
What's the BEST MP3 player?

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So you can Drag and Drop to your Ipod without any Apple software installed?
You can copy Files from your iPod to your PC without 3rd Party Software??

What happens when you rechargeable Battery no longer takes a Charge on your iPod?
What is it that the iPod has that the others don’t have that makes it worth more?
So far all I have seen is additional Negatives and not a single additional positive.

If you are going to defend something.. How about making a Point? m`kay;)

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Drag & drop files, yes. Songs, no. And the iPod isn't the only one with that limitation.

As for pulling songs *off* the iPod using drag & drop, yes. All day long. They're in the Music folder.;)

If the rechargeable battery dies, replace it. There are several kits with instructions on how to do so. In fact, I just upgraded to a larger battery last month that gives me about another 25% more playing time. My current iPod is about a year old and I use it daily in my car. I was still getting about 14 hours per use between charges with the backlight off, and 10 hours with it on.

For me, the iPod is worth it for the useability. Name any other player that you can put into someone's hands and they can fully run it after playing with it for less than 2 minutes.

My iPod has been kicked, dropped, suffered through a hard opening, gone crosscountry at 13K, and been dunked and I haven't been able to kill this one yet.

It has also never locked up on me like my friend's Dell has done on him.:ph34r:
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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But it is your ONLY choice. It is the Typical Apple "We will think for you" attitude

You have lots of freeware options with the iPod. Personally, I haven't found one with increased functionability over iTunes, so I stick with iTunes. Apple makes really good software. It may not always be the best, but it is seldom shit.


I dont necessarily disagree but why have to use any Music Management software??
I have 1000`s of MP3 files in a Folder on my Hard drive, Why not just let me drag and drop the ones I want onto the MP3 Player? Why cant I Plug in my Ipod and look at what songs are on it and delete the ones I dont want? Why have to deal iTunes at all?

I'm not seeing a drawback. You are essentially complaining that you have to store your music in the iTunes folder. What difference does it make what the folder name is? You can access its contents outside if iTunes all the same.
I will admit that this limits iTunes as a secondary audio player, but what software is better, if you listen to many audio files?
I do know people that prefer a lighter player, but they don't really listen to much music on their computers, or have iPods.


Talk about a BAD Joke. For less money you buy a generic MP3 Player that is the same size, Cost less, Holds More, Has a Display, Allows you CHOOSE (something that Apple hates) your songs, Built-in voice recorder, built in FM receiver, allows you to record from the Radio, Plays WMA Format and works with any software.

Why do skydivers tend to buy Sony video cameras? They work very well for what they are used for. Why do skydivers tend to not rush out to buy the latest parachute models? They like to see them "test" jumped for awhile first.
MP3 players are no different. The iPod has earned a good reputation. Others may do the same, but many don't want to be test users if they have to pay full price.

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Drag & drop files, yes. Songs, no. And the iPod isn't the only one with that limitation.

As for pulling songs *off* the iPod using drag & drop, yes. All day long. They're in the Music folder.

You are saying I can go to a Computer that doent have iTunes installed, Plug in my iPod Mini and Transfer songs from that PC to the iPod and I copy songs on from that iPod to that PC??

Wow!! You must have the super special model that I didnt get.:P

I can easily do this with my other (Much less expensive) MP3 players.

And so I have to Buy a special Kit if I ever want to change the Battery or do what most people do and either send back to the factory or just throw it away and buy another one (Which is why they designed it that way)??


Name any other player that you can put into someone's hands and they can fully run it after playing with it for less than 2 minutes.

Uhhh... Any other one on the market. Pick one.

They all show you a list of songs. Pick the one you want to hear or just put it on random and hit play. If you need a Manual for that, an over simplified and very limited iPod isnt going to help you much anyway.

My Opinion: The iPod is an over priced and very limited devise that is designed to have a relatively short life. Other MP3 Players are superior in design, functionality and performance and cost less.

But.. Opinions and Assholes and all that good stuff.

I wish someone could convince me I wasnt an Idiot for buying an iPod Mini when they first came out. So far it hasnt happened.:S:(;)

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Drag & drop files, yes. Songs, no. And the iPod isn't the only one with that limitation.

As for pulling songs *off* the iPod using drag & drop, yes. All day long. They're in the Music folder.

You are saying I can go to a Computer that doent have iTunes installed, Plug in my iPod Mini and Transfer songs from that PC to the iPod and I copy songs on from that iPod to that PC??

Wow!! You must have the super special model that I didnt get.:P

Hop onto the user group on Yahoo for iPods and they'll tell you how.

And yes you can take songs from an iPod and put them on a computer you just have to know how. Again check out the iPod group on yahoo.com

"You start off your skydiving career with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience up before your bag of luck runs out."

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My 40g iPod was worth every penny. It's so easy to use. My brother has a sony mp3 player that was cheaper, but he's always fighting with it to get it to do what he wants. He's talking about selling it on eBay and getting an iPod. After using my iPod, my mom and dad each got one. I love my iPod so much that it inspired me to buy a mac. I now own an iBook and an iMac, all because my iPod showed me how user friendly apple products are.

if you get an iPod, you won't regret it.

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Apple makes really good software. It may not always be the best, but it is seldom shit.

My point is why do I have to use ANY Music Management software. it is OVERKILL and a pain in the ass to maintain.

I have a Folder.. 80+gb in it (Yes I have it organized) on my PC.
On my MP3 Player I usually keep about 800 songs.. If want to Blow away 50 of them and put 30 different ones back...
Pain in the Ass on my iPod. Easy on my other MP3 players because I dont have to deal with ANY software other than windows explorer. Just moving files around. Just Access the MP3 Player which shows up as a Drive, Delete the songs I dont want (or move them to another drive) directly on the MP3 Player. Drag and Drop the new songs I do want.

Or even better, I can use other MP3 Players to move Files from one PC to another.

Say I rip a few CD`s I just bought at home. I can copy those files to my MP3 Player, Then when I get to work, I can transfer those songs to my work PC. iPod??? Cant do it. Any other MP3 player.. Not a problem and I dont even need to install any 3rd party software on my work PC.

Yes I realize that I can jump through Hoops and do these things or get even more 3rd party software. My point is all that isnt needed with other MP3 Players. I bought an iPod and feel stupid for doing because I paid more for a devise that does less.

The other two players I bought, I have never had a problem with and can do whatever I want with.

We all have different opinions, and to each their own but I try to warn everyone I can about iPods because I feel that I made a Big mistake buying one. I am much happier with my Generic $99 Ebay specials that do much more and are easier to use than my $300 iPod.

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Speaking of Apple, anyone see their announcement today?

The next IPOD is going to play video!!!! They are going to sell stuff on the Itunes website. Right now you'll be able to download episodes of Desperate Housewives and Lost at 1.99 an episode. These guys are brilliant!!! I don't think I'd buy that stuff since I have TIVO but if you are on the run and need to catch your shows during lunch at work, well here is your answer!!

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My point is why do I have to use ANY Music Management software. it is OVERKILL and a pain in the ass to maintain.

I have a Folder.. 80+gb in it (Yes I have it organized) on my PC.
On my MP3 Player I usually keep about 800 songs.. If want to Blow away 50 of them and put 30 different ones back...
Pain in the Ass on my iPod. Easy on my other MP3 players because I dont have to deal with ANY software other than windows explorer. Just moving files around. Just Access the MP3 Player which shows up as a Drive, Delete the songs I dont want (or move them to another drive) directly on the MP3 Player. Drag and Drop the new songs I do want.

You will never convince me that using Windows Explorer is better than using iTunes or Finder. Sorry. :P

I'm not seeing how you are saving time or effort by working outside of iTunes. And iTunes offers so many extra features, many of which can save users a lot of time.

Perhaps you are using an old version of iTunes? Maybe you just haven't explored the capabilities of iTunes. Or maybe Apple is just evil in your mind. I don't know. But your complaints seem to be unfounded. Drag and drop seems pretty easy and intuitive in iTunes.

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You are correct. I dont like iTunes. I dont want to use it. I dont like the "Library" concept or dealing with Play lists.

Put the songs I want to listen to on the MP3 player. Delete the ones I am sick of. They all just Files to me.

I use Explorer to move files. Very simple. When I am moving songs to my MP3 Player, I am just Moving Files. I dont need and/or want some huge application to do this.

My needs are simple.. Put song on MP3 player. Take other songs off MP3 player. Thats it. iTunes makes this a much more complicated process.

Also.. You cant move songs/files from one computer to another with an iPod without special software.

I dont think anyone could change my mind and convince me that I really NEED something like iTunes just to put a few songs on an MP3 Player.

Like I said... If I have some songs on my MP3 Player and want to transfer them to my PC at work.. How can I do that?? 3rd party software?? Other special Hidden secrets? Why bother. Other MP3 Players.. Plug it in, Access the Drive and copy away.

And STILL no-one has given a single reason the iPod is BETTER than other players. Just people trying to say that the iPod can sort of do what other MP3 players do if you have the right software and if you know which hoops to jump through.

How about.... NO software needed and do what you want (Not what Apple thinks you should). That is why others are BETTER.

Also how about a Replaceable Battery. Rechargeable Batteries will eventually Die and have to be replaced.

Rev Jobs Keeps serving up the Kool-Aid.. The Masses keep on drinking it. Amazing.

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How about.... NO software needed and do what you want (Not what Apple thinks you should). That is why others are BETTER.

The thing is, what I do with iTunes is beyond the capabilities of Windows Explorer.

I can simply move my music files around outside iTunes, just like any other files, and more easily with Finder than with Windows Explorer. It is still not as convenient or as easy as working in iTunes, though.

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And STILL no-one has given a single reason the iPod is BETTER than other players. Just people trying to say that the iPod can sort of do what other MP3 players do if you have the right software and if you know which hoops to jump through.

The software, as bad as you've found it, has been well better than a lot of the crap out there that is vaguely functional, but ugly as hell. I don't even have an ipod and I've been using itunes to rip and play. I use mt-daapd on a linksys slug to serve up music to machines at home.

Same for the players themselves. Apple leads on making it look like something that could be seen and not just hidden out of view. They've also been in front of downsizing, being the first to use the 1.8" drives instead of 2.5" notebooks.

The battery thing sounds like it's been a PITA, but user replaceable tends to translate to larger form factors.

As for price - I haven't seen really that they're grossly overpriced. Clearly they collect a premium over the ugly stepchildren models, but the market results indicate people like paying for smaller devices.

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So I've noticed that the nano (along with most ipods) have the ability to do calendar and addressbook functions. Currently my phone is my only addressbook - should I misplace it or be out of power, I'm out of luck.

So how do you input the data onto the ipods? I'm presuming/hoping there is data entry on the windows side, rather than using that funky wheel joystick.

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The software, as bad as you've found it, has been well better than a lot of the crap out there that is vaguely functional, but ugly as hell.


Other Players.. Plug it in.. Move files.

iPod - Plug it in.. wait for iTunes (Or other application) to load, Update Library and Play lists, Transfer files.

All I want to do is move files from my Hard drive to the Player and Delete other songs off the player. I dont need or want ANY software to do that.


Same for the players themselves. Apple leads on making it look like something that could be seen and not just hidden out of view. They've also been in front of downsizing, being the first to use the 1.8" drives instead of 2.5" notebooks.

The battery thing sounds like it's been a PITA, but user replaceable tends to translate to larger form factors.

Not completely True.
I have 1GB Flash based Player that is Small as a Shufle and has an Easily Replaceable Battery, It also has a Display, Works as Jump Drive, Requires NO Software to transfer files, Has a Radio, A Voice Recorder and is Cheaper than the Shuffle even.

Sitll... NOT A SINGLE Valid Reason the iPOD is any better than other MP3 Players..

Kool-aid I tell you. Rev Jobs just keeps on passing it out and watching the line grow!!:P

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What I do with my iPod:

play it through my car stereo using an FM transmitter
use it to record my professors' lectures with a microphone attached
use it as a portable hard drive for other files so I can work on them from any computer with a USB or firewire port
use it to store photos
drag and drop music and non-music files
drag music off the iPod to other computers, iTunes not required.
make and store loads of different playlists so I can listen to what I want, depending on my mood
also, it lets me keep my address book/contact list and calendar/schedule with me all the time.

it does so much more than just play music through headphones.

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Not completely True.
I have 1GB Flash based Player that is Small as a Shufle and has an Easily Replaceable Battery, It also has a Display, Works as Jump Drive, Requires NO Software to transfer files, Has a Radio, A Voice Recorder and is Cheaper than the Shuffle even.

How come it doesn't have a name?

And why are you picking on the shuffle, which likely will be off the market in a month or two, rather than the larger capacity models that most people are buying? You got the 1gb market, the 4-6gb market, and the 20+ market.


Sitll... NOT A SINGLE Valid Reason the iPOD is any better than other MP3 Players..

Not a single reason rarely gets you a commanding market share. But why do you care, anyway?

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now I have a Rio Carbon 5Gb that I'm also well satisfied with. Both were under $200 as I recall...

I have a rio carbon too, i've only had it for a couple of weeks, but it seems pretty good... it cost me £100, 5gb, 20hrs battery life, easy to use, pretty small, drag and drop, plays MP3 and WMA...


IMO much better value than an IPod...

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Hop onto the user group on Yahoo for iPods and they'll tell you how.

Could you post or PM me a link for this user group please?

I'm a fairly new ipod owner and I'm really happy with it but would like to find out a bit more about what it can do.



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>All I want to do is move files from my Hard drive to the Player and
> Delete other songs off the player. I dont need or want ANY software
> to do that.

Such a device does not exist. Sure, you can use the drivers that come with Windows to sync up an external MP3 player that enumerates as a USB hard drive, but that's no different than using the software that comes with the Mac to connect to the iPod. Choose your platform and buy accordingly. In both cases, you can get extra SW to allow operation with the 'foreign' OS.

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What I do with my iPod:

play it through my car stereo using an FM transmitter
use it to record my professors' lectures with a microphone attached
use it as a portable hard drive for other files so I can work on them from any computer with a USB or firewire port
use it to store photos
drag and drop music and non-music files
drag music off the iPod to other computers, iTunes not required.
make and store loads of different playlists so I can listen to what I want, depending on my mood
also, it lets me keep my address book/contact list and calendar/schedule with me all the time.

it does so much more than just play music through headphones.

None of that is iPod specific save for the address book and calender.
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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>The iPod has earned a good reputation. Others may do the same,
>but many don't want to be test users if they have to pay full price.

I bought my first disk-based .MP3 player five years ago; the Creative Nomad Jukebox. Then three years ago I bought a MuVo and replaced the hard drive with a 1GB FLASH card (more durable.) These things have been around for a long time.

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