely, therefore, that bowel disease or the MMR vaccine triggered the autism.

In 2004, 10 of the 13 authors of the study retracted the paper's interpretation, stating that the data were insufficient to establish a causal link between MMR vaccine and autism (Murch et al., 2004)

*In another study that generated media attention and raised public concern in the UK (Uhlmann et al, 2002), researchers found measles virus fragments in the intestines of children with "new variant" IBD (children with both IBD and developmental disorder). Scientists looked for the presence of measles virus in the intestinal tissue of 91 children with new variant IBD and 70 "controls" (children without this type of IBD). The researchers found measles virus fragments in 75 out of the 91 children with "new variant" IBD, and in only 5 of the 70 controls. While this provides evidence for an association between the presence of measles virus and IBD in children with developmental disorder, it does not mean that the measles component of the MMR vaccine causes IBD or developmental disorder. As a commentary published with the article asserts, the data could just as easily be interpreted as indicating that the IBD or the developmental disorder cause the persistence of measles in the intestines (Morris & Aldulaimi, 2002). In addition, the researchers did not compare the virus found in the intestines of patients with the virus used in the MMR vaccine; nor did they provide information regarding whether or not the children in the study had been previously vaccinated with MMR or had previously contracted measles disease. The limitations of this study are further discussed in a letter written by the Director of CDC's National Immunization Program to the UK's Chief Medical Officer.
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The existing studies that suggest a causal relationship between MMR vaccine and autism have generated media attention. However, these studies have significant weaknesses and are far outweighed by the epidemiologic studies described above that have consistently failed to show a causal relationship between MMR vaccine and autism.

Pretty much my point. A casual relationship- not a cause. And these are far outweighed by the studies that say there is no relationship.

The sole intention, is learning to fly.Condition grounded, but determined to try.Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies.Tongue tied and twisted, just an Earth bound misfit.

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Just because this thread has gone this direction, and over the last 7 years we have felt confident that Autism is caused by a number of things; yes, genetics is one component. We fit the family genetics background; I am fair skinned, my family has had immune disorders (cancer, diabetes, etc) and my hubby is of Mediterranean descent (Italian). We subscribe to the theory that Autism is a 'straw that broke the camel's back' disorder. In other words, not one single factor caused it, however when you take a genetic predisposition, add mercury/virus introduction to an undeveloped immune system, add some other unknown variable 'X'; blamm-o, immune system crash, development of Autism around 12-14 months of age...

Interesting to say here, that being a first-time mom, I forgot to get my daughter in for her MMR shot until she was almost 16 months old...would she have developed Autism if she had received it on time like her younger twin brothers? Again, we will never know, however girl babies are 4 times less likely to develop autism than are boys...another key to the puzzle, but still so much is unknown.

-Regarding lawsuit, as someone previously mentioned: we have been approached by a very large and notarized law firm from the east coast for a class-action against the drug company that produced the vaccine given to our twins. At this time, we have chosen not to participate. I would like to see more conclusive information before subjecting a company to a lawsuit. If the time comes that it is shown to be a definitive factor in Autism, we will choose whether or not to participate at that time.

base428, if you decide to immunize your baby, you will be in the right. If you decide not to immunize your baby, you will also be in the right...none of us can predict what exposure your baby will have in the future. You're being a good parent in knowing what risk factors are on both sides of the problem. Good luck to you my friend.
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