
News: Skydiving may be a turn off for women.

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New Scientist, the BBC News, and Reuters report that the study of 48 men and 52 women found that while men really believed daring stunts would catch the eye of a woman, the women said such behavior was not attractive

To quote a country song.

"Some girls don't like boys like me....Oh, but some girls do."

I have found that most times I never mention skydiving when "dating". When it does come up, its too late, they already love me.:P

I have found that if a girl is turned off by my hobbies, and I have some really geeky hobbies...ie R/C planes, that it would not work anyway.

I have also found that women are attracted to "dangerous" types. But tend to marry "secure" types.

Studies have shown that *gasp* women like sex. They are more likely to go home for the night with the guy that is tall, handsome, has money and is well built, than a short, fat, balding guy driving a 79 Pinto. (How I get laid is anyones guess :P)

Is this news? Guys go home with almost anyone that says "Yes". Girls get to be picky...is this new information? They are looking for the one that starts their engines.

Once women start to want to "nest" they tend to want a guy with more security...Again, is this news?

Anyone that uses "I skydive" as a pick up line is lost anyway.

It is a stage in a jumpers life where he goes around proclaiming to anyone that he is a skydiver and therefore special....It is nothing more than a desperate cry for attention.

The old joke "How do you know if there is a skydiver in the room?"

"He will tell you"

Holds true.

I find that I get much more respect when people find out I jump after they have known me and if I am not the one to bring it up.

People don't like people who brag, or showoff.

THAT most women say is a turn off, and most men see it as compensating.

So everyone do yourself a favor...Let them find out on their own, and they will be more interested in you..AND they will not think you are a braggart.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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It so cracks me up when ever I see some kind of research poll that has been done. What cracks me up is of all the people I know, not one person has ever been asked to be in the research poll. I have to ask, who the hell is getting asked to participate in the research?

I have been asked but never participated. I have also been asked if I would invite students in my class to participate in such polls - I did that.

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The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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People may SAY that they're not impressed with daredevils, but watch a crowd when skydivers are swooping. Both men and women watch in awe and the look on their faces will tell you that they are impressed.

I used to teach AFF classes at one particular dropzone, and the S&TA made a point of swooping the peas every time I took the students out there to practice PLFs. If there was more than one cute girl in the class, usually the jumpers were lining up to swoop for them. Sure, it annoyed me because I just spent hours teaching the students how to made a safe, steady landing. But I also have to admit - it's neat to watch.

There is often a difference between what people say and how they act.
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unfortunately that may be true for some...not all woman are golddiggers, i could care less if you have a fat wallet or not...but a comb-over will not do for me....

Ha! For me, it's bad teeth that just won't do.

But going along with what you said, the poll is biased:P Different strokes for different folks.

It wouldn't be just skydiving that would attract me, but I do love a guy who is not a pussy, pardon my french:). I can't stand it when I have to be the one to relocate the snake in the yard b/c the neighbor guy is freaking out and about to kill it with a hoe. SO unattractive!

And though no-one believes me, I've never been attracted to the pretty boy. The only pretty boys I've dated had to work very hard before I'd give them the time of day. It's a prejudice I have b/c almost all what I call "pretty-boys" tend to care more about themselves than any woman. I could never date a man who took longer to get ready than me.

I once approaced a guy who I later dated b/c he always wore these goofy yellow sunglasses, but I thought he rocked them. Another guy I tuned in to b/c he kicked ass on a wakeboard but was so humble about it to everyone all the time. My current boyfriend I asked around the DZ about when I first started jumping b/c I heard his voice on someone's tandem video and he was hilarious and I loved how he did the video. I HAD to meet him and I loved his voice--5 years later we are still very happily in love. But, he'll still swear it was him who went after me.

To each their own. Different strokes for different folks...yada, yada, yada. I don't think any poll can tune in to the beauty that is in the eye of every beholder. :P
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why date a whuffo when a skychick already understands what you do for fun and will willingly join in with you?!?!?! That should be one of the 1st things you tell them....We are all a little crazy hun....;)

This is very true....how you doin? ;):P

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When I date a whuffo, usually the LAST thing I tell them is that I skydive. Otherwise, they just assume I'm crazy and suicidal before they get to know me.

Try being a single female and interacting with a whuffo. If they find out you skydive, they have 1 of 2 reactions (usually)...either they date you to "save you" (i.e. prevent you from jumping) or they don't even ask for your number 'cause you've got "more balls than they do." :S

Oh, well....single life is good (unless I'm wanting to snuggle damn it :D) and maybe one day I'll find someone who can accept who I am and who's willing to take a chance.
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