
Peter Jennings Died

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I just posted in absolute SHOCK!! Wow...[:/] I'll delete mine since I think we posted at the same time...damn:(

Lung CA? damn..he didn't "look" like a smoker...hmmm
In my business...smoking is the culprit in not only Coronary Artery Disease but also Peripheral Vascular Disease as well...until I was in this line of work, I didn't realize the nasty effects of cigs[:/] It's "kuhl" until you have the "full metal jacket" which is three stents[:/] or more.


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If you smoke, please try to give it up.

It took my dad 8 tries, he finally stopped for good at 60 when the surgeon told him "if you quit now, your chances of surviving the surgery three weeks from now are markedly better." Don't know how true that was, but he's here 14 years later to enjoy his his grandkids, all of which are 12 years old or younger.

Plus, I really really hated the smell of cigarettes on him as a kid. Really yucky.

You can have it good, fast, or cheap: pick two.

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yeah, i just passed by my tv (cnn was on for noise). i did a double take thinking i read it wrong. i didn't even know he had cancer. he was giving the news, right?
wow.. yeah, fast.
ETA: he also didn't look 67!
i didn't lose my mind, i sold it on ebay. .:need a container to fit 5'4", 110 lb. cypres ready & able to fit a 170 main (or slightly smaller):.[/ce

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I think this is especially hard for me because I recently lost my father to lung cancer. He smoked for 37 years, and then successfully quit. Four and a half years later they discovered a tumor in his brain. That was zapped, but his quality of life went on a decline after that. He died almost six years after the orignal brain tumor was found. In that six years he was tethered to an oxygen bottle, he was unable to go to Cardinal Baseball games, which he loved, and he was forced to retire before his mind was ready to. In his last weeks of life he was so out of it he told me to go to hell and to fuck off....thankfully he thought I was my sister.

It was an ugly, brutal, painfully slow process.

All because he wanted to look cool in high school.


I'm a Doll!!!!

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My grandmother was just diagnosed with lung cancer this past week.:(:(:( She smoked for 50 years and finally quit cold turkey in 2003 when the doctors told her of her chance of surivial when she had a triple bypass that year.It looks like it still caught up to her.:( They're putting in the port for Chemotherapy tomorrow and her first treatment is Thursday. Even with the treatment they haven't given her much time.Shes making her final wishes known.I've quit school to go help my family and spend time with her.:(:(:(

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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They are doing a tribute to him on "Good Morning America" this morning. In a tape, he said he quit smoking 20 years ago and other than a relapse after 9/11 he hadn't smoked since. It's amazing how long smoking can affect your body.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Yes, this is very hard news for me to take as well. My dad was diagnosed with lung cancer right around the same time Peter Jennings came out with his news. My dad was hospitalized last week, which in itself scared the living daylights out of me, but on top of that, they have now found a tumor in my mom's chest. The reality of losing both parents around the same time has hit pretty hard.

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when i was six years old i remember watching my grandfather literally rot from the inside out because his lung cancer took over his entire body... he used to smoke about 2 packs a day - i used to tell him to stop smoking all the time... and i vividly remember everything he went through and seeing how upset it made my mom - i promised her and myself that i would never smoke a cigarette - and i never have
if you do smoke please stop - if not only just for your health but for saving your family the heartache of watching you become sick and suffer -

mr jennings was a great news anchor - and its truly unfortunate that he died at such a young age - may he rest in peace
"life does throw curveballs sometimes but it doesn't mean we shouldn't still swing for the homerun" ~ me

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It is sad news indeed.
Like many people in this thread I lost a loved one -my father- to lung cancer at the age of 57 and he too was a smoker for most of his life. He was unable to quit, he thought he was invincible. He never even had a cold or a flu his entire life. It was very hard to see him completely helpless for the first time in his life.
If you're a smoker please stop now, before it's too late!

"I love cooking with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food."

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It was obvious a few months ago when he made the announcement that he was in bad shape. I know there is an element of personal responsibility in smoking, but after seeing my grandfather die of emphysema, my grandmother die of lung cancer, my father survive lung cancer, my mother be diagnosed emphysema, I just wonder how in the _HELL_ people that work at Phillip Morris can get up and go to work in the morning.

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It was obvious a few months ago when he made the announcement that he was in bad shape. I know there is an element of personal responsibility in smoking, but after seeing my grandfather die of emphysema, my grandmother die of lung cancer, my father survive lung cancer, my mother be diagnosed emphysema, I just wonder how in the _HELL_ people that work at Phillip Morris can get up and go to work in the morning.

No disrespect to you or your family intended.

Smoking is a choice. So is quitting. I used to smoke. I chose to quit.

The people at Phillip Morris wouldn't have jobs if there were not a market for their products. The knowledge is out there about tobacco being a bad thing. Same for alcohol. Same for drugs.

I don't mean to trivialize the effort it takes to break addictions, but taking personal responsibility for one's health has far more influence than any company ever will.


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My brother has worked for PMUSA for 13 years..I promise you that after what we saw with our Granma Emily with her COPD..and her painful departure...he'd get out of being a cig rep if he could..but he's so stuck there..he didnt finish his college degree and the market is shitty in the south...[:/]


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Lets not forget that no one is in TOTAL control. About 10% of lung cancers come from NON-smokers. (like Andy Kaufman).

Human efforts in life are all about reducing risk, NOT securing absolute guarantees.
Speed Racer

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