
Parachute simulation for PC

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Canopy Glide is a parachute simulation software for PC developed by Static Line Interactive, Inc.

Video 1 and Video 2, screen shots

Some features are:
* Brakes input
* Front risers input
* Rear risers input
* Trajectory review
* Trajectory comparison
* Different wind speeds
* Landing information (distance to target, speed, damage)
* Analog and digital altimeters

What do you think?
Regards, Alexander. http://staticlineinteractive.com

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What is this "it" that is "all broken"?

Given a 31mph face down collision with the ground you can let your imagination run wild :)

I'm assuming that you're involved with the development of this software and that english is not your first language. No biggie.

What Howard is saying is that "It is all broken" doesn't make sense in the context. Perhaps something like "You are critically injured and unconscious." would be better, or if you really want to stick with the first person dialogue, "I am critically injured and unconscious."

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What Howard is saying is that "It is all broken" doesn't make sense in the context. Perhaps something like "You are critically injured and unconscious." would be better, or if you really want to stick with the first person dialogue, "I am critically injured and unconscious."

I see what you mean. Thanks a lot! Such corrections are always welcome!
Regards, Alexander. http://staticlineinteractive.com

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I think it looks good. I thought about trying to make a skydiving video game but I can tell you right now i'd never have the time to complete it. To be honest I think the graphics are a little lacking but given the size of the skydiving industry we should be happy to take what we can get. I doubt I could do anything as good as that.


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I think it looks good. I thought about trying to make a skydiving video game but I can tell you right now i'd never have the time to complete it. To be honest I think the graphics are a little lacking but given the size of the skydiving industry we should be happy to take what we can get. I doubt I could do anythin as good as that.

Thanks for the good words. Graphics will be improved, because that is the easy part. A lot of work was done on the aerodynamics of the canopy, so that it simulates what happens with real canopies (surges, stalls). In this sense it's not simply a computer game :) As long as people find it useful it will get only better.
Regards, Alexander. http://staticlineinteractive.com

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i read that article, and believe me, i love videogames.. dont think it can replace the real stuff tough.. :|

That's the last thing anyone wants :) Nothing replaces real stuff :) The goal is to get the most from the real stuff. We have education, so people do not have to discover everything from scratch. Everyone can capitalize on the body of knowledge available up to date... if one can get access to it.
Regards, Alexander. http://staticlineinteractive.com

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sure, i mean, i had my fair share of things i've learned the hard way. like in a too early flare, NEVER let go again. not even an inch. that was pretty painful actually..

i learned to adjust for oncoming ground, when and how much to flare, also depending on winds n'stuff. i dont think a computer-program can replace any part of that. its a see-feel-taste thing. no virtual reality can give you that experience..

but its cool somebody develops stuff for us skydiving-folks, my props for that!! :)

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Has anyone played the Go Sports Skydiving game for Playstation 3? I played the demo and it allows you to do formation or landing target modes. It's really fun to fly the canopy around and try to hit your mark but the fat clown looking guy in the tutorial cracks me up everytime lol
"...And once you have tasted flight, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been, and there you long to return..." - Leonardo da Vinci

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Two videos that show a simulation of a 220sqft canopy landing on a dropzone at 12000 ft elevation (such as the drop zone next to the Everest) as compared to a sea level dropzone. This video was created after talking to Chris Parsons.
Regards, Alexander. http://staticlineinteractive.com

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Is your simulator's control techniques mappable to joystick axises? Can I use two joysticks?

Can I map it so that the center of a springy joystick is the full gide position, and pulling to the bottom of the joystick is the full brake position? (Instead of pushing forward, which is counterintuitive because many joysticks "spring" back to the center, so naturally center of joystick probably should be full glide in "feel")

So I can use two Flight Simulator style joysticks for toggles for left and right hands, and use the throttle sliders for risers?

Hey, one could probably jerryrig a pulley system with fake toggles from the ceiling that shifts an actual joystick a small amount, so one could actually pull rea toggles to control your simulator. :)
Just some creative ideas.
Map ___ control to ___ axis on joystick number ___ and using range of axis from ___% to ___% (center = 50%)

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Thanks mdrejhon for the suggestions.

We played with the joysticks and gamepads (which have two springy joysticks for thumbs). Canopy Glide does not require separate inputs for right and left (no turns are enabled), that's why only mouse support is enabled. We'll enable joystick support in feature releases.

We were thinking about pulley system as well, but there are many things that can be done and we focus on things that we believe are the most important for skydivers. That's where the feedback comes into play. But in general, if someone would like to design/manufacture/sell the toggles inputs, we'll definitely support it!
Regards, Alexander. http://staticlineinteractive.com

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I'm not sure if this is the same canopy simulator that was on Dropzone.com in early November. I tried the demo version of that one, but it wouldn't work on my laptop and it crashed my desktop big time. I'm afraid to try it again if it's the same and hasn't been fixed.

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