
Post your quirks!!! (The talk about yourself thread)

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Im always thinking about sex when conversing with another adult, it is a fact. what comes out of my mouth is usually the first socially acceptable thing I can think of:)
I can't stand a dirty bathroom and I clean it daily-phoebia:S

I hate folding clothes and putting them away. Bleah, I do it cuz I have to

I can't stand dust on the baseboard

I think cob webs have no place on a rig, if you got a license and the money to keep going don't you ever stop for long!

I can't stand it when my kids are contrary.:|

I feel weird when I have to pee and I am smashed.:D:D:D

Well I guess that is enough-Caress
I've learned.... That being kind is more important than being

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*I refer to my cats as "Jelly Pot" and "Peanut Pot" even though they're named Peanut and Jelly. Not sure where the pot part came in.
*I have to keep my apartment super cold to be able to sleep.
*I have to wash my hands right before and as soon as i'm done eating.
*I lock the doors when i drive.

Tis all i can think of for now.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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- I never take the first straw out of the bulk straw dispenser at McDonalds or movie theater.

- I always make the bed just before I get in it. And that really pisses my wife off, especially when she is already sleeping.

- The radio has to be on in the kitchen for background noise, but any other room can be silent.

- If in the morning I grab a pair of mismatched socks, I'll take the time to find the correct matches rather than just grab another pair; regardless of the time crunch.

- I can't stand any more than a sliver of white on my finger nails. And I'm not a biter, so I'm always clipping; but that bites me in the ass all the time when messing with stow bands and opening beer cans.

- When in the shower, I can never remember if I've washed my feet yet, so I end up washing them several times...I think.

- large fork

- check alarm 3 times

- toilet paper is underhand roll

- fan on

Oh here's a bad one. I get furious when someone doesn't flush the urinal at work. I mean come on, we use that bathroom more than the ones at our homes, so treat them right, huh.

- Oh yeah, I wash my hands all the time. I mean like thirty times a day. In fact I really want to wash them now. But I'm not a germaphobe.

It's time for bed now...or soon at least.

"If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat?"

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Oh yeah, I wash my hands all the time. I mean like thirty times a day. In fact I really want to wash them now.

I'm not a compulsive handwasher by any means. However, here in Iraq everything is so damn dirty and EVERYTHING has a layer of NASTY dust on it. I want to wash my hands all the time. I don't though because as soon as I am washing them I start thinking about how nasty the water is. :S Damn this place is disgusting. I'm amazed every day that I haven't caught anything worse than the RAGING shits now and again. [:/]:D

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4. All the cupboard doors in my room have to be closed when i got to bed.

That's the same with me! I can't have anything open at all, not even the slightest bit.

I make myself yawn when i'm nervous

I always eat a banana the exact same way: peel 3 quarters of it, eat down to the peel, peel the rest, take the banana out, turn it upside down and eat the rest from the bottom up.

I wont ever ride in the top carriage of the train

That's all i can think of, no where near as weird as some people i know.

And you shed not a single tear for the things that you didn't need
'Cause you knew you were finally free - Death Cab For Cutie

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Hummm let's see so many.

1. Im always talking to myself and sometimes I answer.
2. I have hundreds of T-Shirts but only wear the same few each week.
3. I HAVE to know what Im wearing the next day BEFORE I go to sleep.
4. I have my "Good" car which HAS to be spotless and then my beater which I could'nt careless about. Mind you my beater probably was my "Good" car at some point.
5. If I am traveling I HAVE to be home before dark on the day I get home. (If at all possible)
6. I got hurt on a jump last year, and ever since then I have a hard time enjoying the ride up to 13,500 I have to be serious and focus. But then once I get out the plane Im fine.
7. When I get home I HAVE to take my shoes, and watch off, and take my wallet out my pocket, and unless I have company I HAVE to put some shorts on even if it's -20 outside.

Enough for now.....Ya'll might think Im crazy.

"If a thousand people agree on a dumb ideal, it's STILL a dumb ideal."

Skully Bro #1 - POPS# 10440

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i cant live without milk. (well i can, but i'm not happy)

i really do use a coin at times to make decisions about what to eat, where to go, when to sleep etc

i 'observe' television more than i actually 'watch' it.

i cant really be bothered to do most things on my own (i just dont care enough to expend the energy) but will do nearly anything, and move heaven and earth to accomplish whatever it is when asked to by those i care about

i cant turn the metronome in my head off, so i 'count' to nearly every form of music

i'm instantly in love whenever i hear a woman who sings with 'resonance'

i can sleep almost anywhere at almost anytime, and dream so vividly, so often that it is more tempting to stay in bed than get up and experience 'real life' [:/]

i 'see' possibilities in everyone, everything, everyday.. and sometimes worry about the ones i missed...

i'm sometimes frightened to look at someone i've just met because my eyes might give away my wandering thought... and my heart... and i might never get it back again...
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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I hate wet bread and won't eat anything if the bread is wet. I don't like my food touching at all when I eat. I use two plates if I have to, to make sure nothing touches. And when i'm at work, I have to have all my programs in a certain order on my toolbar otherwise I can't do anything right and fast. I have to toggle thru a ton of programs at once.

The words I have to say, May well be simple but they're true, Until you give your love, There's nothing more that we can do-David Bowie

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here's my neuroses:

*I'm extremely clean, but also extremely messy
*I really don't like food that is very hot -- a often end up putting ice or cold water in my coffee
*I like cold pizza and chinese food
*Food must be separated and only the borders should touch
*I'm completely and entirely disgusted by loose hair strands, clipped nails (detached), very long nails even if still attached, and detached teeth - Dentures aren't so bad - but broken/loose teeth, urgh...
*Despise roaches
*I won't poop anywhere other than my house except in very extreme situations where if I don't I'll be wearing it -- but hotels are ok

I hate pineapples, I get grossed out even seeing some else eating them -- They are evil and disgusting
Inveniam Viam aut Faciam
I'm back biatches!

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I'm completely and entirely disgusted by loose hair strands

Warning: Do NOT dare to come near me. You'll regret it. I lose hair practically by the pound, and it gets everywhere. :D


I hate pineapples . . . They are evil . . .

Agreed. :D

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I'm completely and entirely disgusted by loose hair strands

A single long strand of blond hair is still disgusting but far more tolerable than anything else.

I had a GF that when ever she washed her hair (brunnette) she would stick the loose strand to the wall -- it drove me crazy if I ever saw her doing it, or if she forgot one or two in the wall.
Inveniam Viam aut Faciam
I'm back biatches!

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1. I never eat bread ends.. not to mention I take the crust off.

2. I feel it is necessary to use a coaster for any drink.

3. I can't eat anything past the eat or sell by date.. or I will feel ill.

4. Spiders creep me out.

..... etc., etc.,...etc... :P
My mind is like a parachute...it functions only when open.

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