
Backpacking Dog Certification

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Since quite a few people here hike and many have dogs that hike with them (it may or may not have carried it's own pack). I thought it would be nice to know that you can get your dog it's backpack certification no matter what breed it is or if it is registered or not.

My boy will be going for his BPDX award here pretty soon since we are only 2 hikes away from his BPD and if I go overnight hiking with Mary next month he will have the overnight requirement covered.

BackPack Dog Award

Also you can get trail dog distance badges from Wolf Packs (the pack my dog uses). It's on the honor system and no trail ratings or minimum weight in the dog's pack are required.

To calculate distance is pretty strait forward (miles walked=miles earned) except when elevation gain is involved. Elevation gain may be substituted for mileage in the following manner: 1,000 feet of elevation is equivalent to 1 mile of flat terrain. Elevation gain will be figured as the distance between the highest and lowest points of the trip. So say you hiked 5 miles and gained 2000 feet, you would then record the trip as a 7 mile hike.

Happy hiking!
Fly it like you stole it!

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This was one of those posts, like the smell of baking bread reminds you of grandma, reminded me of Duke. He had a Wolfpacks backpack with his SAR badge and ID on it that he carried on "hump it in" searches. I carried the water and food, he carried the medical supplies and an airline 6oz water bottle. We did it that way because he could better be trusted to get the first aid kit to where it was needed.

When I read the post I got to thinking and looked in his trunk. There it was, packed and ready to go just like always. Made me get all misty thinking about the time he got stuck going between two trees when he was first learning to pack. He stood there for a few minutes just waiting for me to catch up and show him how to get loose.

Fun is when you do it together, trust when he packs what you need, respect is when you count on eachother without thinking about it.

Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.

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Oh how cool!!!! B| This will rock, I wont have my doggies, but you guys will have yours, so I wont feel to lost. :)
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
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Thats a really cute idea.

Labor day weekend my boyfriend and I took his dog Jonah on what was probably his last "real" back-packing trip, hes going on 11 and has arthritis. I had to attach a few pictures, we all had an awesome time! My boyfriend used to be a wilderness guide and has been taking Jonah on back-packing trips since he was a puppy.

The second night we arrived to our camp at around 5:00 and set up our tent, as soon as we had the rain-fly in place and opened up the vestibule Jonah crawled right on in and refused to get up for several hours, he was so tired. It was so cute.

Anyways, had to share my little story.:$


"Life is a temporary victory over the causes which induce death." - Sylvester Graham

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Of what use is this certification? Does it get you some special privilege somewhere?

Many state and national parks don't allow dogs on the trails. What do you do then?

No special privileges just a way to mark the accomplishments you and your buddy did together, kind of like getting your SCR or diamond wings. There is a certification in Boulder where your dog has to pass certain off leash test to get a tag for it's collar that will allow it off leash on leash only trails, not sure what it is called though.

Yep many area do not allow dogs, so always research before taking a trip. Since my dog is on an e-collar I always research the area off leash trails which makes the hike more enjoyable for both of us. Always check where you plan to hike before you go out and have an optional trail ready just in case the new one doesn't allow pets.

Karen - Where were you hiking at, that is some beautiful country.

Phil - You haven't met Sherpa yet have you...I dare any dog to make fun of him. ;)
Fly it like you stole it!

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Yep many area do not allow dogs...

Isn't there an idea that dogs can actually attract mountain lions and bears to you? (Ack!)

What you are refering too is the preditor responce that a running dog or child can ellicit in a mountain lion. If the lion is close enough to see the dog it has already seen you and will attack a human just as quickly as the dog. The only time that dogs actually bring a lion into camp is when they are off leash and not under control meaning they have been running around the mountain side found a kitty and brought it back to camp.

When in the mountain DO NOT let your dogs run free without a way to control them if you want them to be off leash they need to be well trained.

Bears are attracted by food in your camp, so make sure you have it secure away from the tents.
Fly it like you stole it!

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i can't help but show off my new hiking partner. she's only been on short hikes so far and she hasn't carriend weight in her pack yet. that won't come until next spring. this is the first dog i've had as an adult, so if anyone could recommend any books about hiking with a dog, let me know. by the way, her name is emma and she is 13 weeks old

"Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama

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We were hiking in the Northern Cascades.. its about a 2-3 hour drive from Seattle. Gorgeous country.. mm... alpine likes, meadows and snow capped mountains. I LOVE Washington!;)

The puppy in the pictures is sooo cute!


"Life is a temporary victory over the causes which induce death." - Sylvester Graham

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Personally, my dog has earned the right for the rest of her life to have me carry anything she needs!;) “May I aspire always to be the kind of person my dog believes I am".

Another suggestion that I have that I have never found in any of the books is to have a way to carry your dog out if you need to. My dogs harness allows me to carry her like a back pack if I need to.

I was once asked by a television reporter if my dog was my hero after what she had done, I said she has always been my hero! ;)

Dogs ROCK, people suck!:P
Time and pressure will always show you who a person really is!

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