
Post your quirks!!! (The talk about yourself thread)

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So what sorts of things do you do differently than everyone else, or what are some of your quirks?

I'll start. Me:
*I always dig in the silverware drawer to find the smallest small spoon I can get ( but never for the smallest fork or knife,mind you)
*I take the 2nd slice of bread out of a loaf, never the first
*My cereal all has to be covered with milk before I can take a bite
*When taking a bath, I always slip in right after there's about 2 inches of water filling the tub
*I can never watch a movie without a blanket
*I love wet, squishy sponges and squishing wet wipes in packages
*I always crumble my cash into wads
*I can't run without showering first:|

So let's hear em, what've ya got?

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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1.I also do the salt thing.
2.I look in the refridgerator even when I'm not hungry and know exactly what is in there, because I looked 5 minutes ago !
3.No cereal allowed over weekends.
4. I always open the back door in the mornings and look out at the sunrise / weather.
5.(This one is really weird) I flip thru the TV channels :P
"Africa is not for sissies"

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1. When i sleep a room has to be quiet and DARK. i often sleep with earplugs in.
2. If i spill salt i throw some over my right shoulder, always.
3. I talk to myself constantly. Mostly in my head.
4. All the cupboard doors in my room have to be closed when i got to bed.

That's all i can think of for now...

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I do the throw salt over your shoulder thing too and all my friends will tell you I NEVER share my popcorn.

I have to drive and if I'm not - use my feet anyway in the passenger seat! :S

I'm almost 'Sleeping with the Enemy' neurotic in that I like all of my towels hanging at the same level in the bathroom and the labels of cans facing the same way in the pantry - :P

So there's some fur ya!!


Dare to dream and then make it happen!

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I always have to have a fan blowing directly over my sleeping form.

My heel never touches the floorboard when I am applying the brakes.

"The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln

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1) If I eat fruit loops or coloured cereal I have to eat them with the same colour... Well at least I dont have to eat them in even numbers any more ;)
2) I brush my teeth for 2 mins each time at least twice a day.
3) I have to leave 2 spaces after certain punctuation marks.
4) I eat raw onion :S
5) I get muddled up between thunder and lightning :P
6) Ive never learnt how to do long division
7) I still think of Big Elephants Cant Act Under Small Eggs, or Betty Eats Cakes And Uses Small Eggs when I spell 'because'.
8) I have to have butter on all corners of my toast.
9) When I smell a certain smell I associate it with a colour (mainly purple). Oh and purple has a memory of jealousy from when I was a kid.
10) I cant brush my teeth without going to the toilet (even if Ive just been).
11) I have to have my toilet paper a certain way... and I turn ppl's toilet paper around if it doesn't feed over the top :$

Thats all I can think of for now!
:o :S
**Those who refuse to live and learn simply exist**

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It drives me NUTS when chicks suck my nipples. :D

"Oh god baby don't stop" nuts or "get the hell off me, bitch" nuts?
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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I've been told I "Eat like a Dane." I eat each course on the plate in turn. For example, when I make steaks, 'taters, corn, and bisquits, I first eat ALL the corn, then ALL the 'taters, then ALL the steak, then I mop up the juices with the bisquits. If I get full somewhere in there, I just stop eating. There's been a few times that I didn't even get to the steak. :S Oh, yea, and I always eat it with milk, which I do not drink until I'm done eating.
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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*I always have to drive and always my car
when going somewhere with my friends.
*I thrive in disaster, but mess drives my mother crazy (my chilean mom too).
*When I feed the pull up cord through the closing loop I always do it from the right side with the pointy part down.
*If I have to do some computer work for my dad I will often drive 30 minutes home just to do it on my own computer

HISPA #56 Facil Rodriguez
"Scientific research has shown that 60% of the time, it works every time."

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1) When I sit down in my car, I always have to adjust myself even if it is to move into the same position, not needed when in any other seat besides the drivers seat.
2) In the winter I change my socks 5-7 times a day, ( i have 80 pairs), I sleep with them, last thing i take off before a shower and first thing i put on after. FYI, i do wear them during..... and if it is winter i cannot perform without them on :$
3) I check and recheck my alarm about 3 or 4 times before sleep, even if i checked it and laid down, i will get up to check again then go check the door locks, then repeat
4) I never eat with a fullsized fork, i always use a salad/kid sized fork

There are more and i will try to remember them. Nothing better than suffering from OCD hehehe

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*I gotta have my big glass of water by my bed. I drink water first thing in the morning, sometimes I wake up thirsty in the middle of the night. Sucks when the f&*king cats have knocked it over trying to drink out of it.

* Gotta have fruit or juice in the morning. First thing in my stomach.

* I will not drink lite beer.

* My morning routine is shave, eat breakfast & have a cup of tea, brush teeth, take a dump, THEN have my morning shower.
Speed Racer

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If I decide I want to see a movie, I refuse to listen to or watch any ads ahead of time. I'll leave the room or plug my ears and go "lalalalalala!!"

That's really all I can think of...

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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I always visually inspect and wash a glass, spoon, fork, knife, plate, etc... before using it (even if it's plastic). I usually won't use paper plates.

I always use one white towel and one colored towel when taking a shower (white for me, colored on the floor).

I have constant road rage and hate when people use cell phones while driving.

I rarely approach or talk to someone unless first approached or talked to.

Before driving a car, boat, motorcycle, waverunner, etc... I always inspect it visually for potential problems.

I never use a wallet, and never have. Any cash I have on me is kept rolled up with all bills facing the same way and smallest bills on the outside to largest bills on the inside.

I'm incredibly organized to the point of almost seeming insane at work, but constantly misplace things at home.

I'll stop there so that I don't seem too insane... :S

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Unlike other girls, I won't pee in front of people - including other girls . . . unless I'm REALLY hammered. :D

Balance beam was my best event in gymnastics (and I was the best on the team), but sometimes I fall over just trying to stand somewhere. :D

I often sigh deeply for no apparent reason.

I can look directly at something and not see it. As my mom would say, "If it were a snake, it would have bitten you."

I can be the most outgoing or the shyest person in the world, depending on my mood.

I make lists for EVERYTHING, because if I don't, I always overlook something.

I OBSSESS over whether food is ok or not, and if I'm going to get food poisoning. I won't eat anything that I know is more than 2 days old or that has sat out for more than a couple of hours, or anything that's CLOSE to its expiration date. It also makes it very hard for me to eat food at other people's places.

Oh, and apparently I have this "grammar police" thing going on. :P


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