
Sam Kinneson

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Yes Seen him, Met him and while I can't say I KNEW Him. I did talk with him many times and had drinks with him when he would come into town (When I lived in Vegas). I worked at Ceasers for a long time and everytime he was in town he would take the time to find what area in the casino I was working and Say Hello. I will bring in my buisness card with his Autograph on it and scan it (maybe I am lazy and forgetful) Last time I spoke with him was the night before he was killed. He had just got married and was Clean & Sober. He was drinking cranberry juice instead of his usual beverage that night. Not sure why but when he told me he was driving to Reno instead of flying it made me nervous.:(

He was a Genuine Down to earth person and I MISS HIM:(

~Side story my little brother was in Jail with the Kid that killed him. The kid was "bragging" about being the person who Killed Sam Kinnison>:(. My Brother Knocked him out.~

Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.

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I was supposed to see him in concert at the Anaconda Theater in Isla Vista in, I think, December, 1991. But, the show canceled and was to be recheduled for Spring, 1992. But he died before the show was to occur.

My first memory of Sam Kinison was his appearance during a Rodney Dangerfield special when he did the bit about "Stop sending money to world hunger organizations." I laughed so damned hard.

Then his role as Professor Turgeson in "Back to School" was an instant classic.

I think my favorite bit of his was the one about calling his parents after they said he was an adult and they weren't gonna support him anymore. You could really hear his preacher background when he started softly,


"You know, before I was your little son, before I was your baby, before I was your LOAN, I was a free spirit in the next stage of life. I walked in the cosmos, not imprisoned by a body of flesh, but free, in a pure body of light. There were no questions, only answers, no weaknesses, only strengths..

(The crescendo is building rapidly)...

I was light, I was truth, I was a spiritual being, I was a God...

(To the inevitable sreaming)

but you had to FUCK and bring my ass down HERE. I didn't ask to be born! I didn't call and say: 'Hey, please have me so I could work in a fuckin' Winchell's someday!' Now you want me to pay my own way? ... FUCK YOU! PICK UP THE FUCKIN' CHECK, MOM! PICK IT UP!'"

Gad, that one cracked me up.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Good brother you have.

Yeah he is a Good Guy just has a problem with authority and thinking if he can take your stuff he you didn't deserve it anyway. I hope when he gets out of the Pen THIS time he can stay out. taken him 13 years to do a 6x6 Running wild....:S

Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.

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I was supposed to see him in concert at the Anaconda Theater in Isla Vista in, I think, December, 1991. But, the show canceled and was to be recheduled for Spring, 1992. But he died before the show was to occur.

Oh yeah, it had already changed names from The Graduate by then (and since has gone to IVBC - Isla Vista Beer Company and probably another name or three). The original Grad was related to the one in SLO and Chico with maybe a Sac or Davis location as well AFAIK.

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I was living with a friend who was going thru a nasty divorce, we had a mutual friend that was working the comedy circuit and knew Sam. Our friend talked to Sam and Sam ended up calling the house. We were out[:/]:((WTF!!!!!!!!!), but Sam did a 10 minute routine, on the answering machine as to why divorce and women suck. Curse words, screaming, ranting & raving..the whole nine yards. Still have the tape.:D[:/]

A miracle is not defined by an event. A miracle is defined by gratitude.

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Guest 1010
I saw Sam with my kid bro at the Schnitz in Portland ... must have been about 1991 ... I always liked his rant about sending food to the Ethiopians ... "They don't need food! There is no water there! All they have is sand! They need trucks, and lots of them, damnit, to move the hell out of there to someplace where they can grow food!" :D

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