
Looking for a good way to keep riser covers closed.

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Got a friend with an older Eclipse on which the riser covers often come open, even when belly flying. The tuck tabs are the right size and seem to fit okay on the ground. I'm thinking about sewing a layer of cordura over the tabs to thicken and roughen them to maybe keep them in the slots a little better. Any comments or suggestions? Thanks.

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I'm thinking about sewing a layer of cordura over the tabs to thicken and roughen them to maybe keep them in the slots a little better.

I've tried that a few years ago. It didn't work very well. The problem remained and it led to a malfunction. Tell your friend to be safe and buy a new rig.

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"How do I keep riser covers closed?" is one of the more often asked gear questions. Some issues:

Some riser covers suck, and there's really not much you can do to get them to stay closed.

If they are velcro closed (rare nowadays) then replace the velcro.

If they are damaged (i.e. use stiffeners that are cracked or have binding tape coming off) get them fixed. Sometimes this will require major work on the rig.

Make sure bulk distribution of the reserve is correct. I have a hard time keeping my older Reflex riser covers closed unless I keep the bulk low.

Make sure the canopies are the correct size for the container. A larger main - and especially a too-large reserve - can cause the covers to behave oddly.

I would strongly advise against modifying the riser covers. We had a cutaway this weekend when one of a jumper's riser covers released and the other one did not.

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The riser cover went through a few design changes while in production. Barring modifying the riser cover to a later design, it may be tough.

Without seeing it it's going to be tough to diagnose but I've got a good Idea what's probably wrong with it..

Look under the riser cover where the sidewall connects the riser to the back pad. Sew the 2 portions together. (binding tape to binding tape.That will tight it up some.

Another issue... the distance between the plastic and the side wall is probably too wide as well. Without pulling the plastic out modding the cover to shorten that piece up, it will be difficult. Finding someone to do it may prove challenging.

If you'd like to, you can sew on some rubberized grip tape rather than the cordura. That may help.

Later models came with it under the tuck flap and on top of the tuck tab on the riser.

Good luck.


Got a friend with an older Eclipse on which the riser covers often come open, even when belly flying. The tuck tabs are the right size and seem to fit okay on the ground. I'm thinking about sewing a layer of cordura over the tabs to thicken and roughen them to maybe keep them in the slots a little better. Any comments or suggestions? Thanks.

My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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I was about to comment when I saw Bill Booth's post. Bill said it all, magnetic riser covers is the solution. That's what I have on my VECTOR III. And as Bill mentioned earlier, after opening they close back. One more thing, packers will love you with such a rig since it's way easier for them.
Learn from others mistakes, you will never live long enough to make them all.

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In my limited experience I have seen that bulk distribution of the reserve has a big impact on otherwise properly functioning tuck tabs. On my rig (V3) they pop out yet before the repack they didn't. With only a few hundred jumps on it the rig is in excellent shape. I may try massaging the freebag a bit.

I wonder if magnets can be installed after the fact?


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Pretty sure I was given a number of something like $700 to get a retrofit on a vector3... requires a whole new yoke, I believe.

Never had one of my V3 tuck tab riser covers open at the wrong time as far as I know... I did have the plastic stiffeners crack on both sides though. Replaced for free by UPT under warranty when the rig was 3 years old, including replacement of at least one entire riser cover since the broken plastic had poked through. No problems with the new plastic material they switched to, except the very first jump on the new riser covers when one decided not to open. A lot of yanking on the riser got it to open, and no problems since then (2+ more years on it).


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Bill, just because the V3/Sigma riser covers never worked well, doesn't mean that other brands haven't come up with very functional designs.:P


Other brands just worked harder at perfecting riser cover tuck tabs.
For example, when I worked at Rigging Innovations (1994 - 1997) I packed dozens of prototypes and replaced hundreds of main riser covers. The largest single problem was tuck tabs. Tolerances on tuck tabs can be as tight as 1/16 of an inch ... very difficult to achieve with fabric.
The major dimensions on the Genera were perfected after a half-dozen prototypes, but then we needed another 34 prototypes to work the wrinkles out of the main riser covers.
Then once the factory had perfected a riser cover pattern, a field rigger would "invent" a vastly different method of bulk distribution, throwing off all our calculations!

The worst Telesis looked like a two-humped camel!

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Magnetic riser covers are the only way to go. They answer all the problems that are inherent in tuck-tab covers. In a few years, I predict, tuck-tab riser covers won't even be made anymore. If you can't get magnetics, choose velcro.

I'll search later but which magnets am I to use for my old Eclipse? Will you sell me some?

My rig by the way, does not have any flap issues at all.
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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Oh I might put some credit in the prediction, but I'd wage it's driven by the ignorance of the market as much as anything else.B|

Edit: And all things considered, I like your rig too Bill.:)

You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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(my quote)which magnets am I to use for my old Eclipse? Will you sell me some?

Is that a no;)

Ok, so the magnet comment didn't apply to an old Eclipse... got it!:P
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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I'll reply what Bill would probaly like to put. He never said he could retrofit your old ass eclipse, he simply stated that he believes magenets are the way of the future. Go get you a new damn rig, you know something that was made in the last decade.;):P

Before you ask yes i own a new Vector3, ok well 2 of them.B|

Nothing opens like a Deere!

You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

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Yes I know exactly what he said what he meant ...but since he replied to an eclipse thread regarding magnets... I simply wanted to hear it from him ;)

I'm not the original poster either :D but I can assure you my personal eclipse does not need replacing. After a couple thousand jumps on that rig alone, it's still just fine and looks good. There's NO way I'm buying a new rig for what they cost now.

My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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