
What were you thinking .......

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What were you thinking on your way up to altitude on your first jump? And when the jumpmaster asks "Are you ready?......."What was your reply?

Well for me I was focused on arching"bigtime" cause they emphasized it so much and once I was getting higher (it was my first time in a plane too so I was analyzing everything) and as we got much higher I realized I forgot to look at what it looked like on the ground so I was worried that I wouldn't know where to land...lol I forgot the radios that were at my chest and the jumpmaster tried to calm me down and explain to me it looked like a triangle (yes they showed me in training but ya know....)finally it clicked in again and I was focused and remembered the radios and saw the triangle then it was the big question....ARE YOU READY......my answer was BORN READY...(on video you hear a lot of different answers and its so funny)..and off I went(IAD style) Then I was like a kid at the candy store..hookedB|Oh and for all those "firsts" I caught on quick and bought lots of beers...;)B|

Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life

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ride to altitude: "Been waiting for this moment since I was a kid... HELL YEAH!!!"
Kneeling in the door with the TM waiting for me to give an exit count: "What the fuck am I doing?!?"
Split second out of the door: "HELL YEAH!!!"
"People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid." - Kierkegaard

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I was in the thrid stick. WHen it got down to just 3 of us left on the right side of the aircraft (C-130) the other 2 guys looked and me and said "So who's taking the door?" My answer.........."Get the FUCK outta my way. That door is MINE!!!!" :D SO I do the "Stand up hook up shuffle to the door" and the JM is giving me a bunch of shit because I have a 101 ABN Division patch on my shoulder. The bad part was when I get the "Drop Zone comin up.....Standby" He moved around behind me to get a harness hold to make sure I didn't go before I was supposed to. He's talking all kinds of shit but because I am wearing a Kevlar helmet and there is a lot of aircraft noise I can't understand a word he is saying. I'm staring at the ground..........From 1200 Ft I still vividly remember being able to see individual pine cones on the trees. Staring at the red light...........waiting for green. The JM is just talking away and shaking me by the harness. I STILL have NO idea what he is saying. Finally I see green and get a smack on the ass. Out the door I go. I judged the wind.........slipped like I was supposed to and THUMP. I landed. As far as I know I'm just laying there in a field. I'm laying there thinking........"HOLY SHIT............I'm still alive. That's COOL!" I finally just stood up..........totally forgot what I was supposed to be doing. What I didn't know was that I had a PERFECT spot (Not always easy under a round) and I had landed about 40 ft from the PI. One of the instructors starts yelling at me through a mega phone "What the FUCK are you doing. Lay back down.........Pop a capewell...........get out of your harness" :D I layed back down and still took me a few seconds longer to recall WTF I was supposed to be doing. My brain was in neutral. :D I got over it soon enough. The next 60 some were MUCH easier...........until I hit free fall for the first time and got "Brown Out" from the adrenaline. :D

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C132 wow is that the same as C182.....
round parashute too..that muct be different.And as for not remembering anything when you get down,I hear ya I couldn't get that grin off my face....Oh and what the hell am I doing???Ya that was me too....lol

Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life

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I was just scared... really scared.... When asked if I was ready to make a skydive, my response was "I dunnno, I'd better be!"

FGF #???
I miss the sky...
There are 10 types of people in the world... those who understand binary and those who don't.

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I was very mellow on my first jump. It was one of those things i said I always wanted to do, and when the opportunity arose i had to go for it. Unfortunatly 2 days before my first jump (i believe it was 2 days), I found out my dad was dying and had at most 1 month to live. Kinda puts a damper on what you are thinking while going to altitude...

...i won't forget though, as soon as i hit freefall, i screamed "THIS IS AWESOME". I was hooked from then on. B|

CReW Skies,
"Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone
"The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote)
"The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM

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I was wondering what the hell I was doing! I remember thinking "maybe I have gone mad!". Then I asked my TM if I got a refund if both canopies malfunctioned. :D I dont remember him asking me if I was ready.
www.TerminalSports.com.auAustralia's largest skydive gear store

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As for my first jump (static-lined 35ft. round canopy, front-mounted reserve out of a Cessna 182), I was thinking, "Hmmmmmmmm. I could jump and face *possible* death, or I could wimp out and face *certain* humiliation." I jumped. The weak male ego can be a wonderful thing sometimes.

On a tangent, I used to jump at Finger Lakes Skydivers in New York. Great DZ. Anyway, there was this one old-timer there. He had been in Europe in WWII. A really funny guy. I didn't realize *just* how twisted his sense of humor was until I was talking with another jumper who had been one of his students.

The student was on one of his early freefalls and was scared shitless. They were going up to altitude when the instructor (I can't remember his name right now) said, "This is the one."

"What?!!!!!!", said the student.

"This is the jump where you are going to bounce."

Of course the student was absolutely terrified, but jumped anyway (must have been that weak male ego thing).

Years later he was able to laugh about it. Since I knew the instructor and his sense of humor, I got a great laugh hearing about it too.

Ok, Sistaluv, this is the very last one. It's got more of a classic rock flavor instead of doing the pimped out thing.

I promise I'll leave you alone now.


p.s. I hope you weren't too annoyed by me playing around with your login name. It comes from being a big-time computer geek.

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Ride to altitude: this is great
Watching the door open on the skyvan: oh shit
watching people jump and the plane bounce: OH Shit
backing up to the door: OH SHIT

I froze and had to be pulled out of the plane by my instructors

"You did what?!?!"

MUFF #3722, TDSM #72, Orfun #26, Nachos Rodriguez

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Ride to altitude: this is great
Watching the door open on the skyvan: oh shit
watching people jump and the plane bounce: OH Shit
backing up to the door: OH SHIT

I froze and had to be pulled out of the plane by my instructors

wow your first jump was out of a skyvan....you lucky sh#t!!!:oI'm yet to jump from one:)

I froze and had to be pulled out of the plane by my instructors

That must of been fun .... what was it 3way 4way....jk what an experience!

Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life

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That must of been fun .... what was it 3way 4way....jk what an experience!

AFF level 1 def a 3 way

Fun? I was scared stiff.

at 5,500 my primary pulled for me. I reach and realize my canopy was already opening. I think, "ok no biggie"

"You did what?!?!"

MUFF #3722, TDSM #72, Orfun #26, Nachos Rodriguez

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I recently wrote:

I geared up in an SOS Strong rig set up for pilot-chute assist S/L, with a Mighty Mack main, 26' LoPo reserve, and Sentinel AAD. We climbed to 3,000 feet in our trusty C-206 and I was fortunate enough to be the second out. Once the other guy had gone, backing out was no longer an option. I got in the door (poised exit from cargo door) and couldn't believe how close the ground looked. I was terrified. "Farther out...farther out...now I want to see a good hard arch....relax.......................and go" I left my senses in the airplane. I didn't black out, but I definitely greyed out. My body screamed "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING??!" Vision returned and I could see the plane, "That's a good thing" I thought, then I realized my feet were blocking part of the view of it. "Shit! Arch!" and just as I thought that & started to act on it, I was flipped over by my opening main and found myself hanging right side up. "Holy shit it opened! OK, line twists - yep, closed end cells - yep, slider stuck part way up - yep....I've got three of the four "minor" things they told me about and I don't care...it opened!" I found it impossible to get drunk that afternoon and repeatedly noticed that I was jumping up and down in the middle of a bar.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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My dad was a private pilot and I grew up in airplanes and love heights. My AFF 1 was out of a 206. Did all of the ground training for exit and up we went. All I could think about was the excitement I felt in my belly. Raff asked if I was ready to skydive and I said hell ya. He later admitted that he was surprised how quickly I followed him out onto the strut. I still get that excitement everytime I go up.
50 donations so far. Give it a try.

You know you want to spank it
Jump an Infinity

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What were you thinking on your way up to altitude on your first jump? And when the jumpmaster asks "Are you ready?......."What was your reply?

I was thinking "fuck this".

It was exit altitude 2000 feet. Round parachutes in a front and back system, no AAD, and my feet stuck out of the door the whole way up with ice forming on them.

The jumpmaster didn't ask if I was ready, he just yelled for me to get in the door and go.

Canopy control consisted of toggles that did little more than change the view.

Student direction was a guy standing in a field yelling up at me with a megaphone. Couldn't hear a damn thing.

The landing was me lawndarting into a field full of pigshit.

Ahh, happy days.

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I can't remember that far back, probably courtesy of self induced chemical research, and possibly that nearly life long affinity for hops based beverages... but after all, it was nearly a lifetime (or more for some of you!) ago. I made my first jump in 1978, static line from a C-182, wearing a 35' military surplus T-10 main canopy, and a belly mounted 24' flat four line release reserve. Man, that was some nasty gear! But I survived, and went on to make over 500 jumps before the rest of life got in the way, and I 'retired'...

I do remember parts of my re-currency jump though, the one made after some 16 years of inactivity! I had the pleasure and privilege of getting Mandy Schaeffer to do my check out dive... after plans fell through to jump with my old friend Bobby Coker (who I had jumped with extensively 16 years ago!) due to weather moving in the previous weekend.

The otter at Skydive Dallas was new to me, having been a cessna jumper in that previously mentioned 'former life'. So we're gonna go how high? Cool! And what the hell is this, bench seats? COOL! Despite the additional creature comforts, the ride up seemed eerily familiar, as I watched out the window as the earth got further and further away, cross referencing visuals to numbers on the alti I wore... then... jump run. I'm a high puller, so we're out nearly last, right before the tandems... and we work our way to the door, and I grab the rail and swing out, into the wind blast.

Now that was an 'oh shit' moment. As I clung to the outside of that aircraft, the wind tearing at my body, the earth far, far, below, I had to question the wisdom of my decision to return to the sport of skydiving! But Mandy hits the door, and we GO. I'm familiar with sensory overload, having done a fair bit of training 'back in the day', but it's an entirely different beast when it's you that's overloaded! I don't remember the first few second of that jump, although I'm sure I was there for it, at least physically... then I was fine. Completed all dive objectives, opened the canopy, flew back to the DZ, stood up the landing, and got signed off.

It was hella fun. Thanks Mandy!

"If all you ever do is all you ever did, then all you'll ever get is all you ever got."

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I was thinking "fuck this".

It was exit altitude 2000 feet. Round parachutes in a front and back system, no AAD, and my feet stuck out of the door the whole way up with ice forming on them.
2000ft as if???? wow your brave :o
Round and no AAD :o

The jumpmaster didn't ask if I was ready, he just yelled for me to get in the door and go.

Canopy control consisted of toggles that did little more than change the view.

Student direction was a guy standing in a field yelling up at me with a megaphone. Couldn't hear a damn thing.
I think I was spoiled I had 2 radios to make sure it worked right ;)

The landing was me lawndarting into a field full of pigshit.Shitty situation....:D:ph34r::D

And you now have 8000 jumps wow I envy you...niceB|

Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life

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