
What`s a "Date"?

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[Cynic mode]
A date is when two possibly sexually compatible people go somewhere together and pretend to be someone totally different than who really are hoping to impress the other party.

Typically the Male will be hoping to find SEX and the Female will be hoping to find LOVE*. Although these roles can sometimes get Reversed (Some guys have all the Luck!!:P). That is a Date.

*LOVE.. - an Illusion that creates another Illusion called Marriage which results in a Reality called Divorce!!;) (Who can name the source of that quote??)

[/Cynic mode]

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well since no one else is answering this seriously i'll try..........

a date here in the u.s. is traditionaly between two people who are interested (as in a relationship) in eachother. but you could be setting up and apointment with someone and say "lets set up a date to do this" but it just means a calender date not a "date" date. if i'm gona have a few beers with my guy friends i'll say i'm gona hang out with them, not go on a date with them... hope this some what helps......

and i've got a question for ya.......... with my limited german skills even after having lived there for two years i still wonder this... okay... so the word for friend can be made masculin or feminin and it just means that the friend is maleor female, how do you say girlfriend or boyfriend to me the person you are involved with in a relatonship???

Damn dude, your typing skills have improved tremendously. It didn't take forever to read your post.:P

Ok, back to the regularly scheduled program.

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Isn't that the "discrete" version though? The candid version would be "friend with benefits".

Well, the really candid version is fuck buddy. Of course, I maintain that "fuck buddy" and "friend with benefits" are two different things. And that "um-friend" is often just a precursor to "boyfriend" or "girlfriend," you're just not quite ready to label it yet.

But I digress. :P
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Please continue digressing. This is Bonfire, after all.

What's the difference between a fuck buddy and a friend with benefits?

Well, since you asked...

For me, a friend with benefits is just that ... a friend. You were friends with them before the benefits (even if it was just for a few hours :D) and you'll be friends with them after the benefits are cut off. You might even go back to benefits if you find yourselves single at the same time again.

Fuck buddy (at least to me) isn't necessarily someone I'm friends with. It's pretty much just about the sex. Chances are that once it's over, I'm not going to see / hang out with them again. I might not even be all that interested in them as a person, just as a hot body in bed.

Discuss. :ph34r:
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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A date is the price a guy has to pay for a shot at getting lucky.


huh wahhhht:S,,and i ain't cheap i might add:)
If there are no trials in life,how will u know what is really imprtortant
luv2liv,,,SUMMOOO 1


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