
Song Help Plz

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I'm looking for the title and artist of a song I heard on the radio. It can be classified as either a rock/reagge hybrid (think Sublime) or straight up reagge. I believe it is a new song by a new artist, but I'm not sure.

Vague description, but its the best I've got.

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I'm looking for the title and artist of a song I heard on the radio. It can be classified as either a rock/reagge hybrid (think Sublime) or straight up reagge. I believe it is a new song by a new artist, but I'm not sure.

Vague description, but its the best I've got.

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I'm thinking "King without a Crown" by Motest(sp?) Yahu.

Ditto. And it's Matisyahu.;)

That's not bad, there's heaps of them on limewire, I've not heard of them beforeB|
Thanks Kris
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Do you remember any of the words in the song? If any phrase is stuck in your head, try googling those words together with the word "lyrics". Chances are you'll find the lyrics for the exact song you're looking for, which will also indicate the title and who sings it.

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That's not bad, there's heaps of them on limewire, I've not heard of them beforeB|
Thanks Kris

Always glad to turn someone onto a great new artist. His entire "Shake Off The Dust" CD is definitely worth a listen.

Do a search on the name "Matisyahu". There was a thread a few months back with a link to one of his video performances. Tres sweet.B|
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