
I'm bored...

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but ur response does bring up that ever wonderous question... is it true... red on the head-fire in the hole?


Trust me...THAT'S putting it mildly!!:P:ph34r:;)B|:):$

( ...as long as the carpet matches the drapes..if ya know what I mean!)

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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It's really hot and humid today. I don't feel like going out
Come on people post something interesting

Ok, but bear in mind that what I consider interesting and what you consider interesting may be two entirely different things.

When I was a kid, and sound effect started being used more and more on television and in music, I kind of latched on the the whole concept of reverberation and echo chamber. They sounded really damn cool. It was the whole "yelling someting from the edge of a tall cliff and hearing it come back to you" thing.

Anyway, I had a dream. I wanted to hear a fart in an echo chamber. (Yes, I know most people have far bigger dreams than I do, but so what? It's my dream godammit!")

Last week, I lived the dream.

edited to add:
If my parents knew, I would hope that they would be really proud, but I wouldn't bet on it.


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