
Church vs. Skydiving

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Ahh...that makes it more flexible. As a Catholic our option is either Sat. evening or Sunday. But the mass is only 45-60 minutes long, so it's pretty easy to do and doesn't interfere with my other weekend plans.

Chris, I don't mean to pick you out of the crowd this is just the point that I decided to post.

CHURCH is just a bldg. CHURCH has NOTHING to do with religion the congregation is where the religion comes in. and as far as organized religion to me its all a bunch of shit.

I'm sure I offended a few of you, sorry. I truly believe that we need religion as a form of social values but in the end most of the bible thumpers are the ones who run the congregations. as far as catholics go I have worked with and for a few of them at different point in my life and I have found that ALL OF THEM are hypocritical scumbags who hide behind a cross.

IMO you do not need to be in the "house of god" to worship. if thats the case than those morally bankrupt peope I have met are truly the definition of catholic. sinners by weekday and repenters by sunday. we all sin etc blah balh blah but there should be some morale limit to it.

I don't mean to go on a rany but this is MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. and since we are all sharing I figured I would, too!:ph34r::ph34r:

myself? I believe there is something better than this but I'm not sure you can find it in a book[:/]
and I'm pretty sure that those who running the churches are just about as fucked up as many politicians,
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On sunday I goto church, then I go skydiving... I wear my rig into church since it's on the way to the DZ and I wont leave it in the car.. :D

FGF #???
I miss the sky...
There are 10 types of people in the world... those who understand binary and those who don't.

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On sunday I goto church, then I go skydiving... I wear my rig into church since it's on the way to the DZ and I wont leave it in the car.. :D

Oh no. Don't tell me you do up the chest strap and everything. [:/]

:D umm, no... I just throw it on my back like it's a backpack... :)

FGF #???
I miss the sky...
There are 10 types of people in the world... those who understand binary and those who don't.

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On sunday I goto church, then I go skydiving... I wear my rig into church

just when you think you've heard/seen everything, something else comes along ... :D;)

You can have it good, fast, or cheap: pick two.

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I wear my rig into church

Tell people you're expecting the Rapture, and you want to be ready if you're thrown back :)

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Update: Got up the nerve to tell my mom I wasn't attending church. My mom just said "well, our pastor said that when you go to heaven you'll recognize everyone you know who made it to heaven, but you won't remember those who didn't make it. I said " well thats good, then you won't be missing them". She said "yes, but I hate to think of one of my kids in hell" (obviously me for not attending church), So of course I felt guilty for making my mom worry. So I attended church with my parents. They were very happy. I had a feeling I'd cave in - I hate to disappointment my parents. And it was pretty overcast in SD that day.

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller

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