
What's your greatest indulgence in life?

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My favorite Indulgence would have to be Fast Women.. However I have to generally settle for Gambling and Fast Cars.

I am about to start a new project Moving the Drive Train from my Pro Street 71 340 Duster into My Restored 1966 Belvedere.

And if a Mustang EVER out runs any performace vehicle I own, I will sell that POS at the end of the track for $1.

I would rather walk and carry 4 Mopar Hubcaps than Ride in a mustang.;)

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Having fun no matter what I'm doing.
Putting a smile on other's faces.
Being bad >:(

I really love being outdoors. The water/being in the woods is my first love. Always has been. If I could, I would buy a CJ and rebuild it. I want to learn all I can about cars and taking them apart and putting them back together again. But most of all, I would want to rebuild a CJ and lift it and take it out into the woods where I enjoy life the most and having a sexy man beside me wouldn't hurt either. ;)

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Music....I can't live without music. I can live without skydiving...but can NOT live with out music.

and all kinds of music...whether that means me playing it on my guitar's or me having fun listening to my 1000 plus CD's and my completely full 40gig iPod with 11,000 songs....

otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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My parents gave me the travel bug when I was a kid. We'd take long vacations and drive halfway across the US, visiting interesting places and national parks. I have a goal to visit every national park in the USA. So far I've seen: Grand Canyon, Kings Canon, Sequoia, Yosemite, Mojave, Black Canyon of the Gunnison, Mesa Verde, Saguaro, Petrified Forest, Hawaii Volcanoes, Glacier, Badlands, Wind Cave, Arches, Bryce Canon, Zion, Olympic, Mount Ranier, Grand Teton, and Yellowstone. there's probably a few more I went to when I was really little and don't remember.

in 2002, I started working on dinosaur excavations with my mom and a paleontologist (sp?) friend of ours in Wyoming. One of the dinos we dug up (triceratops) is in a museum now.

in 2003, I went to Ireland with no plans other than a reservation in Dublin for the first and last night. Had a wonderful time.
Later that year, I went to Florida.

In 2004, I went to New Orleans, and later that year, went to Utah to viisit Zion National Park

in 2005, I went to Kona, Hawaii, and visited Volcanoes National Park. I also went back to Utah to see Bryce Canyon National Park. I'll be going back to Florida in December to visit the Everglades.

2006...hoping to visit Cambodia.

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good food : early harvest olive oil, cheese soaked in burgundy, any sort of artery hardening pate', good bread

wine: RED to be exact, and boutique winery champagne. Oh, and I like vodka, gin, and tequila. Did I mention port? Ok, ok, ok...and don't forget about cognac. Alright, stop with the brow-beating; so I drink copious amounts of beer. So what's your point? :P

.........and traveling

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