
$6.19 a gallon.

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$6.19 per gallon in Quebec? Ouch.

In this city ot Ottawa, it's about $1.10 CDN per liter (Approximately $4 CDN per gallon.) and still going up. As the exchange is approaching parity, that's still about $3.36 USD per gallon.

Right now, it's $1.35/L [:/]


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It won't be long till you can't ride that bike cause of the snow:ph34r:

Ahh, but my ride to the slopes will be much shorter than yours... :P

Don't count on it buddy, I plan to just invite myself to stay over more then a few times this season;)
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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If everyone would fucking go home and quit buying the shit for a day or so this would slow down...

Yup! Those who can, should.

I went to work by foot this morning, and, from now on, plan on doing so as often as i can. I have a backpack and put a light raincoat in it. So I'm ready. :)

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The question (for people from various countries) is: HOW MANY GALLONS (1 gallon = 3.8 liters) of gas can you buy for an AVERAGE after tax monthly salary.

In Poland it is about 100 gallons. See the difference? To put it in perspective, you would have to pay $20 A GALLON to have the same situation in the U.S. ($2,000 average net income divided by 100 gallons). I just used $2,000 figure as my estimate, but you get the point...

You guys have it good in the U.S.!


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The question (for people from various countries) is: HOW MANY GALLONS (1 gallon = 3.8 liters) of gas can you buy for an AVERAGE after tax monthly salary.

In Poland it is about 100 gallons. See the difference? To put it in perspective, you would have to pay $20 A GALLON to have the same situation in the U.S. ($2,000 average net income divided by 100 gallons). I just used $2,000 figure as my estimate, but you get the point...

You guys have it good in the U.S.!


The U.S. is a big place :S

Some peope got it good some don't own a pot to piss in, no mass transit , no way to get to a job, no options.

In the US it's not uncommen for people to drive 100km ea way to work daily.

How do people commute to work in poland and when was your mass transit system built.


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Gee I personally think MOST of the problem is the majority of the people in the country put the OIL BOYS in charge of the whole country.. is it any wonder the oil and gas prices have soared????

And who is REALLLY stupid enough to think they are going to make the prices go down...RIIIIIIIIGHT..

They can get away with it because they can.

things that make you go HMMMMM

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Fortunately, for me, it's only a 15 minute walk to go to work. :)

My walk to work:
1. Roll out of bed
2. Biological stop and shower
3. Coffee (kick ass I might add)
4. Peer outside to see what everyone else has to go out in
5. walk to the office and plug in

I need to get out a bit more during the day and walk up the hill.


THAT is precisly my commute as well... sans coffee, mine is coke... liquid, not powder. working from home rocks.

-the artist formerly known as sinker

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BTW, just got an E mail. We are all suppose to have a gas out on sept. 10th no one is suppose to buy gas. Tell everyone you can! Maybe if we hit them in the pocket book, we will get some relief!:)
I've learned.... That being kind is more important than being

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BTW, just got an E mail. We are all suppose to have a gas out on sept. 10th no one is suppose to buy gas. Tell everyone you can! Maybe if we hit them in the pocket book, we will get some relief!:)

Actually it wouldn't help anyway cause everyone would just buy the gas the day before or after, so the same amount would be sold. Now it would make a much bigger difference if everyone biked, walked or rode mass transit for a week. No gas consumed=no gas needed, now that will hit them where it hurts.
Fly it like you stole it!

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